Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:56:47 AM

Chapter 363: I Didn't Choose Yet

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Chapter 363: I Didn't Choose Yet

[Several constellations are pressing F to pay respect.]

"I was just saying what I thought," Haru just shrugged.

"I really do not like receiving something for free, Let's say I owe you a favor for this gift that you've bestowed upon me, Whenever you're in need of my help, call upon me without hesitation," Ji-won said while covering her mouth with the sleeve of her costume.

"Sure, I'll call you if I need help, alright Bye-Bye," Haru said with a smile.

"B-Bye-Bye," Ji-won responded back as he left with his group.

"A-Ahem* Do you have anything to say?" Ji-won cleared her throat making the people who were looking at her scatter since they had a lot of things to do now.

'He is different from others, I haven't been treated like this my entire life,' She looked at Haru's back as he got further away from them and covered half of her face with her sleeves, but if one looks closely they'll be able to see the blush underneath.

"He got her," Hee-won muttered.

"Totally," Alea nodded.

"Hook, Line, And Sinker," Jin-ah said while they were running towards the other exit of the museum. She was always amused at these types of situations, cause they were quite entertaining to watch from the sidelines once you get used to it.

"What are you guys talking about?" Haru asked without turning around.

"About how you hoodwinked a poor woman in less than 10 minutes," Hee-won said with a smile, but Haru's next words made her smile freeze.

"I didn't really hoodwink her or anything, she got the station she needed and we got a potential ally for the group, it is a win-win,"

"It's worse than I thought, I feel bad for her now," Hee-won sighed looking at Haru's confused face. This guy had no idea what he had done.

'Well, I am sure he wasn't really paying attention to Min Ji-won, She may be the King Of Beauty but...' Dok-ja thought about the woman who stays next to Haru at all times.

"Anyway, why are we in such a hurry?" Hee-won was curious since Haru suddenly behaved like this when just a little while ago he seemed to have all the time in the world.

"They are already at the destination," Haru said and the group understood what was going on, the group they were supposed to negotiate with had already arrived.

"What?" Jin-ah exclaimed in shock.

"You should've told us Haru," Alea was also flustered.

"Why were you even looking for an ice cream shop?" Hee-won's face was twitching uncontrollably.

"Why did you do that? We have already secured a few shops since they were near one of our stations," Hae-in jumped in and Haru's eyes shined.

"What do you mean by 'we'? It was clearly you doing it all alone," Kanae looked at Hae-in.

"Hmm? But wasn't it you who spotted them first saying that Ha-"

"I don't remember doing that," Kanae glared at Hae-in but instead of being deterred, Hae-in was smiling more.

"But I do, you allocated 10% of our group to secure the shops and the station by making a deal with the king of that area,"

'Why did you say that?' Kanae thought looking at Hae-in who was able to read her thoughts easily and just smirked.

'Teasing her in fun, I kind of understand why Haru does it all the time,' Hae-in had used this to pass her time since the scenarios started, there wasn't much to do on her side.

"Oh, Thanks Kanae!" Haru smiled happily, he was a bit busy with things and could only secure one shop that didn't have much in stock. So, it was really great that Kanae had made sure to get a few.

"Leave that aside, seriously you guys have no sense of danger," Kanae grumbled and sighed heavily.

"So, how many kings went inside the museum?" Haru asked and Kanae looked at Hae-in.

"From what I had seen about 5 groups and nearly 500 people went in," Hae-in was the first one to arrive at the location to scout the area before Kanae and the group came a little later.

"They are really big groups, aren't they? And you guys only brought 20 people with you?" Haru said looking at Kanae's group.

'You're one to talk,' Everyone thought so even Haru's own group members, he only came out with seven people counting himself.

"I don't think they are singular big groups, they are most likely small factions formed by several Kings, our base was attacked a few yesterday as well," Hae-in said as the scattered groups started to band together in factions trying to take down other, they did succeed in taking down a few but they couldn't do any damage to Kanae and Hae-in's group.

'Is it that guy's work?' Dok-ja seemed to think that the 1st Apostle was behind this somehow, it was just a guess but not a far-fetched one considering that person's skill and after what happened in Chung-muro.

"So, Haru did you already choose your King attribute?" Hae-in asked changing the topic, she was very curious about what type of attribute Haru got.

'Hmm, I am curious as well, hopefully, it matches mine,' Kanae thought while putting on her poker face, she didn't want others to know what she was thinking.

Kanae's King Attribute was 'King Of Discipline And Righteousness' it had very good effects like giving her and her group a buff when fighting for the 'Righteous Cause', this has resulted in her getting a lot of attention from the Constellations that belonged to the Pure Good Alliance.

And then there was another effect, this increased her fighting power and potential if she was disciplined in her training and life, which was like the perfect buff for her.

So, she wanted to know what Haru got, but...

"I haven't chosen it yet," Haru said with a laugh and the area was eerily silent.

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