Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:13:34 AM

Chapter 60: Maid Uniform?

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Chapter 60: Maid Uniform?

"I'm home," Jin-ah shouted as she entered the door and ran straight towards the hall where everyone was sitting.

"I'm home," Haru said as it was kind of like a habit. Then he went towards the hall to find Hae-in, Queresha, and Kanae sitting as they talked with Jin-ah who was excited.

"Welcome back." All of them said as Haru came into the hall he nodded at them and said.

"I'll go and take a bath then." He untied his hair and it fell on his back like a waterfall. Haru ran his finger through it then looked at everyone was staring at him.

"What is it?" He asked them as he was drinking water.

They shook their heads side to side as fast as they can which caused him to smile.

He went towards the bathroom to take a bath as his red hair swayed behind him. After he was gone Kanae muttered.

"Incubus bastard"

And the other three couldn't help but nod. L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

"I wonder what would've happened if Haru was a female?" Kanae voiced her thoughts again.

And everyone imagined him in female clothes.


Everyone gulped as Jin-ah was red as if she remembered something. Her nose was bleeding and Queresha noticed it.

"Jin-ah your nose is bleeding!" Queresha exclaimed as she used her handkerchief to wipe her nose and her voice brought Kanae and Hae-in's attention to her.

"What are you hiding?" They narrowed their eyes while looking at her.

Jin-ah knew she was caught and couldn't hide it.

"A-ah just don't tell Haru about it. Ok." She said while tapping on her phone after she saw everyone nodding.

They were curious about what she was going to show them.

"This was taken during the School Festival. In the maid café, the Haru's class was doing." Jin-ah showed a photo.




Queresha fell back as blood came out of her nose. Kanae's face was redder than a tomato as she felt light-headed. Hae-in nearly passed out as her breathing was erratic. But all of them didn't take their eyes off the photo they were looking at it intently as if burning the image in their mind.

"A-as Expected of My Lord" was all Queresha could ask as she wiped her nose.

"The one who was supposed to work as the maid sprained her leg. And as there wasn't anyone else who could do the role so Haru who was heading the class had to do it. He wore a Victorian Maid's Uniform. Let's not talk about the chaos this caused in the school as he had many boys and girls questioning whether they were straight or not after they visited the class. This was the case with the teachers as well." Jin-ah said as she locked her phone.

'He is making us question it as well.' All of them thought that as they remembered the photo of Haru in a maid uniform with a gentle smile.

'DAMN IT. How can you look so good in it?' They thought.

"It is better that he is a man or it would be bad." Kanae shuddered thinking how much trouble this guy will bring with his beauty if he was a female. Everyone nodded.

"Ok, how was your date?" Hae-in asked as she shook her head.

"It was the best. I had so much fun." Jin-ah said with a bright smile.

"Unnie you also went on dates with him right. How was your experience?" Jin-ah asked.

"My lord, I'll excuse myself." Haru nodded at her as she left.

Now it was only the three of them sitting on the sofa.

"Should we go to bed as well?" Haru asked as Hae-in and Jin-ah nodded.

After walking inside Haru lay in the middle of the bed as both Jin-ah and Hae-in hugged him from his sides.

"You shouldn't tease Kanae that much," Hae-in said as she looked at Haru's side profile. As Jin-ah was playing with his hair.

"I just like to tease her," Haru said as he looked at hae-in.

Hae-in smiled as she looked at him and buried her head in his chest.

"Just don't overdo it," Hae-in said with a smile as she rubbed her face on Haru's wide chest as she inhaled his scent.

'Kanae is right. He might really be an incubus his scent is so intoxicating.' Hae-in thought as she felt his arm hugging her waist and pulling her closer.

'So warm' Hae-in smiled while feeling like she would melt in his embrace. She placed her ear on his chest as she heard his heartbeat it somehow soothed her even more and combined with Haru caressing her back she fell asleep with a satisfied smile.

"Unnie is smiling like an idiot again," Jin-ah whispered in Haru's ears.

Haru smiled as he pulled her closer while hugging her waist.

"Hehe" Jin-ah giggled as she buried her face in Haru's neck she hugged him tightly as she kissed and licked his neck.

"Do you have a Neck Fetish Jin-ah?" Haru asked.

"No, I have a Haru Fetish." She said as she continued kissing his neck.

"What does that even mean?" Haru said as he was caressing Hae-in's back who was asleep.

"I have no idea myself," Jin-ah said.

"Well as long as you are happy I guess." Haru shrugged as Jin-ah stopped kissing his neck and kissed him on his lips.

"Good night," she said after breaking the kiss and hugged him like a body pillow.

"Good night," Haru said while hugging her and Hae-in as he turned the lights off.


??? POV

"Why oh Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light, We have to kill them why did you give the order to protect them?" A huge, slender green knight with large white wings, glowing dark green eyes, and a distinct crest on his face. He also wore dark green armor over an intricate light green robe. Spoke in an impatient voice.

"Fragment of Radiance you shouldn't question The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light." An angry but soothing voice said.

"I am just asking him the reason behind his decision Fragment of Luminosity. Don't you all want to know it as well why would we try to protect an Anomaly and the New shadow monarch. He isn't The Greatest Fragment of Brilliant Light that we knew who knows what if he sides with the monarchs." The Fragment of Radiance said as he looked at a slender white knight with large white wings, glowing pink eyes, and a distinct white crest. She also wore dark pink armor over an intricate pink robe that had flowery designs.

"....." The fragment of Luminosity wasn't able to say anything as she too has been thinking the same.

"Fragment of Radiance is right. Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light you shouldn't give orders recklessly without consulting any of us. We don't have more chances and we certainly don't want to repeat our mistakes." A slender Purple knight with large white wings glowing Dark purple eyes, and a distinct golden crest on his face. He also wore light purple armor over an intricate dark purple robe that had geometrical patterns on it.

When he said that the atmosphere became heavy as they thought of the mistake they had made before but the time has already passed and they can't do anything about it now.

There were a total of 8 Knights in the room as 7 of them looked at a huge, slender white knight with large white wings, glowing white eyes, and a distinct white crest. He also wore golden armor over an intricate white and blue robe.

"I understand your concern but you should know how many monarchs that anomaly has killed. He may not be our ally but that doesn't mean we can make him our enemy." The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light said in a soft voice as he looked at the 7 knights in front of him

"...." The rest weren't able to answer him as they know what he had said was true.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!