Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:15:04 AM

Chapter 36: Interesting!!

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Chapter 36: Interesting!!

Then they saw Haru position his palm In front of the man with blue skin. And they heard a low voice.

"Shinra Tensei." And the man with blue skin shot out like a cannon and hit the tanned man as both collided with the mountain and the land around where the man was standing was destroyed along the path.

"OK, now retreat I am not taking no for an answer." When they heard him say that they felt complicated as they wanted to help but they knew they can't do anything.

"Let me heal you first."

Then Byung-gyu used his remaining mana to heal Haru and dispelled the poison that they thought was fatal. But in reality, wasn't anything that could harm Haru.

"Ok, we are retreating," Goto said to the hunter as he was the second in command for this raid. The Japanese hunters followed him as everyone knew they weren't in a condition to fight as they had injuries and have also run out of mana.

(What makes you think we will let you go?) they saw the Tanned man and Blue-skinned man walk out with little injuries that were already healing.

"Don't hesitate you have to go fast. or I won't be able to fight." Haru said that looking at Hae-in, Kanae, and jin-woo. Who were hesitating to retreat. And after hearing him they left with the rest.

The Tanned man released his aura which caused then to stiffen again.

'T-this isn't something we can face.' Jin-woo thought with sweat on his forehead.

All of them knew that these human-like beasts were something far more powerful than the Ant King. They weren't able to do anything in front of the ant king so what can they do here.

They felt like they were going to die here because they know that the human-like beasts had no qualm using them as a way to sneak attack the only person capable of fighting them. But then the pressure eased when they felt a familiar aura surrounding them. They turned around and saw the confrontation of a black aura and a red flame-like aura going against each other as the land started to crack around them and the clouds in the sky scattered.

"Go now." They heard a calm voice saying them to retreat as the flame-like aura overwhelmed the black aura.

And they retreated to a safe zone but then they saw the female cameraman put her helmet that had the camera for the broadcast down. She positioned the helmet to face the fight. When she felt everyone was looking at her.

"I have to share the heroic figure of Haru-sama with the world or they won't know his greatness."

What can they say except this woman has her priorities straight?

Then they started running as they felt tremors that shook the whole island and the sea around.

'Was he not fighting with his full power because of us? Were we pulling his leg this whole time?' this was the thought of the raiding party as they gritted their teeth.

They were S-rank even though they had their pride they couldn't refute the facts in front of them. As they looked back to see large pillars of ice and fire colliding with loud sounds and tremors that shook the island. They were sure they wouldn't be able even to survive being near the battlefield. Don't even mention fighting. The ones whose mood was the worse were Jin-woo, Hae-in, and Kanae. They were extremely angry for not being able to help him.


The people watching the Raid have been on an emotional roller coaster. They cheered loudly when they saw the three ants being defeated but that turned into fear when they saw a single ant suppressing all the hunters with its presence alone. They thought that it was all over until they saw Haru fighting the ant.

The 'expert' brought by the television station also said that if Haru wasn't exhausted he would've defeated the ant without getting poisoned. He also said that the Hunters not being able to fight also played a huge part as Haru had to be on the lookout so that they don't get killed like the ant tried to kill Hunter Cha and Japanese hunter Tawata.

There was a lot of criticism online but a lot of people supported the hunters saying that it isn't hunters who are weak but the monster that is too strong.

@HUNTERENTUSIAST, Then what do you call Hunter Haru who can fight that monster even while being exhausted.

@HARUSAMA4LIFE, @HUNTERENTUSIAT, Did you just compare a normal human with Haru-sama blasphemy I call for punishment.


And smoke rose all over the place covering our vision.

The Frost monarch appeared behind me and attacked me with daggers made of ice I used my katana to parry his attack.


Then attacked him with a kick to the abdomen from the right side. He wasn't able to react as his body bent like a bow with his hand and ribs shattering.


He shot out like a cannonball out of a cannon and hit the ground rolling and bouncing a few times before he stopped. Then the beast monarch attacked me from behind trying to bite my head. I gave him an uppercut with my left hand and he shot up In the sky.

I saw the camera that was placed here has been broken,

'Ok, the show is over I wanted to show them the power of these beings and some of mine. Now my plan will be easier to implement.' I thought as I waited for these two to stand up.

(BASTARD, I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU.) the Frost monarch said as he used magic to isolate this place from the outside world. I just let him do what he wanted as he will die soon anyway and it also makes things easier for me. His right hand is still dangling right now.

(You won't be able to leave this island now. I have now separated this place from the outside world. Although you are strong this is your end after killing you we will finish off the rest of the humans and we also found the shadow monarch's vessel.) the Frost monarch said.

(Show us your last struggle puny human.) The Beast monarch was grinning while saying this as it seems he has recovered.

I sat down and crossed my leg as I supported my head with my right hand.

(What, you already gave up?) The Beast said while grinning.

"(Fighting you two isn't fun why isn't the third one coming out?)" I said in monster language which caused their eyes to widen.

(ARE YOU SAYING WE ARE WEAK?) the Beast Monarch shouted.

"(Yes Mr.assassin I am saying that you are weak so tell the third one to come or should I do it myself.)" I said as I find the third one to be interesting.

(Who are you calling an assassin?) The beast monarch said.

"(I mean aren't you an assassin?)" I asked.

(I am the King of the Beasts, The Beast monarch.) He Growled.

"(You can become a good assassin with your proficiency in sneak attacks. What a waste of talent.)" I said with a mocking smile.

His face twisted in anger as he attacked me with his mouth wide open. I appeared above him and stomped his head into the ground. With my leg covered with Gura Gura no mi's power.


And the whole space shook. I looked at the place where the third one appeared. While my foot still on the beast monarch's head.

i saw a beautiful young woman with glowing red eyes, pale skin, long flowing black hair, purple lips, a perfect hourglass figure, a large bust, and insectile hands and feet. She was wearing greenish-black armor that left her upper cleavage and shoulders exposed.

'Interesting indeed.'

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!