Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:53:08 AM

Chapter 418: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

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Chapter 418: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

"I can finally use my phone again." She was pleased nonetheless, she didn't have the time to get an extra power bank from somewhere, and due to that, her phone ran out of juice.

"It really is," Mi-na nodded, it was good to get their phones back, "this way we can at least get ...some respite from the madness going on outside."

"Hmm, that's true for some," Soo-young just nodded, she didn't particularly agree with Mi-na, because she didn't care about that.

"So, are you going to join the logistics?" Mi-na asked, this was an assumption made by the way Soo-young was dressed. She had no weapons, and her small stature really didn't make one think that she could do anything related to combat.

But that isn't how things work now, the world has changed.

"No, I am joining the combat group," Soo-young spoke confidently.The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.

'It looks like they didn't spread my face around yet,' Soo-young could finally feel relieved since there seemed to be only a few people who knew what she looked like, and only they knew what she had done, 'It was a good thing to use my avatar to scope things out.'

In fact, at this moment she wasn't even here, she was controlling her avatar from a safe spot in case she was swarmed by the groups she destroyed in Gwang-Hwamun.

"And here I thought we would get along well being in the same department." Mi-na sighed in dismay.

"Well, we can still get along Mi-na," Soo-young smiled, just because they were in different groups didn't mean they couldn't communicate, after all the phones were back, and so were the other services.

"I suppose so, we can definitely still get along," Mi-na smiled showing the internet on her phone.

'Of course they have it as well,' Soo-young thought, and more importantly, 'I won't let such a chance go away.' She knew that Mi-na was definitely someone who had some level of authority in the group.

'Otherwise, how would she be in charge of handing out the coins?' Soo-young just thought that it was common sense, the group wouldn't hand the coins to someone they didn't trust.

Leaving Haru aside, she now knew that there was someone in the group, who at least saw the dangers within their own group.

'And to get closer to that person...' Soo-young was already mapping out her path roughly, 'I need to get close to Mi-na.' to her, she would be the gateway for her to access the brain of Haru's group, and she will also help her get important information before others.

"So, this is your card," Mi-na had finished processing her card, and handed it to Soo-young.

'At least he didn't lie about this,' She confirmed that the card was the same as Min-hyuk's, even the pattern was identical, she was examining the card till Mi-na got her attention.

"Now, I will add you to the combat group's chatroom," Mi-na swiftly added Soo-young into the network, "You will be able to see jobs that need personnel, and if there is a job that piques your interest, you just need to visit any one of the windows here, and they will add you to the list quickly."

Soo-young checked the group, and it was very easy to understand how this system worked.

'It is now time to work hard and gather points,' Soo-young knew that she had to be serious, if she wanted to achieve her plan that is.


"But let's eat something first," Soo-young muttered walking to the restaurant, it was to use the privileges she got just now.

And time passed quickly, and soon it was nighttime.

On the top floor of the registration building, in an office that was in the far corner of the silent hallway, Mi-na walked up to the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," A flat, yet serene voice came from the other side of the door.

Mi-na opened the door and walked inside the well-lit room, there behind the desk she saw her boss, the one who made all these systems possible in such a short time.

"Mi-na, you are late," But the one who spoke was another person in the room, and it was someone she had met earlier that day.

"There was quite a lot of work for me after your visit, Min-hyuk-ssi," Mi-na just smiled not letting it bother her, because there was no need to fret over it.

"Even then how could you keep Queresha-ssi waiting?" This guy was just too over the top and everyone knew it already.

'Well, it is annoying but let's not speak about it now,' Mi-na quickly pushed it to the back of her head.

"There is no need to waste any more time," It was then that Queresha looked up from her laptop, she wasn't in the mood to drag this on any further.

"Yes!!" Min-hyuk said quickly while Mi-na also nodded, today was quite an important day for them.

"So, did they come in?" Queresha asked the question and the two nodded understanding who she was talking about.

"Both Kim Dok-ja and Han Soo-young have been issued cards today," Mi-na said and Queresha nodded before asking another question.

"Any movement from them so far?" she wanted to know what their first course of action was.

"Yes, both have shown interest in the exploration groups going west, and Han Soo-young has already applied for one of the groups," Mi-na gave out the information she had gathered, and it seemed like it was enough for now.

"I see, keep a close eye on their movements," Queresha said, it was far from over with just this.

'I won't let you two create problems on your own,'

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