Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:54:31 AM

Chapter 404: What Is His Problem?

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Chapter 404: What Is His Problem?

A few hours later, at 9 Dok-ja and Gil-young were woken up by...

"You guys are the last ones to have breakfast," It was none other than Shin Yoo-sung who was running small errands after she was done with her morning practice, She had taken the job of waking up everyone in the group who hadn't woken up till now since breakfast time was about to end soon.

"Ah, yeah, thanks for waking me up," Dok-ja said that as Yoo-sung just nodded walking out of the room as Gil-young glared at her.

'What is his problem?' Yoo-sung thought but soon forgot about it since she had other important things to do.

'That kid has been with the leader of this group, and looks like they are quite close,' Dok-ja thought as he had just had the proper time to think about it since he was busy thinking about other things before.

'As expected I couldn't the status of Zenobia-ssi,' Dok-ja was pretty used to it at this point since it wasn't like this world was filled with characters.

'For now, I am not sure what to think after what happened with Min-seob,' Dok-ja sighed as he washed his face and walked out of the room with Gil-young that only they were occupying since their roommate was already out.

'He already recovered enough to walk, I guess he isn't the protagonist for nothing,' Dok-ja shrugged as he walked out into the open area which was the park area between the building and the gate.

And in this place where multiple grills lined up next to each other, he found a few people there as well.

"You sleep a lot," Soo-young said grumpily while sitting on one of the chairs.

"Aren't you the same though?" Dok-ja pointed out and she scoffed.

"Don't lump me in with you," But unexpectedly...

"So, you don't want this extra sweet coffee and grilled meat sandwich?" Yoo-sung asked with a frown since if she didn't eat the food would go to waste since pretty much everyone has had their breakfast by now.

"Yeah, what did you say before?" Dok-ja folded his arms as Soo-young deadpanned, and in the end, she ignored him... The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.

"If you make people look bad like that no one will like you," Soo-young begrudgingly took the coffee and grilled meat sandwich from Yoo-sung since she was hungry, but...

"I don't care about that as long as my Unnie likes me," And leaving those words Yoo-sung turned around and went to pick up things for the duo that had just arrived.

"Cheeky kid," Soo-young muttered as she had her coffee and as soon as she took a sip.

"Hmm, seems like your irritation is gone," Jin-ah said looking at her since she looked visibly calmer.

One didn't need words to know that Zenobia was angry; it showed on her face as she swung the spear again this time aiming for the hand Jung-hyuk was using to grab onto Yoo-sung.

Because of his sudden movement, Jung-hyuk's body was to the left while Yoo-sung was to the right as his hand was outstretched.

'Was that what she wanted? Deliberately showing killing intent at the end when she was able to reach there without me being aware to make me jump to the side and aim for my hand,' Jung-hyuk was faced with the option of either letting Yoo-sung go to save his arm or lose the arm.

And even if he lost the arm there was nothing he'd gain since Yoo-sung would be free.

In the end, he chose to let go of Yoo-sung since losing his arm at this point wasn't ideal, this wouldn't have been an issue for him before but...

'Why is he doing this when he isn't even healed properly?' Dok-ja felt like smacking his head on a concrete wall, Jung-hyuk had barely been able to move last night and he was up to creating another problem for all of them again.

Why was he involved in this situation as well?

'We came together from the outside just yesterday, and unlike Haru-ssi who had the leader's support we don't have it, so if this escalates then all of us will be faced with the ire of the entire group,' Dok-ja seriously wasn't keen on that after seeing Zenobia which was also shocking to him.

She had been nothing but kind and supportive yesterday always having that small gentle smile that made them feel welcomed, but after seeing her face now Dok-ja could understand why she was a leader of such a considerable force.

'She is no joke as well, that weapon and her skills are top-notch,' Dok-ja gulped wondering what would happen next but there was one thing that he wished for.

'Please let it all settle before Haru-ssi comes back,' Dok-ja couldn't help but shudder because of how big this problem could become if he came and god behold...

"What is happening here?" Haru who was out since early morning with Hae-in to check a few things, just happened to come back at this very time.

"Hmm, the coffee seems more enjoyable today," Soo-young smirked after taking another sip of her hot coffee.

[The constellation 'Dessert For Days' is enjoying his ice cream more than usual.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of The Golden Headband' is watching the show with full attention.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is at a loss for words.]

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is rubbing his hands in anticipation.]

[9,000 coins have been sponsored.]

'What are these guys on about?'

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