Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:13:02 AM

Chapter 73: You Train?

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Chapter 73: You Train?

Haru was hugging Kanae from behind while they were sitting down on the sofa.

"Where did everyone go?" Kanae suddenly asked.

"You only remembered them now, huh," Haru said.

"It is your fault, who told you to do that," Kanae said as she turned around and pushed Haru down on the sofa straddled him. Then she brought her face closer to his.

"So now it is my fault that you were so lost while kissing me, huh," Haru said as he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer causing her breasts to crash on his chest.

"Anyway, where are they now?" Kanae said as she avoided his eyes.

"Oh, you can't change the subject now," Haru said as he grabbed her shapely butt and squeezed it.

"Ahh, Y-you what are you doing? AHH," Kanae moaned a little as she glared at him but moaned again as Haru groped her butt again.

"What do you think?" Haru said with a sly smile as he started kissing her again and sat up. Kanae was now sitting in his lap as she faced him wrapping her arms around his neck and enjoying his touch on her body.

After some time they stopped as Kanae rested her head on his shoulder while panting for breath.

"Let's go to them," Haru said as he picked Kanae up and stood her up next to him. The space around them changed and both of them arrived in a forest.

"Huh, where is this place? Weren't we in your house just now," Kanae asked.

"It is one of my skills, come on I'll take you to them," Haru said as he picked Kanae up in a princess carry and moved at a fast speed.

"H-hey," Kanae was shocked at first but wrapped her hands around his neck as she looked at him from the side.

'Seriously, bastard why are you like this?' she thought as she looked at him.

It didn't take long before they arrived in front of a Japanese-style house.

"Seriously where is this place?" Kanae asked as Haru let her down from his embrace.

"This is an alternate space that we use when we train," Haru said as he walked inside the house.

"What? You guys train here, I thought you guys were lazing around because I never saw you guys train." Kanae said with a pout as she looked at me.

"Ahahaha, is that what you thought. Well, we have been training here. And from now on you will be training here as well." Haru said as he smiled at Kanae.

"Is this like a place for your harem," Kanae said.

"Yes, it is I won't let anyone else enter here." Haru's answer caused Kanae to chuckle.

"So you still plan to increase the number huh," Kanae said as she pulled his ear.

"OW, OW, stop it," Haru said as he acted like he was in pain, and Kanae snorted then released his ear.

"Don't act in front of me." Kanae pouted as they stopped in front of a room there were sounds of laughter coming from inside and Haru opened the door and saw Hae-in, jin-ah, and Queresha talking.

"Yo, what are you guys so happy about." His voice caused them to look at him and then at Kanae who was standing beside him.

"H-hello," Kanae was a bit shy because her being here meant that she is....

"Oh, Haru you sure move fast. Kanae Unnie welcome to the family." Jin-ah said as she hugged Kanae. Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

"O-oh, Take care of me then," Kanae said as she hugged Jin-ah and looked at hae-in who was smiling like she knew this will happen. And then she looked at Queresha....

"Haru, What is Queresha doing here?" Her voice was a bit icy.

"What didn't I tell you before?" Haru asked.

"Of course, you didn't," Kanae said as she glared at haru.

"Oh, Silly me Tee-hee," Haru acted cutely as he stuck out his tongue which caused Kanae to flinch as she looked away.

"I-It is Okay, D-don't do it next time," Kanae said.

"Hehe, Kanae unnie is so easy," Jin-a said while looking at Kanae's reaction.

"Hey!!" Kanae got angry and pulled Jin-ah's ear.

"OW,OW,OW, STOP STOP UNNIE. IT WILL FALL OFF." Jin-ah was struggling. After that, all of us sat down and started to talk.

"Aren't you moving too fast?" Hae-in asked Haru.

"Yes, Haru this was simply too fast, I thought Kanae unnie would be the hardest one to convince even though she likes you a lot," Jin-ah said as she hide behind Haru while rubbing her ear.

"Wait was it that obvious?" Kanae asked.

"Is that how you really see me?" Haru asked Kanae and others looking for their help.

"Yes," everyone answered together while nodding their heads.

"Well, I'll get my revenge later," Haru muttered as he pouted and walked outside under the giggles of the girls.

Haru moved far away from the house where his clones were training he saw 70 clones' training.

"What will their reaction be like if they saw this?" Haru smiled but shook his head as all the clones turned into smoke and his head was filled with information.

'Umm, so the Shadow-Wood clone Jutsu has advanced till this point. This is good.' Haru thought as he has been trying to make this for some time.

He shook his head as he opened his status because he had to do something first,




LEVEL: 32 (20/100%)

AGE: 20


STRENGTH: A+ (6,100)

AGILITY: S- (7,100)


VITALITY: SS- (9,300)

CHAKRA(MANA): SSS- (11,700)

CHARM: SS (10,100) [Can't be increased with points]

POINTS: 10,500


Demon slayer uniform with Haori(D)

Runestone: Gluttony(S+)

RuneStone: Super Regeneration(S)

RuneStone: Giant's Roar(B)

Sword Eater(A-)



Sung Jin-ah(Lover)

Cha Hae-in(Lover)

Queresha Calistria(Lover/Maid)

Tawata Kanae(Lover)




I opened my inventory and took out the Runestone: Super Regeneration (S). it was a green dark green stone with an F that looked like a tree as the vertical line was longer that made it look like a tree struck and the horizontal lines were tilted upwards making them look like branches.

I injected my magic into it and it turned into light green light fragments and got absorbed in my body.

I felt like my vitality shot through the roof I felt way more energized than before it was like every cell in my body was alive and full of power raring to go.

Then I felt uncomfortable in my pants and looked down. I saw my little brother standing proudly letting his presence known.

'Fuck it even has an effect like that.' I thought as I tried to calm down my dragon.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!