Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:13:38 AM

Chapter 58: Press Conference!

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Chapter 58: Press Conference!

"Thomas, Zhigang, how are the injuries," I asked Thomas as I walked into the waiting room guided by the employee.

"I am fit as I can be you know," Thomas replied with a grin.

"I'm fully healed as well," Zhigang said while sitting down. Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

"Well so you guys are really going to support me, that is basically saying you are weaker than me you know," I said as I sat down on the sofa in front of them.

"Well, it is the truth. You are stronger than us and you saved us many times yesterday or we would've died." Thomas said as it was a matter of fact as he was smiling like usual.

"It is as he said there is no shame in admitting what is true but I still want to spar with you," Zhigang said with a brash smile and battle spirit in his eyes.

"Maybe next time then." I smiled at how straightforward these two are.

We talked about some random topics then.


Laura who was standing behind Thomas went to open the door.

"Everyone has gathered so please." An employee of the association came to call for us.

We nodded and made our way outside. We went towards the stage together and sat down on the three chairs with Thomas on my right and Zhigang on the left I was sitting in the middle.


The reporters clicked photos of us as we sat down.

"OK so let's start the interview then." Hanekawa from the Association said as she looked towards the reporters. She was there to translate the questions if needed.

The hall was silent and then the reporters started raising their hands.

"OK, The one with red top and blonde hair," Hanekawa said as she pointed at one of the reporters. The person stood up and asked.

"Hello, My question is for Mr. Andre. Sir what do you think was the level of the giant that came out second last from the gate?" she asked in English.

"That monster was on the same level as Kamish. Both me and Zhigang were ready to fight it but this guy just finished him off." Thomas said as he laughed loudly.

But everyone was stunned as they heard it from his mouth; it is understandable even if the Japanese government has released the news hearing it from the mouth of the strongest hunter on the planet has a different meaning.

"S-so the monster that took all seven National Rank hunters was defeated b-by...." The female reporter looked at me as she was stuttering.

"Yes, he killed it alone. I don't think I need to say more than that." Thomas said with a smile.

"O-ok, next one the gentlemen white a red shirt and blue hair." Hanekawa was stunned because of the meaning behind the answer Thomas gave but she collected herself and pointed at the next person.

"M-My question is for Mr. Liu what is your opinion on the statement Mr. Andre has made." The man asked.

"It is as he said. There isn't any need to sugar-coat our words, he is stronger than us and the results are in front of you anyway." When Zhigang said that the hall became silent as everyone's mouth was agape.

'These two....' I laughed as I saw them talking.

"T-then the next one yes the gentlemen in a black suit," Hanekawa said as she tried to sound calm but she was sweating.

'She sure is having a rough day.' I thought.

"Y-yes, my question is for Mr. Tsugikuni."

With reporters trying to ask questions but we were leaving already.


After separating from Thomas and Zhigang. I went and met with Matsumoto and received my compensation with Kanae.

"Thank you, it was nice doing business with you," Matsumoto said with a smile.

'I see he is still trying scheme against me.' I laughed as I know what is about to happen to him. It was bound to happen even If he didn't do anything now he just made my move justified.

"Same." I smiled brightly as the real business is about to happen.

I went to Kanae's house. I have 3 hours left before the flight time.

So I will be resting here for some time.

Then I left with Kanae towards the airport to board the plane but saw many people gathering on the way.

I saw them holding up boards and banners with thank you written on them.

And many more boards with Please ma-Cough* Cough* I would refrain from saying these.

I smiled as I reached the entrance of the airport and I saw Kanae was in a great mood as well. I stepped out of the car and the citizens that have gathered started cheering.

I waved my hand at them and the cheers grew louder. Then they all stopped the silence was really eerie considering how many people there are.

Then they all bowed and said in unison.

"THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR SAVING OUR HOME." Everyone whether it was a child or a senior citizen thanked me sincerely.

"Thank you for giving a send-off like this. I'll always remember it." I said with a smile as I waved at them one last time then turned around and entered the airport.

I was thanked on my to the plane by all the staff members I shook my head at this and accepted their gratitude.

After sitting on my seat I rested a bit as I talked to Kanae about what we will be doing after she joined the guild and some random topics.

And like that, we landed in Korea.


The interview caused waves all over the world as they were about to welcome the 8th national rank hunter. The discussions were going on everywhere about the statements made by both Liu Zhigang and Thomas Andre. Korea was the happiest of all places as a celebration was taking place on every street of Korea. And with Haru X Hae-in confirmed the fangirls were having the best day of their lives.

But Japan was the complete opposite because they lost 2 S-rank hunters. First is Ryuji Goto he died but no one cared about him as what he was trying to do had potentially put Entire Japan in danger.

Second is Tawata Kanae who has joined Ah-Jin Guild as she followed back Tsugikuni Haru to Korea.

Although many people were upset about it as discussions about her began on the internet trying to warp the people's understanding about the matter.

Many of Kanae's fans supported her. But when all of this was going on some people started accusing Haru and Korea of Poaching Kanae from japan.

The matter was shown as Korea taking advantage of Japan's Crisis to poach an S-rank hunter and weaken their strength.

Many people didn't believe it but the news went on and on and became a huge snowball as the Japanese Hunter Association didn't answer any question.

Then some news was released by the Korean hunter Association.

And the world was shocked.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!