Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:56:05 AM

Chapter 372: No Need For Words

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Chapter 372: No Need For Words

'I see that is why she didn't stop him,' Hee-won saw that Hae-in could've simply intervened when Dok-ja was picking up the flag. But in the she did not and even Hee-won didn't move herself.

'He needs to face the consequences himself anyway,' Hee-won shrugged and then...

"So, what do we do with this one?" Hee-won looked at the former Tyrant King who was knocked unconscious by Kanae before she was teleported.

'If he goes on a rampage once again after waking up it would be tough to deal with him,' Hee-won thought since this guy was also packing some serious strength.

He would've caused a lot more havoc if it wasn't for Kanae and Hae-in quickly knocking him out.

"Leave him be, Kanae said she'll deal with him when she comes back," Hae-in stretched her arms as she took command of the groups to get the injured treated quickly. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

'She is somehow really sensual without even trying,' Hee-won didn't know how Hae-in managed to do that, maybe it was because of her curvy body or mannerisms, but she was a real charmer and it showed as she ordered people around to do her bidding even if they weren't in her group.

'I want to see how that battle is going on, it surely isn't going to be really easy for you Dok-ja,' Hee-won thought while looking at the green barrier that was towering over all of the buildings and could be seen from all over Seoul.

Gwang-hwamun Square.

[King's Qualification]

1. 「 The owner of the throne should be braver than anyone else. 」

–The Absolute Throne never wants a 'weak king'. To challenge the throne, you must own at least a black flag.

2. 「 He who dreams of the throne must desire it. 」

–The number of 'kings' that can challenge the throne is decided. In order to gain the right to challenge it, you must remove the other kings around you.

3. 「 A single king stands alone without any help. 」

–The king who can challenge the throne must be able to prove his strength was just his body.

There in the middle of the barrier that was going from the ground all the way up to the dome that covered the entire Seoul stood 7 individuals.

They were Kim Dok-ja, Yu Jung-hyuk, Han Soo-young, Min Ji-won, The Neutral King, Tawata Kanae, and lastly Tsugikuni Haru.

These were the people who made it to the last qualification; one of them will get the Absolute throne and rule the entirety of Seoul Dome.

Normally this was a stage set for the Historical Grade Constellations of each country so that they can improve their prestige and hopefully advance a rank by building a narrative.

But in Seoul Dome, only two people with such constellations qualified for this, and both of them knew they weren't going to win it.

[The constellation 'Maritime War God' is calmly watching the situation.]

[The constellation 'Bald General of the Peasant's Army' is feeling bad for other Historical-grade constellations.]

"I will, but don't go overboard, alright?" In the end, she just sighed as Haru didn't answer her.

'It will not be good if ends up exposing more than needed, but it is a little cute to see him this way, just a little,' Kanae shook her head to get her previous thoughts out and then she also reappeared outside of the barrier where everyone was gathered.

"Kanae you aren't fighting?" Hae-in tilted her head in confusion when she saw Kanae walk over.

"Yeah, I thought you would totally beat up that fool," Hee-won may have only known Kanae for a while, she understood what type of person Kanae was.

"No, Haru said he'll handle it and I have no interest in that throne anyway," Kanae shook her head and Hae-in raised an eyebrow.

"Oh! You're leaving things in his hands for once? Now that's a real surprise," Hae-in chuckled and Kanae glared at her.

"Don't utter another word," Kanae said with a serious face.

'Oh, It's about that one,' Jin-ah and Alea thought of an incident as well, and as if Kanae could read their minds she looked at them making them cough and avert their eyes.

"He can be surprisingly reliable at times, huh," Hee-won said and Kanae looked at her.

"Yeah, that he is," Kanae said with a small smile.

'He is always reliable in his own way,' Kanae thought and Hae-in nodded.

"I agree with you,"

"How do you even know what I was thinking?" Kanae looked at Hae-in who only smiled.

"You are just that easy to read,"

"At this rate, I might end up in a fight with you," Kanae's face twitched as she balled up her fist.

"Haha, that would be bad, anyway looks like the fight is about to start," Hae-in didn't look particularly worried about Kanae's threat, she knew that Kanae won't really fight her over something like this.

"Damn, I feel sorry for that rude bastard somehow," Hee-won covered her mouth as they saw the fight if it could even be called that.

A few minutes earlier,

"What a bunch of idiots, well this makes it easier for me," Soo-young mumbled while looking at Haru and Jung-hyuk as nearly half of the Kings left before the fight even started.

Haru and Jung-hyuk didn't even bother to look their way and just rushed toward each other. There was no need for words or persuasion here, both men were going to do the talking with their attacks.

The first one to strike was of course Haru as he had bigger reach with his fists and height.


yeah so no chap for daft this week, I can't edit chapters this week.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!