Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:55:57 AM

Chapter 376: What Do You Want?

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Chapter 376: What Do You Want?

'What's with all these big shots?' Paul sweated just from the pressure of these gazes, not to mention that these were just the most powerful of the bunch, there were many others who were looking at him as well.

He couldn't understand why so many big constellations would be interested in such an incarnation.

"You see this? This is the true nature of the Dokkaebi, I will tell you this now, we will pass the Fifth Scenario, but only if you all understand that we need to come together in order to face this crisis," Haru took this opportunity to push the argument.

"Why do you think the dokkaebi have tried to divide us from the start? In the first scenario, we were asked to kill each other to survive, then in the second scenario, we were made into smaller groups that fought each other for coins and resources, and in the third scenario we once again fought in order to survive and push the others to their death in order to do so, in the fourth scenario we gathered all of our members and waged war against others once again, all for what? To survive? Were there no other ways to achieve that?"

"We could've survived if came together, many of your comrades and loved ones would've survived if you chose to do so, but you didn't," Haru said and he could see that many people could see his point, it was indeed correct if they had chosen to band together they would've made it past the scenario but instead...

"You all let the Dokkaebi divide you with fake rewards in order to do their bidding," Haru felt like it was time to end this all, "But it still isn't late, if we all come together now, we'll be able to save more people, and we'll be able to pass through the scenarios together rather than trying to kill each other and piling up more dead bodies."

"If anyone of you plans to join us in this, join our group and we'll work towards our goal together," Haru then continued as he looked around the crowd, "But if any of you still want to fight for the Absolute Throne, there are still 20 minutes left you are free to attack."

"I am in agreement, there isn't a better time than this," Kanae was the first one to agree to this and this caused some of the other groups she was in contact with before to understand the situation, this wasn't a mere spontaneous thought that came about just now.

Kanae had been trying to get the groups to cooperate for some time now, now they understood where it came from.

"I am in agreement as well," Min Ji-won was the second to announce her participation as...

"I am in agreement," Sang-Kyung also raised his hand, he may have lost his flag but he was still the leader of his group.

'Well, this should work,' Hae-in was sure that unless there would be no problem with things as they were going. No one seemed to have the thought to come forward and fight for the throne and the Dokkaebi looked like he was also at the end of what he could do with his authority.

'All that is left now is...' Hae-in looked at Haru who was standing near the Absolute Throne.

"Looks like we have reasoned with them," Haru smiled and Dok-ja sighed in relief that is until.

"Now give me the sword," Dok-ja looked at Haru asking for the Sword in his hand.

"This?" Dok-ja pointed at the Four Yin Demon Decapitator while blinking.

'Don't tell me, he already figured it out...' But Dok-ja's worries came true in the next instant.

"We need to use that to cut down the connection between the Throne and the one it is borrowing power from, right?" Dok-ja could only blink when he heard this, but there was more...

[Why must you make things difficult young man?] He heard King Se-jong's words but...

"I am sure you already understand that this is the only way to achieve what you guys want, if I take the throne this world will end, if someone else takes it the result will be the same, so destroying it seems like the best way," Haru said without much change in his voice even though he knew what the other was talking about.

"The same is true for all you Korean constellations watching, This is to prevent the suffering of your descendants, you have been using them like you want from the start watching them go through hardships like it is some sort of game," Haru looked up and continued, "So, are you going to help them this time or are you leave everything in the hands of an outsider? I don't care either way honestly."

[Many Constellations that belong to the Korean peninsula are silent.]

[The Constellation 'History's First Loner' is shaking his head at your provocation.]

[The Constellation 'The Famous Swordsman Who Doesn't Exist' thinks you are a fun guy and wants to be your supporting Constellation.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is watching you with extreme interest.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is snickering at the constellations that belong to the Korean Peninsula.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child of the Sun' is extremely worried.]

[5000 coins have been sponsored.]

[You are really troublesome Young man; I guess it is because you are still young.] King Se-jong said as he saw Haru grin.

'He's causally talking to a constellation like it is no big deal,' But Dok-ja still stepped back as he saw that Haru was ready to start the main event.

"I call upon the first star of the big dipper, Dubhe. The second star of the big dipper, Merak. The third star of the Big Dipper, Phecda. The fourth star of the Big Dipper, Megrez. The fifth star of the Big Dipper, Alioth. The sixth star of the Big Dipper, Mizar. And The seventh star of the Big Dipper, Alkaid." As soon as Haru started calling out the names the sky became clear of any clouds and everyone could see the countless stars that filled the sky.

And among them, 7 shone the brightest forming a constellation...

'The Big Dipper,' Hae-in and the others recognized the constellation in the sky as Haru...

[What do you want from us?]


From the next week or the week after that I plan to resume daily uploads.

Just letting you guys know in advance.

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