Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:14:58 AM

Chapter 39: Confession!

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Chapter 39: Confession!

When the world outside was in chaos the person who caused all this was sleeping soundly.

"Hmm," I woke up only to smell antiseptic. I still lay on my bed and didn't sit up while thinking.

'They brought me to the hospital. I was too tired from acting and not killing them in one shot.' I thought as I sat up on my bed and saw Jin-ah sleeping while sitting on the chair as her head was resting on my bed. I shook my head as I saw that it was currently 5 A.M. I smiled as I saw her and I can see the tear marks on her face.

I feel bad for worrying her. I didn't want her to be sad but I guess that is too much to ask, as you will always care for someone you love no matter how powerful they are.

I smiled as I caressed Jin-ah's head.

And she woke up, I took my hand back as I saw her rubbing her eyes lazily.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked her in a soft voice to not startle her.

She stopped and looked at me with her big eyes and blinked a few times.

"I just woke up, if you act so cutely I might pass out again," I told her with a smile.

She then jumped on me pushing me down on the bed as she hugged me. I didn't do anything as I could feel her trembling. I guess I scared her a bit too much. I didn't know my acting was this good.

I hugged her who was laying on top of me and patted her back.

"Why....Did Hic* You have to do something so dangerous?" she asked while crying on my chest.

"Looks like I worried you a bit too much. Sorry. " I said while hugging her. She hugged me with more force and said.

"I don't want to lose you." she lifted her head and looked me in the eyes. I can see her gray eyes had a lot of determination.

"Haru....." she said while looking at me.

"I love you." Her face turned red as she said that but still looked me in my eyes.

"You know I proposed to Hae-in right," I said with a bit of embarrassment and guilt.

"You call that a confession even a 12-year-old can do better." She said and it dealt me more damage than the monarchs.

"Unnie told me about it when I told her that I like you. I wanted to wait but... I don't want to risk it again. I wanted to tell you how I feel. So answer me." She said while glaring at me.

I thought of my feelings towards her. I have liked her all this time as I spent my time with her, so I'll say it as well

"I love you too," I said as I felt my face getting hot as it is my first time saying this to someone. I have never been in a relationship before.

"What about..." I was about to ask but...

"We are Ok with it." She said while looking at me with clear determination.

"You have already talked about it," I said as I was surprised.

"I wanted to talk to you both about it slowly but aren't you acting too fast. What if you regret it later." I told her while caressing her cheek. I wanted to take it slow so that they can accept it.

"When you were asleep we had our final talk and we agreed. As either of us doesn't want to lose you. And what do you mean regret? You are looking down us." She said as she was glaring at me fiercely.

"I am sorry what can I do to make you happy," I asked her as she looked away. I pulled her towards me as I kissed her on her lips which surprised her as her eyes were wide open at the start. But then she closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss. It was a slow kiss as both of us hugged and felt each other's warmth. After 5 minutes I pulled back as she was breathing heavily then she looked up with tears in her eyes as she laid her head on my chest.

I hugged her and said.

"Sorry for being such a bastard, and letting you talk about this."

I said to her as I have been worried about how can I talk about this topic with no would want to share their loved ones. No matter if you are a man or woman it isn't something normal for those who live in modern society.

What would you do if someone said you to have romantic relations with your Girlfriend/wife? Of course, no one would agree, so how can you expect your Girlfriend/wife to let you have a romantic relationship with another woman.

"You are overthinking things again. That has been a bad habit of yours since childhood. Just be glad that you have us and live happily." I heard her voice as I saw her looking at me with a cheeky smile.

Well, she isn't wrong I always had a habit of overthinking stuff. I gave her a peck on her lips as I said.

"Yes believe me. I won't let it come to that I promise." my answer caused her to look at me with a smile and said.

"You better keep your word Jin-ah has always liked you since she was like 12 years old." She said while looking at me.

"Marrying more than one person isn't uncommon as there are many countries who have legalized polygamous marriage." She said I was looking at her while nodding as it was true.

"I know you won't make them sad but I just wanted to tell you this. So rest for now." She said while leaving.

"Thank you aunt for believing in me," I said. I may have failed them once but I won't do it again and make sure they are happy.

She smiled and went out.

I then laid on my bed as the doctors came in to do some check-ups and when I asked them when I will be discharged they said tomorrow at the earliest.

I nodded as I saw my status.



LEVEL: 27 (80/100%)

AGE: 20


STRENGTH: A (5,850)

AGILITY: S- (6,850)


VITALITY: SS- (9,050)

CHAKRA(MANA): SSS- (11,450)

CHARM: SS (9,850) [Can't be increased with points]

POINTS: 11,000


Standard Nichirin katana (E)

Demon slayer uniform with Haori(D)

Runestone: Gluttony(S+)

Runestone: Ice magic(A)

Sword Eater(A-)




This is what I got from the raid of Jeju island I have to say it is quite good.

"Now what do I use these for?" I said as I looked at the rewards.


"Haru can I come in I want to talk?" I heard Kanae outside the door.

"Yes come in," I answered as I sat up on my bed.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!