Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:54:12 AM

Chapter 407: Problems Accompany Every Choice

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Chapter 407: Problems Accompany Every Choice

"Well, I do get his point, but I just don't like getting tested," Haru said with a smile and Dok-ja didn't know what to say since, "That's beside the point for now, we need to get ready quickly."

'What test?' Since he was confused as well along with a few other people...

[Many Constellations are unhappy with the conclusion.]

[The Constellation 'I Like Feet' is blinking in confusion.]

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is a little disappointed.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is watching silently.]

[3,000 coins have been sponsored.]

Anyway, it wasn't like people were going to wait for them to figure things out because the ones who understood weren't planning to explain things.

'What the hell is he doing?' Soo-young was on the verge of shattering the cup in her hand, the only thing stopping her was the fact she'd have to make another one if she did.

'Why are you going through the harder way when there is an easier way?' Soo-young frowned, she knew that the biggest disaster of the next scenario could be ended as easily as taking a candy from a child.

But instead of a candy, they'd be taking the child's life. And given that it will help them in getting off easier...

'I may have made a wrong choice here, no I still haven't a choice yet,' Soo-young didn't understand Haru's white knight move, he wasn't joking when he said that he wasn't going to sacrifice his group members, she knew because she had confirmed it.

And because of his move, Soo-young was left in confusion.

'Can it be that what Dok-ja said was true? Is he really a plain cinnamon roll?' Soo-young could now understand the flat look Dok-ja gave her that day when she was going off about what she thought about Haru.

'So, could it have been that he was just guilty because of what he did instead of fear against this guy?' Soo-young mind was going into overdrive a good night's rest and a few cups of coffee.

'This is bad, if I stay beside someone like that I will die before I know what it was that cropped up that problem,' Soo-young frowned, she could think of way too many problems that will crop up for Haru in the future.

But with the problem came one big opportunity...

'No, it feels too risky,' Soo-young massaged the bridge of her nose, 'I shouldn't risk it on some uncertainty,' She had a big constellation supporting her, so if she played her cards right she could actually build her force anywhere in the world.

But that was the problem, she was in Korea...

'There is that protagonist, and this reader who had potentially read the entire novel, and then there is that cinnamon roll that is somehow still more dangerous than them, there is no chance for me to build a force that would be a problem for them if I start now,' Soo-young thought with a sigh, in the end, all she could do was choose, she had to choose between these three forces.

An Insufferable Psychopath who might stab her in the back, There will be no trust and she'll need to be on her toes at all times.

"Everyone in my group is ready to move," Seol-hwa came forward, in the 40-member group 30 of them belonged to her group, she knew that Zenobia's group was still on edge with this idea since it was risky.

And this got worse after what Jung-hyuk did while he was basically in the same position as them, Outsiders.

"Thank you for trusting me," Haru said but Seol-hwa just shook her head as it wasn't a big deal, truth be told...

'Most of us wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for him,' And they knew which is why they volunteered since it would help with things going easier.

"It is but a small thing," Seol-Hwa said and Haru smiled turning to Gil-young.

"We'll rely on you Gil-young,"

"Yep," The kid gave a thumbs up to Haru while standing next to Dok-ja and Soo-young who were also joining.

And with that, the first group left the complex in Apgu-jeong making their way to Dong-ho Bridge at a fast but controlled pace.

"Four wolves in the right alley at 200 meters, five in the left," Gil-young was the group's radar while...

"I've got the left,"

"Then I'll go right,"

Sang-ah and Hae-in were the independent attackers on the flanks who picked off the monsters quickly.

"They noticed, half of them are circling around the block," Gil-young pointed out but the two flanks went ahead to kill the remaining ones, as for the ones that came from behind.

"They are such a pain,"

"Poison needles,"

Soo-young and Seol-hwa secured the rear easily.

'As always properly coordinated,' Dok-ja observed as there wasn't an area from where monsters could get an advantage on them.

The flanks were covered with him and other fighters in the middle along with Jin-ah which was then further enhanced after Hae-in and Sang-ah came back from their hunt.

And there was no need to worry about the front because...

"Well, looks like everyone is feeling good," Haru alone was more than enough in the front by himself, "Let's pick up the pace then."

'So, we are using the bridge where it all started, huh,' Dok-ja was feeling nostalgic while walking on the tracks since this is where the Scenarios started.

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