Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:15:00 AM

Chapter 38: Finished?

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Chapter 38: Finished?

Everyone who was watching the live broadcast was speechless. They didn't know how to describe the scene they were watching. And no one can blame them as the fight that was shown wasn't something they could imagine.

With ice bombarding the land with white and red lights collided all over the place. Only trails of fire can be seen with the hands or legs of the beasts flying. With huge ice golems and pillars attacking while the ground shook to them being cut into pieces.

Then they saw the clash of the Ice and Fire Breaths and the destruction it caused. And the Broadcast stopped.

Silence. Silence prevailed in every house where the broadcast on being watched.

Then a man in his twenties picked up his phone dialed the number of the T.V station after a few rings the call was picked up, but no one answered.

The young man took a deep breath then...

"Why the fuck did the broadcast stop?" he shouted waking the person from the T.V station to come out of his Daze.

"W-We are looking into it." She answered stuttering.

"Then hurry the fuck up." The young man shouted again as he slammed his phone down on the sofa while looking at the T.V screen.

This scene played out in almost every house as they called the T.V station to check why the broadcast stopped.

It was a riot on the internet as well.

@HARUSIMP70, Why did the broadcast got cut?

@The_human_bread, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

@KBSOFFICIAL, The camera that was recording the fight was destroyed so we can't continue the broadcast.

@HARUSIMP78, replying @KBSOFFICIAL, AHHHHHH we wanted to watch Haru-sama, you going to feel the wrath of heaven. Sisters I am calling for holy punishment.

AGREED X20,000.

@ZUCH69, Replying @KBSOFFICIAL start the broadcast or I'll un virgin your olive oil. Don't think this is an empty threat I have experience in it.

@ZUCHED Replying @ZUCH69 Finally a worthy opponent. Our battle shall be legendary.

@FLEXTAPE Replying @ZUCH69 That's a lot of damage.

It's certainly lively that's for sure.

The T.V station,

"S-Sir w-what should we do? All of our landlines are ringing constantly asking for what happened." An assistant asked his senior. And waited for his response.

"T-Tell t-them the camera broke apart during the collision." Even the senior himself was shocked because of what had happened. Then they continued with the recording of the second camera that was still intact and saw them discussing going towards the battle as the sounds of the battle died down.

Back to m.c

I used a large circular slash cutting his two arms again. Then he used his legs to attack me but only attacked my after image as I was falling towards him. I swung my katana multiple times creating a dragon made out of solar flares as I attacked him cutting his body Into 12 pieces as I landed. And breathed out and saw my katana which has bent towards the right side. And the monarch's body started to disintegrate In small particles of light.

And I saw Jin-woo, Hae-in, and Kanae with other hunters with the cameraman as well looking at me with their mouth wide open.

"Why don't you listen to orders," I said as I laid down and closed my eyes sleeping after my not-so-intense work. But still, I had a good sleep.


The internet was more lively than ever. With videos of Haru fighting the White wolf and his other fights were being watched on repeat. And him falling unconscious after exhausting himself(That fucker is just being lazy tho.). it was a festival on the internet and in Korea as they rejoiced the end of the S-Rank gate that has broken many families apart was finished.

The boss of the island was dead as the joint team of Korean and Japanese hunters went to kill the queen after sending Haru back to the ship for medical treatment. The raid ended with Hae-in cutting the head of the Ant queen as Jin-woo was busy killing the Ants around the island as he tried to make the 4 ants into his shadow soldiers he succeed on the first 3 which had the rank of elite knight nearly maxed out but he wasn't able to extract the last one for the first two times then he tried for the last time and succeed then he was surrounded by darkness as he saw that Ant king rise but he looked weaker compared to before. Then a system notification that one else other than him can see popped up.

[The target's soul has been damaged. It's power rank has been reduced.]

He didn't understand why this happened but then he saw the rank that he didn't know.

[????- lv-1 General]

"Whatever your name will be Beru."


The Coast of China,

A man can be seen standing on the deck while looking at his phone watching the live broadcast.

He is a muscular and handsome young man with dark yellow eyes and long black hair that he wears in a ponytail, with several large additional strands of hair dangling from his head like leaves from a tree. He is wearing a brown shirt with black pants, and black boots. And two swords on the back of his waist.

"I want to fight those monsters after seeing this battle. It's so boring here." He said as he looked at the hunter who fought with them.

"Interesting. Li I need information on hunter Tsugikuni Haru as fast as possible." He said looking at the young man.

"Yes." A young man said as he went to follow the order.

'I wonder who will win in a match between us'


Manhattan, USA.

"How many times are you going to watch it?" Laura asked looking at the gaint man who was watching the recording of the broadcast for the 20th time.

"No matter how many times I see this I just don't get bored. And I am interested in the Human-like monsters as well." He said while thinking of the man who came out of the dungeon suspected as a humanoid monster. But it was proven wrong as he went back to his country Korea.

'Korea, huh' He smirked while looking at the T.V where Haru was sleeping.

"I might take an vacation there soon."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!