Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:55:15 AM

Chapter 387: Who Is The Kid?

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Chapter 387: Who Is The Kid?

"So, to Zenobia Unnie now?" Jin-ah asked as she had also read the messages in the group chat.

"Yeah, let's go quickly," Haru said and the two set off to east in order to meet with Zenobia's group who were in Apgu-jeong.

They set out in the morning and fought monsters along the way earning a good amount of Coins.

"There aren't that many strong monsters around now," Jin-ah said as one of her icicles stabbed a wolf-like monster earning her 500 coins.

"It is better that way you know," Haru said and Jin-ah giggled, she knew why he would say that but it was still funny.

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' agrees with the Incarnation 'Sung Jin-ah']

[The Constellation 'I Like Feet' is fed up with the constant craving for violence.]

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is asking 'Gonna Cry?']

[The Constellation 'I Like Feet' has chosen to ignore the Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon']

[Some Constellations are complaining about the slow pace of the Scenarios.]

[2,000 coins have been sponsored.]

'Why can't they just stay silent for once?' Haru was getting bored of the constant bickering among the constellations with the Flame Dragon being a major nuisance.

But that wasn't all since there were more constellations that were being more of a nuisance than them.

[The Constellation 'Goddess Of Love And Beauty' is asking what you two did in the Toilet.]

[The Constellation 'One Who Likes To Change Genders' is also asking the same question.]

[The constellation 'One Who Hates Food' is asking for details of what you did.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child Of Sun' is keeping a watchful eye on the situation.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is lurking.]

Many Constellations are curious about what you did. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

[4,000 have been sponsored.]

Haru just constantly ignored these ones as there was no way he was going to tell anything.

Then just like that they reached Apgu-jeong by night, and there was someone waiting for them.

'Her group is even bigger than mine,' The place they were sitting in now was a parking lot of an apartment complex, Zenobia easily had over 700 people in her group, it was like she had gathered a lot of the survivors from the south of Seoul.

And it looked like the group cared for her a lot as Haru had felt them all look at him vigilantly, especially the combat group who were in charge of Zenobia's safety.

Even though they had eased up a bit seeing her being so friendly to him they were still a little wary which wasn't bad at all, if anything Haru would've been disappointed if it wasn't this way.

Anyway, the dinner went by in silence for the most part and now Haru was with Zenobia in her room along with Jin-ah who seemed like she enjoyed the dinner a lot.

"I'm Full~," Jin-ah sighed lying down on the sofa with a satisfied look, but that was beside the point.

"So, what did you want to show me?" Haru asked and Zenobia gave him a tablet as he placed the empty bowl of ice cream on the table.

Haru looked at the screen that was showing footage of a part of Seoul through her drone. It is just that it now looked nothing like the former city with towering plants and vines covering the skyscrapers along with weird flower heads with eyes looking in all directions, and as soon as these eyes met with the drones they were attacked.

'An interesting defense system,' Haru thought that even though he was not a fan of the look.

"This place is?" Haru asked and Zenobia answered.

"Gang-dong," It was the area just east of here, it was still a little distance away but not that far.

"Wait for real?" Haru asked and Zenobia nodded.

"What happened here?" Haru couldn't help but question since aside from monsters appearing and damage to infrastructure, Seoul was pretty much the same.

But now there was this place that was completely changed into something else as more things kept getting poured out of what looked like a hole in the clouds above.

"I don't know for sure, it started a few days ago just after I lost contact with the group who had their base there," Zenobia said and Haru started to think.

"Does it have anything to do with them?" Haru questioned and Zenobia had no idea as well, but from the information they had, it looked that way.

"My drones have often met with incest human hybrids whenever I tried to reach the groups base in Chen-ho recently, I don't know for certain if they are behind this phenomenon or not, but it seems like they are up to something there," Zenobia said and Haru nodded.

'Insect humans and werewolves...' Haru thought as he looked at Zenobia and she nodded as if she had the same thought as him.

"There is indeed a meteorite in Cheon-ho and whatever they are planning isn't good," Zenobia had this gut feeling, if possible she wanted to go there and confirm her suspicions but she didn't have the leeway for it before.

She needed to constantly monitor the surroundings of her group and give out orders to defense teams who battled the monsters along with the werewolf group who attacked them on multiple occasions.

If there was a slip-up somewhere her group which mainly consisted of non-combatants would be finished.

So, she chose to stay back and watch instead which reduced her choices of actions but she had a good number of options as things have gotten better after she took the lead and destroyed a few of the camps that belonged to the werewolf group.

"Well, Who is the kid?" Haru asked pointing at the girl who was sleeping on Zenobia's lap, it was the same kid who was glaring at him before.

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