Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:55:25 AM

Chapter 385: Jinah First TIme (4)

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Chapter 385: Jin-ah First TIme (4)

The room was silent save for her frantic breaths, Haru stared into her eyes with a soft gaze before leaning forward and capturing her lips in a chaste kiss that relaxed Jin-ah before he started to enter her and pushed through her hymen before she even realized it.

"Oohggnhhh~! Ahhh~! Oh~! It is finally in me! Haru!" Jin-ah mewled, gritting her teeth and whimpering slightly as her spine arched and she rolled her groin against him.

Queresha took extra care while training her to make sure that Jin-ah's purity remains intact, when she was asked why...

'It is an honor for a woman to be able to give her husband the right to break her purity, I was unable to do it and it saddens me greatly, so much so that I do wish it upon another woman, that is why you must be careful as you are the only one among us who has that privilege,' Jin-ah knew that Queresha's logic was quite extreme for any modern women to understand, but she agreed on the fact that she wanted to let Haru, the man she wanted to marry take her first time while breaking her hymen.

And it finally happened...

"Tell me if it hurts, don't even think about lying," Jin-ah smiled as she heard Haru speak in her ear, he may sound tough but she could hear his breath quickening with every little thrust he made inside her.

"There is no way you would hurt me, so, just go at your own pace, give me all of your love~, Okay?" Jin-ah said while stroking Haru's back and he suddenly thrusted deeper into her making her moan loudly.

"OnngGhhhHHHG~!" And before long Jin-ah spasmed underneath him, already losing herself to her first vaginal orgasm.

After that the room was no longer silent, her moans grew fierce and her squirting spritzed his groin, her wet folds expanded slowly as he jostled his big erection in and out of her pussy, warming it up and working himself like a piston, thrusting farther and deeper inside every time.

"Jin-ah... are you.... Ok?" Haru asked as she hadn't spoken properly in a while which prompted him to stop for a second, Haru was quite big and it wouldn't be easy for a slender Jin-ah to take him in completely without it causing any discomfort.

"Don't Stop~ Keep Going~ Ah~! I Love it~," After being reassured that she wasn't in a great deal of pain, he waited a few minutes before truly unleashing himself, pounding her like a beast in heat.

Greatly enjoying her slender figure that felt far too delicate in his hands, it was like she will break if he wasn't careful. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

His hands carefully felt up her modest boobs while rubbing her engorged pink nipples and playfully pinching them.

And Jin-ah was far from shy, she expressed her love for her current situation, shouting and confessing to every lewd fantasy she had while thinking of Haru while he smiled and caressed her slim waist lovingly.

She even told him that she had stolen a few of his used boxers from the laundry a while back to smell them while masturbating, eventually, she was caught by Queresha and punished but the matter was never revealed to him surprisingly.

'I must've made you wait for too long,' Haru thought while looking at Jin-ah, but he had his reasons even then he felt bad about it so he planned on making up for it.

But the way she was thrashing and heaving beneath him grew violent, to the point where he was scared that he might've gone too far and she got hurt, and then his concerns were dialed down whenever he would look at her face.

Delirious with lust and the words she was spewing was the type that both of them wouldn't want anyone else to hear.

But even if he didn't have that type of ability, she didn't care in the slightest, if possible...

'I am quite ready to have a kid,' Jin-ah wasn't alone in this regard at least, even Kanae who normally would just glare if you talked about sex in front of her, Would show a soft smile at the mention of having a child.

Queresha and Hae-in were far more open about it with the former even saying that she had already left that decision to Haru, if he wants to have a child with her, she wouldn't even object.


'Yeah, now isn't the best time to do that,' Jin-ah clearly understood that they were in a predicament of sorts, Haru was being more serious than how he was normally, and that itself was a big enough reason for her to understand.

'And besides, this is my first time...' Jin-ah smiled as she looked at Haru's hard erection, seeing that he was about to sit up she pressed on his chest softly before straddling him, 'It would be too much of a shame if I got pregnant after only once.'

"Let's do it again~, You don't have a problem, right?" Jin-ah licked her lips as she used her hand to guide Haru's penis to her leaking hole.

"Let's do it till you're satisfied," Haru just smiled sweetly as Jin-ah grinned.

"Now you've done it, I'll empty your balls of every drop of semen it has," Jin-ah said as she pushed herself down taking his entire inside her.


That night the room was filled with her pleasure-filled moans till early morning, she went to sleep completely full and exhausted in Haru's arms as he patted her head lightly.


So, what did you think? it has been while since I have done this and it took quite an effort to write.

And I wanted to ask if I should write more of them.

Do you guys want to read em?

Well, I am asking this cause the response has been quite iffy along with the lack of powerstones, I need them you know?

Anyway tell me what to do next.

Should I continue the r 18 chapters or no?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!