Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:56:16 AM

Chapter 369: 369 So You Were Here

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Chapter 369: 369 So You Were Here

"What? Did your supporting constellation pull something from his ass?" Su-young scoffed.

"No need to try and waste time here, for all you know I might be just behind your real body while you think that you are running away," Su-young clicked his tongue as Haru said that, things didn't go as planned but even now he had the confidence in running away because he had made a perfect plan for escaping.

"Stop spouting nonsense like a typical minor villain and catch me if you can,"

"Did you really think you were the only one buying time here?" Haru said and Su-young's eyes widened as the connection with this clone was cut in an instant.

"Quite jumpy just like a cat," Haru laughed and turned back to look at the battle Kanae and the others were having.

It was all finished, there wasn't anything major to take away from the battle since it was mostly a one-sided fight.

"This really took it out of me," Hee-won was sitting down on the floor.

"Me too," Alea was tired as well since her mana reserves were cut by a lot so she had difficulties adjusting to them now, but it was only a matter of time before she gets used to it.

"Medic team move out fast and gather the injured, focus on the severely injured doesn't matter if they are of the other group," The army captain in Kanae's group ordered and looked at her to see if she had any more orders, but...

"We've taken care of the people here, it would've been a hassle if it wasn't for your ability," Kanae went to talk with Haru who had just come towards them.

"It was thanks to the King's attribute, so it was thanks to you," Haru was talking about the privilege he got from the King's Attribute 'The Emperor', it allowed him to impose any of his skills in a certain area while ignoring the conditions and limitations for a total of 5 minutes.

But it could only be used on the people the user didn't consider his own allies, since the emperor shouldn't need to use it on his own subordinates, otherwise, it shows that the emperor is incompetent and doesn't have the necessary intelligence to choose his own subordinates thus losing the Attribute.

It was an odd condition just like the ability.

"It was just you who was careless, I shouldn't even need to point it out," Kanae said as Haru laughed.

"I guess you are right, sorry,"

"...You are forgiven," Kanae mumbled in an inaudible voice and Haru tilted his head.

"Did you say something?"

"N-nothing, just that Hae-in should be back with the main culprit behind this anytime, so we need to take care of things here quickly," Kanae spoke quickly. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

"I don't think you spoke that much?" Haru wondered if his ears were failing him.

"Just do your part alright!" Kanae said and turned around with a small blush on her face.

[The Constellation 'History's First Loner' has decided to close his eyes.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'God of Storms and Tantrums' is sighing heavily.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Ghost of Tosa' is clicking his tongue in regret.]

[The Constellation 'Slumbering Lady of The Fine Brocade' is silent.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is laughing while giving a thumbs up.]

[The Conetalltion 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is saying 'Ez money']

[900 coins have been sponsored.]

'She's probably never letting that 3000 coins joke go,' Dok-ja thought but he was impressed, no not with Hee-won but...

"You two are really knowledgeable about history," Dok-ja looked at Alea and Jin-ah.

'They were able to guess that much by just observing Sang-Kyung,' Dok-ja himself needed his character list skill to know who was who. But Alea and Jin-ah seemed well-versed in history.

"We studied quite diligently," Alea said with a hollow smile while Jin-ah was still lost in her dreamland.

"Damn, I could never focus on my studies at that time," Hee-won sighed as if she was remembering her school days, it was the same for Dok-ja.

'Believe me, we didn't want to study either,' Alea shuddered as if she could feel the piercing gaze of a certain person from behind her, but the problem was that the said individual wasn't even here.

"Anyway, aren't they going to fight at this rate?" Hee-won said pointing back at Ji-won and Sang-kyung.

"No they won't," Dok-ja shook his head because; if the two were going to fight they would've done so already.

But that wasn't a very good idea considering the time and their affiliations. Ji-won was from Haru's side or at least that's what it seemed like to Sang-Kyung who was from Kanae's side, But Haru and Kanae's side were also allies.

So, if these two fought it would most likely be broken by their powerful allies. Worst case scenario their group might get destroyed as well.

'Hae-in should be back any second now,' Haru thought looking at the head of Su-young, from his calculation the person in question shouldn't be that far away.

Jong-no district, Seoul.

This is also where the building for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was located, a little distance away from the National Palace Museum of Korea.

It was a towering building from where you could see the surrounding area, a perfect place for someone who needed to scout the area. Well, not really since it can be an obvious spot that anyone would check first.

But because everyone thought that it was an obvious spot, no one would think that someone was actually using it to spy.

'Damn it, how did he do it? Even after I made such a perfect plan,' That's what the person who came out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building came out thought in anger.

The anger was surely justified because...

'His constellation is supporting him too much, damn it I would've had him if not for that shitty last-second ass pull,'

But even if things didn't go as planned, this person was sure.

"Next time, I'll surely kill you the next time,"

"Oh! So you were really here," But the person stiffened as soon as she heard the voice from behind.

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