Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:56:03 AM

Chapter 373: The Absolute Throne Has A New Owner?

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Chapter 373: The Absolute Throne Has A New Owner?

The first one to strike was of course Haru as he had bigger reach with his fists

'I'd need to use more coins,' Jung-hyuk used more coins to increase his agility from 20 to 30 only to barely dodged the punch and then send his own fist toward Haru's face while increasing his strength to 40.

Even then Haru easily moved his head to dodge the punch and grabbed Jung-hyuk's arm before turning on the spot as he threw Jung-hyuk with a shoulder throw.

"Ugh," The ground where Jung-hyuk was thrown cracked and it showed how powerfully he was thrown down.

But he didn't have much time to think as he quickly jumped up as a foot landed where his head was and made a crater in the ground. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

No need to say that it was Haru, he pursued Jung-hyuk hitting him with punch after punch putting the latter in total defense mode.

'I can't get a hit in,' Jung-hyuk tried to counter but all of his attacks were dodged as Haru's attack got fiercer over time.

"W-what are they?" Soo-young's voice didn't sound as confident as she saw the way Haru was punching Jung-hyuk and how the latter was hanging on for dear life.

'Of course, it would be this way, the last qualification isn't all about who has more coins,' Dok-ja was also looking at the two fighting, 'It is about who has more fighting experience and unless one has a large number of coins there is no way to overturn the situation, I don't think even I can overturn this with the number of coins I have.'

Some constellations may not like this seeing this as an unfair advantage since there was no limit to where the stats can be raised with coins in this particular instance.


[It is within their right to spend the coins they have, and of course all increased stats will be reset after the scenario ends.] The Dokkaebi said much to the dismay of the constellations, but most of them did not care as this would affect them anyway.

[62,982 Coins]

Dok-ja looked at the amount of coins he had, but these coins will not be enough.

And these two had both coins along with unreal fighting ability. Needless to say, Soo-young could feel her plan crumbling away, but she wasn't alone.

'This is bad,' Dok-ja thought before that Haru would surely have a tough time here since Jung-hyuk is a Regressor so he had a lot of fighting experience under his belt.

'I thought I could use this as an excuse to maybe keep a good relationship with Haru after what happened,' But it didn't look like Haru needed his help in the slightest since he was easily handling Jung-hyuk barehanded while the other one was now using his sword.

Dok-ja was sure Haru would look the other way if he helped him against Jung-hyuk, no matter how angry Haru may be, he was someone who understood when to draw the line when it came to someone who had helped him. But he also had a line which if crossed will land you in the deep end.

'This is why I have been careful,' Dok-ja had been careful not to get Haru and his group involved in something where they'd be in life-threatening danger.

But Jung-hyuk just crossed this line with no regard, this was because he wasn't worried about dying.

'But I am, you Regressor bastard,' Dok-ja thought while looking at Jung-hyuk getting hit by a flurry of punches. His only regret was that he wasn't the one doing it.

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is narrowing his eyes.]

[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is happy to see the beat down.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child of the Sun' is cheering enthusiastically.]

[The constellation 'History's First Loner' is closing his eyes at the sight of this brawl.]

[The constellation 'The Famous Swordsman Who Doesn't Exist' is enjoying the fight.]




[10,000 coins have been sponsored.]

Haru wasn't in the mood to read through the numerous messages as he just looked at Dok-ja.

[Congratulations! You have passed all the tests of the Absolute Throne.]

The ward in the air slowly disappeared.

[The temporary stats added by the coins are reset.]

[All constraints on the kings have disappeared.]

'Ok, now is my chance,' As soon as Dok-ja saw this message he knew he was good to go, because no matter what happens...

[...Oh, a winner has appeared, but it looks like it cost you a lot of coins.] The intermediate Dokkaebi looked dissatisfied; the reason was that the battle didn't reach the standard he thought it would, it lacked any sense of thrill since it was too one-sided. And this caused many constellations to complain about it.

But since it had already happened, there was nothing that can be done about this.

[Well... good. This is the result. Now, I am informing all incarnations of Seoul. Just now, a new owner of the Absolute Throne was born!]

Haru was looking at the Dokkaebi while Dok-ja knew it was now or never.

"Wait!! Haru-ssi you shouldn't sit on the throne," Dok-ja didn't want Haru to sit on the Throne, it wasn't because he thought that Haru would do something bad with its ability but...

'No one should sit on the Absolute Throne,'

[Ha! When has the winner ever listened to the loser? And you, sit on the throne and claim ownership.] The Dokkaebi said to Haru.

"Don't wanna," Haru dug his ear with his finger and the Dokkaebi's face twitched.


"I don't feel like doing something when I am told to do it," Haru said with a shrug as the Dokkaebi looked like he was about to explode.

"So, he's back to normal now," Hee-won laughed dryly as she and the group came near them. It seemed that Haru was over his anger now, well he did beat up Jung-hyuk a bit too much.

And it wasn't just Haru's group that gathered, pretty much all of the groups who partook in the search for the Legendary sword were gathering in Gwang-Hwamun Square.

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is enjoying this with a mouth full of popcorn.]

[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' finds the situation amusing.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

Even the constellations were used to this behavior now, it was funny, yes. But they all knew that Haru was no fool.

"You said you had a reason, it better be good," Haru spoke while looking at Dok-ja.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!