Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:17:16 AM

Chapter 4: Siblings!

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Chapter 4: Siblings!

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I forgot to properly look through my memories after I got them, How did I make such a mistake?

I turned my head and said with a slight smile.

"Hello, Jin-ah and Jin-woo. I am going outside to eat. where are you going?"

"Ah, Oppa and I are going to eat outside as well. Haru Oppa do you want to come as well?" Jin-ah said smiling cheerfully.

"Yes, why don't you come with us," Jin-woo spoke agreeing with Jin-ah.

"Of course let's go," I said normally and we started walking like normal we went out of the building. Towards one of the pork belly shops following Jin-woo on the left Jin-ah in the middle and me on the right.

To say we were the center of attention was an understatement. Pretty much everyone was looking at us.

"Hey look at them what do think their relationship is?"

"I would kill to be between those hotties."

"How lucky of her to be with those two. I like the one on the right."

"Me too"

"Yes, yes."

"I like the one on the left. But the right one is a hottie as well are they idols or something."

Jin-woo and I both sighed at the same time, this is new to him but it was a common sight to me.

"Both of you are popular, especially Haru Oppa?" Jin-ah said teasingly. This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

I just pulled her cheeks.

"Don't tease me, alright."

"AHHHH sorry sorry. it Hurts" She cried.

I released her and she started grumbling about me being unfair with her cheeks a bit red.

'Did I pinch her a bit too hard?'

Jin-woo was laughing on the side.

They were friends so they helped each other, 4 years after that my parents passed away in a dungeon incident. Aunt Kyung-hye helped me a lot. And 2 years after that aunt Kyung-hye fell into eternal slumber.

We were devastated at that time but I and Jin-woo couldn't drown in sorrow so we both worked to provide help to each other. it wasn't easy as Jin-woo took the path of hunter even while being E-rank and I worked part-time and gathered money.

There were times when raids didn't go well for Jin-woo or he was in the hospital and wasn't able to make enough money to support aunt's medical bills. So I helped him during those times.

Jin-woo and Jin-ah are akin to my siblings to me. In this world. I do feel the same affection for them because of the memories. Or have I always wanted siblings? I don't know what it is but it's fine, isn't it? I'll cherish what I have.

"Don't worry, I won't create a problem like a certain someone. If I can't become a hunter I won't do it." I said smiling while looking at Jin-woo, I gave Jin-ah some pork belly that I cooked.

"Do you have to bring it up all the time?" Jin-woo said as he smiled bitterly. And we continued eating and talking.

And on our way back home we talked a little about what we were doing and minor things.

I went back to my unit after saying bye to both Jin-ah and Jin-woo.

After entering my house I sat on the sofa and started thinking.

So, he has gotten the shadow monarch class. Next is going to be the red gate incident. He said that he will be home today means it will be tomorrow after he comes back from the meeting with Jin-ah's teacher.

Ok, let's train now and I have to control all of my power as soon as possible.

With this, the space around me changed again and I was standing in the middle of the forest again.

Jin-woo pov:

After coming back home and going to my room I was thinking.

'I feel that Haru has become strong but I can't see through it.'

I only felt it today as this feeling wasn't there for the past 2 months did he awaken is that why he is going for an evaluation?

'Well, I don't have to worry about him, he has always been smart if he is doing something. it always has a reason behind it.' I thought.

"Oppa don't forget you have to come to my school tomorrow." I heard Jin-ah's voice.

"Yes, yes go to sleep now," I said as I summoned an item from my inventory it was a key that I got after defeating the gatekeeper.

'I have to become more powerful to protect my family.' With those thoughts, I went to sleep.

??? POV

"Interesting that boy is interesting." Said the black armor in darkness as it opened its eyes while thinking about the red-haired boy.

"Show me that I didn't make a mistake choosing you." I voice said while thinking of Sung Jin-woo before closing its eyes again.

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