Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:55:27 AM

Chapter 384: Jinah's First Time (3)

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Chapter 384: Jin-ah's First Time (3)

He stripped off her thin t-shirt and shorts while taking off his own sweatshirt. A handsome attractive Japanese man and a beautiful Korean girl who knew each other since childhood, things were bound to reach this stage, it is just that this one took a little longer because of circumstances.

They stood in front of each other naked, Jin-ah eyeing his chiseled figure up and down. She had seen some parts of him after he grew up, like his upper part whenever he came out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

At the time she had the strong urge to just pull down the towel but knowing she would fail she stopped.

'But teasing those girls from my department by showing her my 'boyfriend's abs' was really a fun experience,' Jin-ah laughed, she had taken a few selfies after pressing her face against Haru's abs.

And then she showed them to her friends at university, the look of jealousy on their faces was something else, Jin-ah quite enjoyed it as well.

But that wasn't the main purpose, she really wanted the gossip that 'Sung Jin-ah already has a boyfriend, and he is super ripped, he even does martial arts it seems,' to go throughout the uni so that the boys stop chasing after her, it was a method suggested by Queresha.

'Poor Alea though,' Jin-ah laughed since Alea was still haunted by the confessions, but she was more upset with the fact that she couldn't do the same with Haru.

All in all, Jin-ah was able to understand that Haru was quite the ideal man that women were after, even if he didn't show his face he could still get them with just his body.

But she knew that he wasn't the type to sleep around even if he could, he told them that he was 28 in his last life but he still didn't have any sexual relationships even with the same looks and tons of money to boot.

That was a combination that would have many women line up, not to mention that Haru had a really good personality, if she went to list things about him that would make Women want him, she'd be there all day.

This is why it always made her proud to know that she was one of the few women that he loved, if asked whether she wanted to be the only one, she'd nod no doubt.

Who wouldn't? But she knew that it was far too much to ask for, she would've really had trouble with him if he did that after she could satisfy him, but that was pretty much impossible.

"Yeah," That was all Jin-ah heard as soon as her back landed gently landed on the soft mattress then....

"Are you ready?" Haru asked her in a gentle voice as the mattress sunk underneath their combined weight, his well-built body mounted her slim one, and the sturdy slab of meat was resting right above her soaking wet clit, and onto her stomach.

It gave her a visual representation of how inhumanely far within her vaginal cavity he planned on reaching.

'Wait doesn't it hurt when it reaches too far? No didn't they say it felt extremely good?' It was a frightening thought, but an exhilarating one too, and Jin-ah held no plans of running away, instead, she has been waiting to experience it herself for so long.

"Yes~," She panted low on the breath as she swore that she could hear her own heartbeat pounding in her head.

Jin-ah was preparing herself for the ensuing pounding, understanding that this wasn't going to be all flowers and paradise, to be honest, that would be boring for her as she always envisioned Haru as some sort of sex demon who fucked his women till they passed out.

She had this sort of expectation because of the stories she and Alea have heard from Hae-in and Queresha, they tried to ask Kanae but what they received was clear.

But at least they knew that Kanae also got the same treatment as the other two given how flushed her face was.

Jin-ah gripped the pillow underneath her head bracing for impact.

Jin-ah squirmed a little as he lined up his thick organ with her inflamed vagina, realizing that there was no need for further lubrication, considering how soiled the mattress was becoming from her juices.

Jin-ah kept her legs apart and welcomed in her ginormous invader, whimpering loudly upon the initial contact, every inch of her body feeling energized and alive.

The room was silent save for her frantic breaths, Haru stared into her eyes with a soft gaze before leaning forward and capturing her lips in a chaste kiss that relaxed Jin-ah before he started to enter her and pushed himself inside before she even realized it. Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

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