Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:55:40 AM

Chapter 380: Silence

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Chapter 380: Silence

Soo-young puffed out her chest but Dok-ja massaged his forehead because that wasn't the reason he was stopping her...

She soon got the answer...

"Why am I getting so many notifications?" Soo-young looked over and her smug face turned into horror real quick.

"Huh? What the hell is this?" Soo-young nearly fell down after seeing what was in front of her eyes.

[The Demon king 'The Architect of Discord' has taken note of your presence because you killed the tier 6 Humanoid Demon, Werewolf Minu Song.]

[The Demon King 'The Architect Of Discord' will remember the incarnation who delivered the final blow.]

[The Demon King 'The Architect Of Discord' will send its subjects out to search for the incarnation who delivered the final blow.]

[Final Blow: Han Soo-young]

'Now Soo-young is a target of the Demon king Andras,' Dok-ja clicked his tongue, if he wasn't sent down memory lane he would've managed to stop Soo-young.

Something like this was the worst thing that could happen since he was thinking of teaming up with her for the rest of the sub-scenario.

"Hey!! Help me!" Dok-ja heard Soo-young say that but...

'Who is she talking to?' Dok-ja saw Soo-young in front of her like she was seeing something.

And indeed she was...

[Desserts For Days: You said you wouldn't need my help again.]

'Why do you have to bring that up?' Soo-young gritted her teeth since that is what she told this constellation like 30 minutes ago when he woke her up before something happened to her at the coin farm.

He even gave her an ice cream that brought her back to full health and mana while boosting her base stats as well.

'I thought you had some bad intentions, so of course I'd say that,' Soo-young knew that Constellations didn't really view humans as anything but entertainment, so her reaction was indeed normal not to mention that she was pissed so she was more irritated then normal.

"I am sorry alright, but you should understand my point," Soo-young just wanted to get out of this situation right now.

She didn't want to be constantly hunted by the Demon King's lackeys. It would be literal hell for her if she got caught. This happened to the protagonist of her novel and it wasn't good.

[Desserts For Days: So, have you considered my proposal?]

'That again?' Soo-young once again felt suspicious of this constellation.

"Why do you want to be my Supporting Constellation?" Soo-young asked in the end, this guy has been watching her for a while, and from the donations he gave he seemed more than just loaded, he was definitely a big constellation that she didn't know about.

But his funny name made her skeptical of him; if he had a badass-sounding name like the [Abyssal Black Flame Dragon] she would've considered it seriously.

[Desserts For Day: You can say that I am just trying to make up.]

"What?" Soo-young couldn't understand anything but...

It came so suddenly that it even startled Soo-young out of her regrets, making her look up in shock.

And then another notification came among that fiery thunderstorm.

[The Demon King 'The Architect Of Discord' is no more.]

[The Constellation 'Desserts For Days' has a message for all Demon Kings and Constellations.]

[I don't like flies buzzing around when I eat my sweets so go somewhere else.]

Just like that, there was one less Demon King.

This action sent tremendous waves across the several factions around the star stream.

But the entire Star Stream was silent, not a single voice was heard from anywhere and the eerie silence shrouded all.

[Dok-ja] Then, Dok-ja heard Bi-hyung's trembling voice in his head.

[Hey what happened?] Dok-ja had a hunch that it had something to do with what happened just now.

[I can't be here for long but let me just tell you one thing,] Bi-hyung said making Dok-ja stop all of the questions he was about to ask as he waited for her next words.

[Never, ever rub that constellation the wrong way, I beg you just don't,] those were the last words as Bi-hyung cut off the connection quickly.

'What the hell happened for Bi-hyung to be this scared?' A Demon King like Andras dying wasn't that big of a deal, but for Bi-hyung to act that way.

'Something is really up with that Constellation,' Dok-ja thought as he looked at the beaming Soo-young who seemed over the moon, 'Just whose interest have you gotten?'


"Achoo! Did I catch a cold?" Haru muttered while rubbing his nose, but he shook his head since it was unlikely, he hadn't been sick since he gained the powers back on that day.

'The others must be missing me. Anyway, let's see how things are going on,' Haru sat down on the swing in the park where he woke up in and took out his phone.

- Queresha, did you complete the preparations?

Haru asked in the group chat and the answer came immediately.

Queresha – Yes, we have moved the base to our mansion. And we have received a few people from Kanae's group already.

Kanae – Good, you can have them help around the place and gather other people who were scattered around the area, I am sure the others from our groups are on their way as well but it would be better to meet them first and aid them.

Kanae was keeping an eye on the group chat while she was in northern Seoul.

And another person who hadn't appeared in a while spoke in the chat group.

Zenobia – I will be coming over with my group as well, and I have also made the network machine by using the Dokkaebi network system as a reference, it is already connected to your devices since ours were made that way, but if you want to add others just tap your phone on their device and it'll be connected in a minute.

'Looks like things are working properly,' Haru smiled, his plan was very simple to the end.

He allowed Dok-ja to spread the word about the book of prophecies knowing what the guy was aiming for, Haru was already looking for a way so that most of the forces in Seoul gather in Gwang-hwamun. So Dok-ja's plan came in at the perfect time. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!