Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:52:36 AM

Chapter 426: Tolerate

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Chapter 426: Tolerate

"I don't want that!" She shouted, Yoo-sung didn't have anyone aside from Zenobia now.

So, she didn't want to lose that bond as well. Normally, this type of declaration will work, as the person who hears it will take that determination and train the kid.


"What about it?" Queresha was unmoved like a mountain.

"W-What?" Yoo-sung didn't understand what was going on.

"You said you didn't want to be separated from Zenobia," Yoo-sung nodded at Queresha's words.

"So, what about it?" Queresha asked again, "What makes you think that we will hear you?"

"..." Yoo-sung felt like someone had grabbed her heart...

"What can you do, to demand something like that?" and then crushed it completely.

"No answer?" Queresha asked after a minute of silence.

'What can ...I do?' Yoo-sung thought back on the things she had done, since meeting Zenobia.

Helping in the food, doing menial work, carrying things, delivering information around, snooping around to get any information...

'Was that... it?' Yoo-sung felt like everything was going dark, everything she had done, could've been done by someone else.

The only thing that set her apart was her skills regarding taming, but she had failed to even do that. Then what did she do exactly?

Zenobia can replace her and no one will care, because she wasn't important enough to be remembered.

She was just another child that Zenobia took in out of pity, this is why she couldn't answer Queresha's question at all.

Because if she did...

"When you meet someone, you have two options..." Queresha's words jolted her out of her thoughts, "You can either support them with their burden, or become the burden."

'No...' Yoo-sung glared at Queresha, but that was all she could do.

"And right now... you are the burden," She couldn't stop Queresha from speaking.

"...ugh..." Yoo-sung couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"You said you wanted to be with her," Queresha continued flatly with a single change in her expression, "you can cling to her, and I am sure she will allow it."

"...Stop..." Yoo-sung gritted her teeth, but she couldn't refute it.

She knew it was possible, and that is why it hurt that much more.

"But will you be ok with that?" Queresha lifted Yoo-sung's face with her hand, "Will you be able to live with that?" and asked her question while looking into Yoo-sung's eyes.

Yoo-sung's body froze, in front of those dimly glowing red eyes, she felt like there was no escape.

"...I..." Yoo-sung was at a loss, she didn't want to be a burden.

"Once you become comfortable with being a burden, you won't be able to get out of that mold," Queresha said the thoughts that were on Yoo-sung's mind.

'We even hunted down one of the catastrophes,' Dok-ja still remembered the frown on Jung-hyuk's face, 'He must be pissed about that, huh.'

"At least it shows that he isn't a complete jerk," Dok-ja shook his head while muttering, it took him a while to understand what Jung-hyuk planned that day.

As for how he found it out...

"Hmm? Is there something on my face?" Seol-hwa asked calmly, but there was a little anxiousness in her voice.

"Ah, no," Dok-ja shook his head, and Seol-hwa looked at him suspiciously.

'Maybe I should check it once?' The reason she was thinking about this was simple.

They were on their way to somewhere...

"Everyone must've gathered there already, let's speed up," Hyun-sung was showing his old habits already.

"Bah, it'll be fine," Ji-hye diffused his seriousness in an instant, "but I want to go there and meet the unnies." Though she had her priorities as well, so where were they going?

They were on their way to meet with Haru and the others today, and the reason for that was quite simple.

[The Sub scenario: Survival Activities has been completed.]

"You guys have good timing," His voice was heard as soon as the prompt appeared in front of them.

They had reached their destination, the registration office where Haru and Queresha were waiting alongside a few others.

"Yeah, how can you keep His majesty waiting," Hee-won said seriously, she appeared angry over this but...

"Didn't you just arrive?" Haru narrowed his eyes, and Hee-won was ready with a rebuttal.

"I was doing an important task," She said wiping the sauce away from the corner of her lips, "enough food for extra energy so that I can protect his majesty."

"Um... Sure," Haru blinked a few times and just shook his head. Hee-won probably wouldn't let this joke go no matter how much time passes.

'It is quite funny,' Hae-in smiled, she enjoyed this joke the most for several reasons.

"Ah, come on Unnie you didn't get any for me?" Jin-ah on the other hand complained, while Hee-won whistled while looking away, "Ugh, I was hungry..." She couldn't help it since she couldn't get any lunch today.

'It gets lively as soon as you see them,' Dok-ja thought that he would go crazy if he stayed with Jung-hyuk any longer, 'He barely speaks, much less jokes.'

'No I think it would be weird if he actually started joking all of a sudden,' Dok-ja had chills just thinking about it.

But of course, there was someone here who had a low tolerance for this.

"You can eat later," Queresha spoke sternly, and Jin-ah could only nod obediently.

"See Hyun-sung, there weren't any issues," Dok-ja whispered to Hyun-sung, who nodded with a relieved expression.

And as if waiting for that moment, someone appeared in the skies above them.

[I must've kept you all waiting,] It was none other than Paul, [Did you enjoy your survival activities?] and he was smiling.

'What's gotten him in a good mood?' Dok-ja thought as the Dokkaebi continued.

[At long last, the Fifth scenario which you've all been waiting for, will begin soon.]

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