Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:52:37 AM

Chapter 425: What About It?

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Chapter 425: What About It?

"Why are you putting more rice?" Haru asked confused, he had finished eating, but now there was more rice on the plate.

"You should eat more now..." Kanae didn't look at him and turned around, "You'll need it since you are running around so much."

"Hmm?" Haru stared at her back for a while, before smiling.

"Get me some curry as well then," He said and she quietly took the plate, then brought it back with a generous amount of curry and rice.

'Why does it feel like she added more?' There was no need to question, since she had indeed done that.

And he understood what was going on...

"It is really tasty, did you get a new awakening while making it today?" Haru asked and Kanae's eyebrows twitched.

"I didn't ask you about the taste... also how did you even know that I made it?" She was flattered on the inside, but as always didn't show it.

"Don't you think it would be weird, if I don't know that you made it?" Haru's words caused her to be stunned.

'Why does he...' But she tried to play dumb, even if her heart was beating faster.

"It is my favorite after all." It was just that she couldn't do that for long, as he proceeded to be extremely clear about what he meant.

"You... stop talking while eating and.... eat!" Kanae just turned her head, it was still embarrassing to be talked to this way because she knew that he was just honest, "I'll be outside... tell me if you need more."

And staying in front of him in this state, will only invite more damage.

"I will definitely need more," Haru said cheerfully as she walked out of the kitchen, almost stomping her foot.

'He really... needs to put a cork in it,' Kanae's face became a little red, as she waited outside just in case he really needed more.

And that day Kanae made Haru eat the entire pot of curry with tons of rice and grilled monster meat, along with the salad.

But this became a problem for some who came after he had left.

"Where is the... food?" Jin-ah and Alea were confused, they didn't find anything in the kitchen when they had just come back after a few days.

This wasn't normal because...

'There are unwashed plates and pots there, someone recently ate...' Jin-ah noticed it immediately but...

"Ugh..." Alea groaned, all she wanted was some tasty food after the hard work, but there was none here.

"What are you guys doing here?" It was then that Kanae came back sensing someone in the kitchen.

'I forgot to wash the dishes, that's all...' Kanae thought to herself when she saw that it was these two.

"Why do you look disappointed?" Jin-ah couldn't help but comment looking at Kanae's expression, but it was soon forgotten thanks to her grumbling stomach, "Where is all of the food?"

"Well... Haru ate it all, are you guys hungry?" Kanae asked and Alea nodded, she was so hungry that she didn't even have the power to speak at the moment.

Yoo-sung felt like that jab was taken intentionally, as she reminded her of it every day, just like she was about to do it in a few seconds.

"No, you can stop," But the words were different today.

"...What? Why?" Yoo-sung asked in shock, was Queresha giving her a break?

'No way...' Even she knew that it was impossible after just talking to her a few times, and it was true.

Queresha wasn't giving her a break...

"You can find something else to do, this is simply a waste of time," Queresha was telling her, to neatly give up on this.

"What? But..." Yoo-sung wanted to ask questions, but her voice died down in an instant in front of her gem-like red eyes.

"It has been three days, and you have shown no progress," Queresha wasn't in the mood to hear anything from her, aside from a viable reason why she couldn't do this.

"...But..." Yoo-sung couldn't even look up, it was one thing that she was a kid, but the one in front of her was Queresha.

She was the type of person who could make adults shake in their boots with a stare alone, but this wasn't what scared Yoo-sung.

'If it's like this then...' She couldn't even complete the thought.

"Yes, you won't be able to be with Zenobia any longer," Queresha's words made her look up.

The worries that Yoo-sung was trying to suppress in her heart for a while, were ruthlessly brought up.

"..." Yoo-sung glared at Queresha, she had been trying hard all this time so this didn't happen, but now...

"If you have something to say, speak up," Queresha didn't look like she cared, "or else I'll take it as you have accepted it." she had other things to do, rather than taking care of a kid who had given up.

'Young age can only shield you from so many things,' Queresha knew of it better than others, that is why she wouldn't accept a reason like that.

And if Yoo-sung had already fallen into that thought pattern, then it was time to change that thought process.

Just being a young child won't protect her in the current world, 'It would make her an easy target.'

"I... don't want that..." Yoo-sung barely mouthed those words, unaware of what Queresha was thinking behind that cold face.

"I think I told you to speak up," Queresha continued flatly, this made tears gather in Yoo-sung's eyes, as there was not a lick of sympathy in those words.

But Yoo-sung clenched her hands, she refused to cry right now.

"I don't want that!" She shouted, Yoo-sung didn't have anyone aside from Zenobia now.

So, she didn't want to lose that bond as well. Normally, this type of declaration will work, as the person who hears it will take that determination and train the kid.


"What about it?"

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