Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:13:07 AM

Chapter 72: Improved

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Chapter 72: Improved

Hae-in summoned her sword from the inventory. And Queresha took out two short swords with red blades and black hilt from under her skirt flashing her black laced panties a little.

'She always keeps them there, always ready to take action unless she is wearing a pencil skirt.' Haru thought as he moved a little to dodge an ice arrow that was sent towards him at high speed by Jin-ah.

"Mou, I missed again I thought It would hit because he was staring at Queresha unnie," Jin-ah said as she made more than 20 ice arrows this time and sent them towards me from a different angle.

'So that was intentional?' Haru thought.

He dodged the first arrow that was falling on top of his head by stepping back. Hae-in appeared in front of me instantly with a flash of light and went for my neck. Haru tilted his body a bit back avoiding the slash with a hair's breadth.


And jumped back as an ice pillar shot out of the place Haru was standing before, he saw Jin-ah was fully concentrating on using ice magic. And Hae-in moved towards him again. And Queresha appeared behind him and swung her short sword towards his back.


But only sliced through the air as Haru dodged her attack, Queresha went close and did many slashes in quick succession leaving red trails as she moved forward.


Haru dodged all of the attacks with minimal moments as he stepped back while dodging ice lances that aimed at his openings.

'They are doing pretty good, but still, they have some openings.' Haru thought as he blocked Queresha's kick that was aimed at his side with his forearm. And attacked with his palm on Queresha's stomach the attack connected and Queresha was launched in the air but she flipped and landed while she skidded back then regained her balance.

"You have many openings, come at me again," Haru said as he grabbed the Ice lance that was aiming for the side of his head and crushed it to pieces.

Hae-in stood next to Queresha and they both moved together leaving behind white and red trails as they attacked Haru together.

"Sword Dance," She muttered as she slashed with her sword which left light trails like she was performing with a ribbon rather than fighting with a sword.

"Chain attack," Queresha said as she slashed at Haru's back the slashes looked like a carefully woven net that aims to capture its prey.

Haru dodged their attacks that were aimed at his head, neck, torso, and legs. He moved around jumping and twirling through while dodging their attacks while also dodging Jin-ah's ice magic that was sent in forms of arrows, lances, and pillars that would come out of the ground or from a hypothetical blind spot that should be present at the moment.

'She has really improved a lot; it was a good idea to let her train.' Haru thought about Jin-ah who was a normal civilian sometime ago.

"Haah, Haah." Both Queresha and Hae-in were breathing a bit heavily.

'It is so hard to land a hit; it is like he can read the future.' Hae-in thought.

'My Lord is the worse opponent to face for the close-range fighters he can dodge every attack without any difficulty and he could have attacked several times between our attacks but didn't.' Queresha thought as she looked at Hae-in who was also looking at her.

'Guess it is time,' both of them thought as they moved. Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

'Breath of Light: Crucifixion' Hae-in performed six stabs towards Haru all of them aiming towards vitals and Queresha dashed toward Haru from the right side after he dodged three stabs of hae-in that was aimed at the lower body and attacked.

'Yatagrasu,' Queresha did a super-fast eight slash attack with her short swords glowing with dark red fire leaving red trails, the attack was aimed at the weak points of Haru.


But it only slashed at the empty air as Haru jumped back to dodge their attack as an Ice pillar appeared behind him.

'Now,' All Three said in their mind as Haru was in the air.

Kanae was silent for some time then said.

"...Yes, you already have th-" Kanae lifted her head as she was talking but that was cut short by a surprise attack on her lips by haru.

Her eyes shot wide open she wanted to back away,

'No, this isn't right. I need' her mind was telling her to move but her body did the opposite.

Her body turned while still in his embrace and she wrapped her arms around Haru's neck as he placed his hands on her butt and lifted her then placed her on the kitchen counter still kissing her and hugged her waist tightly.

'This is bad,' Kanae thought as she wrapped her legs around Haru and pulled him closer she felt his tongue move inside her mouth and slither around wrapping around her tongue and her mind blanked for a moment. Her heartbeat grew erratic and she was having difficulty breathing as Haru kissed her so strongly.

Haru moved back and looked at Kanae who was panting for breath with a red face and misty eyes.

"I know that you are lying so let me tell you, I love you Kanae, I know it might be hard for you to accept it bu-" He was about to say more but Kanae kissed him sealing his mouth.

'This is payback, Jerk' Kanae thought as she kissed him sloppily because she didn't have any experience in this. She tried to fight his tongue and dominate him but that backfired in every possible way as she was dominated instead.

The battle of tongues continued for another 10 minutes before both Haru and Kanae moved back with a string of saliva connecting them.

"I love you too, although I hate you because you have multiple lovers and still have the guts to kiss me like this. Hmph," Kanae said as she looked at Haru and puffed up her cheeks.

"Well, what can I do? That was the only way to solve this if I asked you for a date you will definitely run away." Haru said as he hugged her lovingly.

"How do you know me so well?" Kanae muttered.

Haru looked into her eyes and smiled.

"I just know." He said with a smile.

"T-this...." She was stopped midway again as Haru kissed her again and a bit violently this time.

After this, they both sat down in the living room with some tea that was over-brewed because they were a bit too engrossed.

"Haru do you think I should train a bit less?" Kanae asked.

"Why did you get hurt?" Haru asked as he looked at her with concern. Kanae felt a bit warm because of his worry.

"No, I thought to tone down the muscles a bit they are a bit...." Kanae said as her voice trailed off.

"If you are worried about that then don't, you look beautiful. So don't worry about anything. And I like it a lot." Haru whispered the last part in Kanae's ears as he hugged Kanae positioning her back on his chest and his hands rested on Kanae's stomach.

"O-Ok," Kanae said as she leaned back his embrace and placed her hand on his keeping it in place.

"But I didn't know you could scream that cutely," Haru said.

"Forget about that or....." Kanae's voice sounded colder than ice.

"Ok, that isn't going to happen," Haru said as he kissed her on her forehead.

"It is Go- HEEYYYYYYYY," Kanae shouted at the unexpected answer.

"haha," Haru laughed.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!