Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:14:09 AM

Chapter 50: You Should Ask That Before

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Chapter 50: You Should Ask That Before

Clank* Clank* Clank* Clank* Clank* Clank* Clank*

All that was seen by the people in the room was white and grey lights flashing all over the room as the places where it passed by were destroyed.

(You are a powerful human.) The stone statue said as he regenerated his lost arms and his body that had holes in it.

"Hah*, Hah*, Hah*" and Hae-in was breathing heavily with wounds on her face and body, She was near her limit but she didn't want to give up or everyone here would die. Hae-in could see how difficult it was for others to fight the statues even though there hasn't been any casualty it is only a matter of time.

'I need to finish this quickly.' She thought as...


The Stone Statue that looked like an angel with Six Arms as he held different weapons in each.

(Come on human entertain me more.) It shouted while swinging the hammer in his hand onto Hae-in who dodged it.


'Breath Of Light: Linear.'


And cut off the arm that was holding the hammer.


The statue smiled even more creepily as he used the axe and sword to attack Hae-in again. She dodged the axe and Blocked the sword but she knocked back about 10 meters as she stabilized herself.

Hae-in didn't waste any time and went to attack the Statue again. Wings of light appeared behind her as a crown of light formed on her head. And her sword was covered in light as its length increased. It looked like a sword made of light. Shining brightly while illuminating the dark dungeon. Her wings fluttered,

'Breath of Light: Crucifixion'


Her speed went past what she has shown before. Before the statue could react she was already in front of it. The statue tried to attack her with its three arms which carried a great sword, morning star, and shield but Hae-in unleashed 3 Vertical thrusts as her sword shined brightly Cutting the weapons and the hands then she did 2 Horizontal thrusts cutting off the arms that carried the spear and one-handed sword before the Statue could even react leaving it dumbfounded then he saw a Sixth thrust aiming for his head.

He felt that if this blow connected he would die he won't be able to achieve his dream so he shouted at the top of his lungs.

(How long are you going to watch Monarch of Transfiguration?)

(Hymn of Protection) a hoarse voice sounded out as a blue shield formed around the Angel statue as Hae-in's attack landed on the shield.


The attack bounced off Hae-in was shocked as she looked at the source of the voice only to see an old man she could feel how strong that old man was, she felt like vomiting from the amount of mana being released from him but she steeled herself as he spoke again.

(Hymn of Strengthening)(Hymn of Frenzy)

Then she felt an attack coming toward her she used her sword to block the kick that was heading towards her midriff but the power behind the kick was so powerful she was blown away as she collided with the wall.



Rocks flew everywhere as Hae-in spat blood from her mouth as her breathing became uneven.

"Hae-in are you alright?" Jong-in shouted as he saw her being kicked into the wall. Hae-in nodded as she stood up and saw the angel statue covered in red mana.

The others were thinking of the same.


I ran through the cave as I followed the fluctuations of magic power I felt inside the cave. I can feel hae-in fighting so I ran faster and after a minute and stopped in front of a purple door with golden designs on it. The door was closed shut I felt Hae-in's magic power weaken to the limit and she was in a weak state. I punched the door with my fist covered in Busoshoku Haki.


The Door was reduced to scraps and I looked at Hae-in who was barely standing with wounds on her body as she was breathing heavily she almost fell but I went near her and supported her as I hugged her.

"I knew you would come," Hae-in said in a barely audible voice with a weak smile on her face.

(YOU WHO ARE YOU TO INTER-) the old man shouted again. I turned around looking at him with my Mangekyou Sharingan and said.

"You Shut the fuck up and Wait." I released my Haoshoku Haki the whole dungeon to shake as cracks formed all over the place and the stones statues broke apart because of pressure.

When I saw them scared shitless I looked back at Hae-in and said.

"Do you like worrying me?" I asked her.

"I just wanted to be stronger so that I can fight beside you. Sorry for worrying you." She said while looking at me.

I looked at her and leaned her against the wall as I gave her a potion I bought from the shop to heal her.

"Sit here we'll talk about this later," I said as I saw her smile then turned around. I looked at the old man who was the Monarch of Transfiguration.

(H-Human How dare you D-) I appeared in front of him before he could finish and punched him to the face launching him into the wall.


I felt the statue attack coming towards me so I sidestepped and punched the Angel statue in his face burying him into the ground.

"So who are you two?" I asked.

"You should ask that before beating them up," Hae-in said from behind me with a giggle.

I ignored her comment and looked at the old man.

(Hymn of frenzy)(Hymn of Blindness)(Hymn of lethargy)(Hymn of Agony)(Hymn of Slumber) I saw the old casting so many spells but it didn't even affect me a bit so I looked at him.

(Let me show you your place Human.)(Hymn of Giants) (Hymn of Fire Dragon) he turned into a huge giant and his hood took the shape of a dragon as he released a huge beam of fire.

I took out my sword and imbued it with Busoshoku Haki and then used Gura Gura no mi the color of my sword turned dark red as I slashed it at the fire beam cutting it in half and the slash carried on towards the giant.

(Spiritual Body Manifestation.) The old man shouted as his body turned Illusory and the attack went through him.

(Human your attacks aren't going to reach me now. This is your end.) he said while laughing.

"aight bet," I said as my Katana Turned bright red.


Well, I have an idea about which world is going to be next still the votes are still valid. so say what you have in mind. I think TBATE would be good right after this as the power level of the two worlds is close even though TBATE is weaker in comparison. we can go for Omni reader after that which will be a hell of a world to enter. so even if I Skip TBATE isn't going to be a big deal. because writing TBATE after the Omni Arc is going to be pointless.

Tell me your thoughts should I skip TBATE and enter Omni Reader straight away?



Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!