Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:55:00 AM

Chapter 392: Just Remembered?

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Chapter 392: Just Remembered?

And like that the two left for Cheon-do.

"Did you guys tell everyone about what happened in Gwang-hwamun?" Haru asked as they were running and...

"Of course, they were about to find out about it sooner or later, so we saw no point in hiding it," Hae-in shrugged and Haru nodded.

"Is that why you brought those two over specifically?" Haru asked and Hae-in smiled.

"Who knows?" Hae-in smiled and Haru sighed.

'This is going to be a little more troublesome than what I thought before,' But he didn't think too much of Hae-in's actions since he just needed to move a few things around and it wouldn't even matter, it was just that...

'I really need to punish Jin-ah for this,' Haru was thinking of that as he saw Hae-in looking at him every so often with a mischievous smile.

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is saying 'Stop with the flirting, I hate that.']

Haru just deadpanned at that as they traveled to Cheon-do at top speed.

And by midnight they were already there, it was easy to find their territory since Haru was already told by Zenobia about the mark of this group.

"There is the white rose you talked about," Hae-in pointed at the ground as she sheathed her sword, she had kept it out in order to face any monsters they might come across but... Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

"This seems like the proper place as that guy has been through here already," Haru said touching the blood of the monsters that was splattered on the ground, well he already knew who it was thanks to Zenobia.

It was then that...

"Haru," Hae-in said and...

"Yeah I know," Haru spoke standing up again and turning his head to the right to look at the 1st floor of a building, and he caught a silhouette of someone running away.

"Well, we meet faster than I thought," Haru muttered and....

'He is here! Fuck! I need to run!' That was the only thought in Soo-young's head as she jumped from the first floor not even caring for the glass shards from the window, she just wanted to run away from there at the moment.

"Shit! Shit!" Soo-young may put on a brave front when she was face to face, but she actually knew her limits and someone like Haru was surely out of her power level which is why.

'I need to get out of here and make some plans before I can face him again,' Soo-young had no qualms about leaving Dok-ja behind right now, if anything she wanted Haru to find him since that'll give her more time to run away.

"Seriously where were yo-" And here Dok-ja froze in place seeing the familiar handsome face in front of him.

'I am dead~!' Dok-ja thought as a smile came on his face automatically.

"Dok-ja, get some tea we have a guest," Soo-young said with the most forced smile and...

'Yeah, you brought the damn reaper, you idiot!!' Dok-ja didn't say anything but Soo-young clearly heard his words from the intensity in his eyes.

"Well, long time no see," Haru said with a smile breaking the staring game between Dok-ja and Soo-young.

"Ah, it has only been a few days, but I do feel like it has been a long time since we met Haru-ssi," Dok-ja said but he was only met with silence from Haru.

'Say something please!!' The silence was way heavier for Dok-ja for many reasons but he was lucky since it didn't last for long.

"Well, you can drop the pretense now," But the words that came out of Haru's mouth did scare Dok-ja a little.

"Anyway, why are you three here together?" Haru asked looking at the three of them and...

"Oh, we came here because something very troublesome happened," Dok-ja saw this as a chance was about to change the subject while doing a few extra things but...

"Did you come looking for the Meteorite as well?" Dok-ja stopped in place when he heard Haru say that.

'He already knows?' Dok-ja was now left trying to figure out how much Haru knew about the situation since that could be a very good opportunity for him, but it seemed like he was overthinking things way too much because...

"By the way you don't need to be so anxious, I am not here to kill you or anything like that," Haru said and....

'Wait what?!' Dok-ja was wide-eyed right now and his dumbfoundedness showed on his face because.

[Yu Jung-hyuk: He isn't lying.]

Dok-ja saw Jung-hyuk's message on midday tryst because the latter's tongue was still paralyzed for him to speak for himself.

'Wait is he really not doing that?' Dok-ja couldn't help but question it in his head since that was the type of world this was now, even though he disagreed with Jung-hyuk's way that was the surest way to be able to survive in this world.

Not caring for Dok-ja's thoughts, Haru looked at Soo-young who was smiling for some reason.

"Want to kill me? Sure go ahead if you can handle the consequences,"

'Wait, where did this bravado come from, Oh...did she just remember that she has a big constellation supporting her?' Dok-ja's face couldn't be any flatter as he saw the smugness on Soo-young's face.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!