Published at 3rd of April 2024 06:20:13 AM

Chapter 439: The Target

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Chapter 439: The Target

'Hell Flames Ignition? How does she...?' The pure white flame covering Hee-won's blade burned as the air distorted.

This was one of the most powerful Stigmas one could get. A flame that burned away until it cleansed the evil. A Nightmare for all Demons, the stigma of Archangel Uriel.

"I'll try not to hurt you too much," Hee-won stepped forward. She needed to end this as soon as possible. That was her decision.

"Don't get too cocky with that," The Monster Gates behind Yoo-sung whirled. Hundreds of monsters poured out of them.

Hee-won was but a human and there was a limit to how long she could use the Stigma before it affected her body.

However, with a swing of Hee-won's sword, the white flame spread. It covered the monster wave in front and turned it into a sea of flames. They screeched and rolled around, many jumped into the water in hopes of putting the flames out.

"As long as you are deemed Evil. Those flames will continue to burn you until your end." Hee-won walked through that sea of fire and attacked Yoo-sung.

'How is she keeping this up?' She should've collapsed using the stigma to that extent. The destructive force held by it was far too large for a human to endure.

"Running away will not work, I can do this all day," Hee-won didn't blink even if her attacks couldn't land. During the Hour Of Judgement, she was invincible if her opponent was Evil.

That paired with Hell Flame Ignition. Jung Hee-won was the worst opponent for the Disaster of Floods.

"You are getting ahead of yourself," But Yoo-sung was not shaken.

The rare stigma astonished her. Even then it wasn't like there was no way to deal with this. Hee-won's attacks didn't land. The Beast Lord was swift on her feet. Paired with her flexible body and inhumane instincts. She even landed attacks at impossible angles and dodged everything that came her way.

'She too fast,' Right now she surpassed Hae-in with that speed. It showed how much she held back to create a show of this world. The ether storms compressed in her hands gave her shivers.

"That's one," She slipped behind Hee-won her palm ready to burst her head open.

"No, that's Zero." Kanae blocked her attack, the ground beneath her feet cracked but she didn't flinch.

"You...?" Yoo-sung's eyes narrowed on her. But next, they widened as a kick to the gut sent her flying back. Using her claws she dug into the ground and stopped.

She shouldn't have the ability to do this. Before she was barely defending. But this sudden increase was unrealistic unless she had a hidden attribute.

"It is what you are thinking," The playful voice came from behind. Yoo-sung turned and sliced at the source with one fluid motion, but that attack only cut through a trail of light.

"You... Where were you...?" Jung-hyuk glared at him.

'Was he expecting me to come to his rescue? That's so sweet,' Dok-ja gave a hollow laugh. It would be weird if he expected that after the way he treated others.

However, he didn't expect to see Jung-hyuk in such a situation. He slashed down the sulphur mummies and freed Jung-hyuk, Dok-ja didn't need to ask why he got subjected to this.

"We have to kill her," Jung-hyuk was not even healed, but he was already setting his eyes on Yoo-sung.

'This is the reason.' However, he couldn't deny it. Yoo-sung was the worst of all Disaster. She had already destroyed worlds before and she was not mentally stable at the moment.

'If it doesn't work I'll kill you myself.' The threat was still clear in his mind.

"We have other ways to deal with her," Dok-ja said pouring high-grade healing and stamina potions on Jung-hyuk.

"Are you out of your mind?" Jung-hyuk stared at him.

The risk was too high, killing Yoo-sung was the best way to reduce the casualties and damage.

'How do I explain to him that if he tried to kill Yoo-sung, the ones fighting her would kill him instead?' Dok-ja didn't know a good way to change his mind. But he didn't need to explain everything.

"Trust me that is the last thing we should do. Killing her will not solve anything." Jung-hyuk looked over his shoulder, Dok-ja didn't flinch even with the killing intent.

'I can't let her life end the same way it went in the novel,' He has read the novel, so he knew how Jung-hyuk survived the third round. And he wasn't going to let it repeat.

However, things were in their favor this time. The scenario window was the key. There was a weird disconnect between the current one and what happened in the novel. And the group fighting Yoo-sung has already realized this.

"Let's go we can't waste more time," Dok-ja led Jung-hyuk towards their target, which stood beyond the now red Han River.




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