Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:13:11 AM

Chapter 69: Take Me However You Want

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Chapter 69: Take Me However You Want

I took a short nap and woke up.

"Queresha did we reach the wall yet?" I asked Queresha as I opened my eyes.

"No my lord there is still an hour left." She answered softly.

"Ok, do you feel uncomfortable sitting like this?" I said as I sat up.

"No, if anything I feel happy." She said with a smile.

It caused me to smile as well.

'Even though I haven't known her for long, she has become an important part of my life.' I thought as I pulled her into a hug.

"M-my Lord," she was stunned as she looked at me in surprise.

"Call me Haru from now on," I whispered to her.

"I-I c-can't," she said.

"Come on are you going to call your future husband 'My lord'?" I said while caressing her face.

"H-h-h-h-h-h-husband, m-m-m-my lord i-i-I don't d-d-d-d-deserve it, I am a mere servant," she said as her eyes teared up a little.

"Oh, did you think your position is lower than others?" I asked her as I raised my eyebrow.

She lowered her head and said in a little voice.

"M-maids w-were like t-that from w-w-where I came from. They would do what their lords t-t-t-told them to. Even i-i-if it w-w-w-was t-t-that." I couldn't see her face but her ears were red.

"Oh, what did their lords order them?" I asked as I grinned the gap between her calm and confident appearance to her acting meek and coy was so cute that I couldn't help teasing her. Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

"A-A-Accompany t-t-t-t-them t-t-t-to ....." her small stuttering voice died down near the end.

"Accompany them to where?" I asked again.

"M-M-My l-lord please d-d-don't tease me." She buried her head in my chest and said.

I lifted her chin and saw her completely flushed face with some tears in her eyes.

"Who told you to be so cute? Now, don't think your position is lower than others for me you are as important to me as Hae-in, Jin-ah, and Kanae. I love you Queresha. So don't lower yourself like that alright you are a beautiful woman who deserves the best and I promise to make you happy." I told her as I looked into her eyes.

She buried her head in my chest again and hugged me tightly.

"I l-love you too m-my lord, Hic* I didn't think I would even be able to live but hic* you saved me. Hic* Thank you for saving me and Hic* for giving me a reason to live and a family." Queresha said as she cried.

I patted her back to calm her down and after crying for 15 minutes and looked at me with tears running down her face.

I wiped her tears and face with my handkerchief.

"But a family, huh. Aren't you thinking a bit too ahead we haven't even married yet?" I said to her with a grin.

"M-my L-lord, y-you k-know that isn't what I meant," Queresha said as her face was red.

"Well, you aren't wrong I'll give you a family but that will have to wait," I said to her.

I smiled and looked at her.

"Don't worry I won't break the trust you have in me," I said to her while hugging her and kissing her on her forehead.

"I am sure you won't, My lord," Queresha said as she wrapped her hands around my back and we stayed like that till we reached the wall.


Third-person POV

"So this is the wall that blocks the monsters?" Haru said while standing in the observation deck on a 100m tall earthen wall.

"Yes, and you can see the gate from here." Asma who was standing near him said as she looked from binoculars.

"Hmm, it's certainly far away and there are so many monsters here," Haru said as he looked at the red gate that humans won't be able to see.

"There are many types of monsters from insect, beast, golems and many more the number of monsters is unknown but the estimate is over 50,000 monsters," Queresha said.

"Thank you Queresha," Haru said with a smile.

"It is my duty," Queresha said with a serious face but her face was a bit red.

'My lord praised me, I'll work harder and receive his love. Then....then..... No lewd thoughts.' Queresha made up her mind to receive her lord's love and lots of it but not in a lewd way really not in a lewd way.

"Still that number of monsters a bit too much right. It will be a chore to reach the gate." Haru shook his head and said to Asma.

'Just a chore? Even the national rank hunters won't be able to do it. That is the reason I like you so much. I am so wet AHHHHH.' Asma thought as she looked at Haru with lustful eyes.

"We lacked resources and hunters to clear this place. And you can have all the profit from the monsters her we won't take anything." Asma said with a sincere expression.

'You can take me as well,' Asma thought.

"Are you sure?" Haru asked her as the money could help them with a lot of things.

"No I already told the government about this and it has been granted. And according to your order, I have called every free hunter in Africa here. If there is any other please tell me no matter what it is." Asma said with a smile and winked.

'Even if it is in your bed, take me however you want. Ah, my underwear just went through another crisis just from imagining it.' Asma thought as she looked at Haru.

"Well let's start are all the hunters ready." Haru shook his head and asked her.

Asma nodded and felt a bit disappointed that he ignored her.

'Am I not attractive enough? No, I should be, right.' Asma thought as she looked at Queresha who was glaring at her.

'Aren't you ok with him having another woman? I don't mind it as well. So why are you glaring at me? It is not like I want him for myself.' Asma shrugged.

"Then tell them to get ready and kill any beasts that are left alive," Haru said as he walked near the edge of the observation deck.

"Ok, I'll go and tell them." Asma walked out of the room ignoring Queresha's glare.

"Queresha I'll be back in a bit," Haru said as he kissed Queresha on her lips deeply.

"Yes my lord," Queresha said with a smile.

'So this is what it feels like to have a husband, I think I understand what you told me father when you talked about mother. 'Love changes people.' It truly does I believe it now.' Queresha thought as she looked at the wide back of Haru who jumped down from the wall.

"Please be careful, My love." She muttered with a red face while smiling as she looked at where Haru landed.

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