Published at 3rd of April 2024 06:12:42 AM

Chapter 440: Converge

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Chapter 440: Converge

The Constellations enjoyed the battle that was taking place on the island. The scenario was going on better than they expected. There was blood, death, and most importantly the weird balance kept them entranced.

Neither side has shown a clear advantage just yet. Many started to place their bets, while others relished the entertainment this provided.

But like those who enjoyed it, there were many who complained. However, most of them had the same complaints.

[The Constellation 'Noble Child of The Sun' demands to know the whereabouts of the Incarnation 'Tsugikuni Haru']

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of The Golden Headband' is gripping his Pole with dissatisfaction.]

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' demands more action.]

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge Of Fire' is huffing with anger.]

[The Constellation 'Goddess Of Love and Beauty' wants to know the location of her favorite incarnation.]

[The Constellation 'The First Who Doesn't Know Consent' doesn't like the silence]

[The Constellation 'The Second Who Doesn't Know Consent' is unhappy with current progress]

[The Constellation 'The Violent Dancer' is shaking his head.]

[The Constellation 'Almighty Sun' is disappointed.]

[The Constellation 'Scribe Of Heaven' is amused.]

[The Constellation 'Ghost Of Tosa'....]




[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' looks forward to the result of this Scenario.]

'These backstabbers,' Paul watched the live feed with a grimace.

Most of these inquiries and threats came from Takamagahara, Olympus, Vedas, and Eden. But only the first Nebula had genuine concern in their words.

'They happily gave away the probability to remove him from the scenarios. But now these bastards are acting up.' The Constellations saw that as an opportunity and invested. However, Paul was unable to deliver on his deal.

Haru refused to hear the other constellations after the first one. So there was no way for them to present a contract. And their attempt to corner Queresha also failed miserably too. That is why most of the Constellations who paid for this to happen were unhappy. Now they were threatening him with their power.

The increased stats gave her body the much-needed fuel to recover; the same was true for Seol-hwa. They would've faced more trouble if not for this.

"There is a new horde of flying beasts coming our way!" Alea notified them and Jin-ah got to work.

A wave of her hand sent flying spears of ice, they shot down a good number of them, and the others that dived down were caught by the net of mana strings and vines that choked the life out of them. Like that another pack of tier 7 beasts were killed.

The longer the battle continued. They understood that the only way to end this was to defeat the Disaster of Floods in the middle.

To achieve that, the battle on No-deul Island continued. And it flattened the entire area.

"Grr!" So far she has only been hit once.

However, even after minutes the white flame continued to cause excruciating pain to Yoo-sung as the slash on her back was yet to heal.

"Take this!" And Hee-won's persistent attacks made it worse.

No matter how many times she was knocked down she got right up and moved ahead. The same was true for Kanae and Hae-in, and the one who made it possible was in the back watching her with flickering red eyes.

"Try to not get too injured, the mana I kept aside for healing is already depleted," Hee-won smiled wryly at those flat words. There was no sense of urgency in Queresha's behavior or her tone.

'But, we do need to end this right now,' Hee-won gripped her weapon.

Broken bones and deep cuts made her wince as a considerable amount of blood poured out of the wounds. Hee-won was the main source of offense in the team. So she was targeted more brutally than the others. Sometimes Yoo-sung would ignore the others and go for her.

"She's coming this way again." And she was fine with that.

Hee-won swung the blade with all her strength. But instead of avoiding like she did before, Yoo-sung took the attack with her forearm. The blade cut through her fur and sliced her muscles. But it could not go through her bone.

"What?" Hee-won tried to move back as cold sweat dripped from her sharp brow. The willingness to take that strike meant that she had further plans.

"The annoyance ends now." Uncaring for the white flame that vaporized her blood, Yoo-sung sent a full-powered punch into Hee-won's defenseless gut.

The compressed ether exploded. Hee-won spat blood and went flying towards Queresha who caught her. By the time she set the injured Hee-won down, Yoo-sung was nowhere to be seen.

'She rushed behind her the moment Queresha's line of sight was covered.' Hae-in noticed but did not move yet.

'Shit!' Hee-won felt it and tried to move. The situation wasn't good. Her legs didn't respond in time. Queresha's back was wide open. She didn't have enough time to defend as the shadow of death loomed over them.

But her body was pressed down by the person in question. She stared at her usual blank face and the claws that reached for her head. Yet, there was not a single shred of fear in her.

"Converge." Before the word left her lips a pillar of purple lightning dropped on Yoo-sung.


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