Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:13:18 AM

Chapter 67: Girls Talk

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Chapter 67: Girls Talk

Third Person POV

"Mhm, YAWN*" Hae-in woke up and stretched her body a bit as she sat up on the bed and smiled with a shy look without caring about her surroundings.

"Seems like you woke up." The voice startled her as she looked at the source and saw Kanae sitting on the edge of the bed with Jin-ah and Queresha who was in a bathrobe.

"Um, when did you guys come here? And Queresha weren't you supposed to go with Haru? What is the time?" Hae-in asked many questions quickly.

"Calm down Unnie. We have been here since evening, and the time is 11 P.M. I called Queresha Unnie to come here. She was in Casablanca before" Jin-ah said then looked at Queresha who nodded and said.

"My Lord sent me here and went back to sleep."

"Enough of that we aren't here to talk about that," Kanae said as she looked at Hae-in with Jin-ah and Queresha joining in as well.

"So what were you doing in the room?" Kanae asked.

"...." Hae-in's face turned red as she remembered what happened before and covered her face with a blanket.

"N-Nothing." She said in a mosquito-like voice.

"No one believes you Unnie from what I heard from Kanae unnie your Moans were heard loud and clear so tell me what happened," Jin-ah said as she took Hae-in's blanket.

And Kanae and Queresha blushed as well as they remembered Hae-in's Moans that were filled with ecstasy so they wanted to know what happened as well. They had no other reason, seriously no other reason at all.

"A-ah, U-Um." Hae-in was struggling to answer this.

"So did you have sex with Haru?" Jin-ah asked bluntly.



Jin-ah looked back and saw Kanae fall off the bed as she was speaking weirdly and Queresha who was as red as a tomato then looked at Hae-in who collapsed on the bed with circles in her eyes.

"J-Jin-ah y-you are a bit too blunt no?" Queresha said as she tried to compose herself.

"I mean what is the use of beating around the bush it is pretty rare for Haru to take the initiative so I wanted to know," Jin-ah said as she looked at Hae-in who sat back up on the bed. Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

"U-Um W-we D-didn't. I passed out." it took all her power to say those words.

"What? You wasted an opportunity Unnie. Then if you didn't have sex then why were you moaning like how they described." Jin-ah asked as Hae-in turned a bit shy again.

"Come on, Unnie I need details," Jin-ah said as she shook Hae-in out of her shyness.

"U-um he used his fingers," Hae-in said as she coughed.

'You were moaning like that with just his fingers?' Both Kanae and Queresha thought as they looked at each other and gulped.

"What you passed out from his fingers alone?" Jin-ah said


She dealt invisible damage to hae-in who was smiling wryly.

"It is because you weren't in my place," Hae-in said as she pouted.

"Well, but Unnie you did waste a nice opportunity, so tell us more and in detail," Jin-ah said to which Kanae and Queresha Nodded.

Hae-in relented and told them about what happened and during all of this all four of them were blushing like they had never before.

"He was a bit too dominant on me and didn't even give me a break," Hae-in said as she ended her explanation.

"I-I g-guess i-it is u-understandable," Jin-ah said as she imagined herself in hae-in's place.

'Yeah, I'll pass out as well.' She then shook her head.

"I t-told y-you that g-guy is an I-Incubus," Kanae said as she hid her face.

"Ok, how has the raid been for Haru?" Hae-in asked queresha.

"The raid doesn't have any problems as My lord has cleared 2 gates already but that woman is the problem," Queresha said.

"Who?" Jin-ah asked.

"Her name is Asma Ansari and....." Queresha told them everything that happened.

"It is normal for Haru to attract women's attention because of his looks and charisma. It has been the same in school as well." Jin-ah said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"U-Um aren't you guys a bit too carefree," Kanae said.

"Well, I believe in him. And I don't think he will go around having affairs behind our back." Hae-in said with a smile and Jin-ah nodded.

[Haru from Akikan's novel: are you sure about that?.

Author: we aren't talking about you.

Haru from Akikan's novel: LAUGHS SINISTERLY* Understandable, have a great day.]

"He has been like that since our childhood days the number of proposals he had was higher than the days he had lived," Jin-ah said with a smile.

Kanae didn't know what to say because she herself believed in Haru. And Queresha never even had such thoughts to begin with.

'W-why do I believe in him?' Kanae thought.

"Well let's leave that aside," Hae-in said as they talked about random topics again and went to sleep in their rooms leaving Jin-ah and Hae-in.

"So what do you think Unnie?" Jin-ah asked.

"I think they both like him romantically. But we shouldn't say any more than this." Hae-in said as she laid down on her on the bed as she curled up.

"Yes, he can do the rest himself. Well, Unnie tell me seriously how did it feel?" Jin-ah asked as she looked at Hae-in.

"W-where did this come from?" Hae-in said.

"Well, I wanted to know if it feels any different from doing it on your own," Jin-ah said as she lay down beside hae-in.

"It doesn't even compare," Hae-in said in a small voice that wouldn't be heard by a normal human.

"Was it really that good?" But of course, Jin-ah heard her.

"Well enough of this you can judge it yourself when he does it with you," Hae-in said as she slept.

"Ok," Jin-ah went to sleep as well.


Haru POV

I woke up In the morning and missed the familiar sight of Hae-in and Jin-ah as I shook and went to get Queresha back when I teleported I saw Kanae in the kitchen.

"Kanae where is Queresha?" she flinched and ran away as soon as she saw me.

"What happened to her?" I scratched my head as I felt her emotions were in turmoil.

"My lord I am ready, let's go back," Queresha said as she walked towards me.

"OK, let's go we need to finish it quickly," I said to her.

"You will do just fine my lord," Queresha said with a smile.

'I guess I know what is going on.' I thought as felt Queresha's clear affection for me.

'Seriously' I smiled.

"Ok, then let's go," I said to Queresha and teleported with her.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!