Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:12:59 AM

Chapter 74: Bonus Chapter: Dream

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Chapter 74: Bonus Chapter: Dream

After 30 minutes I was finally able to calm down my raging boner. But I didn't know that it had this type of effect, I was able to control my sex drive pretty easily but it is hard to do now. Maybe it was a mistake to use this rune stone.

I closed my eyes to check what changed in my body, my chakra has increased exponentially. I can regenerate limbs even if they are severed and my healing factor has also increased, my body feels lively and more powerful than before, I felt my skin becoming smoother, lastly, my sex drive increased by several times. It is a bit hard to control but I can control it with time.

'Well, it is too late to think about it now.' I thought while shaking my head. And then took out the Runestone: Gluttony. This was something that I wanted to use for some time because I was interested in its effects.

The runestone appeared in my hand it was jet black with an ominous-looking cloud on it. I sent my magic into it and it turned into black particles and got absorbed into my body.

And....I felt a bit weird, I don't know why but it feels weird.

I closed my eyes to see what I can do with this ability.

Predation is an ability that absorbs the target. However, if the target's willpower is greater than the user's (Me), the success rate greatly decreases. The affected targets include but aren't limited to organic matter, inorganic matter, skills, and magic. Predation can be used from a far greater range.

"Hmm, interesting this is really something. So you are telling me I can take other people's skills with this as long as I have higher willpower than them of course I need to defeat them. This certainly changes the whole game." I muttered as I stood in place.

I was thinking about how to use it and then made 100 clones to train the abilities. Then I made a translucent sword in my hand the soul sword ability it was really hard to make new techniques out of this one. At first, it was just a nonsense idea but it turned into reality after I continued my experiments. I was able to condense the Haoshoku Haki into a weapon.

Though I was surprised as well because I once read a theory about an advanced technique for Haoshoku Haki like there is emission and internal destruction for Busoshoku Haki there must be an Advanced technique for a Haki that has been given that much importance other than knocking out cannon fodder.

And then we saw Rogers and whitebeard clash with Haoshoku Haki imbued into their weapons and Luffy using it against Kaido. So I was always wondering was that all it was and there was no other technique or it hasn't been revealed yet. So I tried to make my own and succeeded in it. I also tried and succeeded in controlling natural elements like wind and thunder as well, like Dragon did when he helped Luffy's ship to move faster to help them escape from smoker in chapter 100.

in Chapter 586, when Dragon meets Sabo. We also see there's a storm in this scene. Later, when the Revolutionaries help the people of the Grey Terminal escape from the fire, the wind creates a path by putting out some of the flames. It's still possible that Dragon's power might be connected to some sort of Devil Fruit rather than Haki, but we've also seen some similar effects around other characters. like when two Haoshoku Haki users collied with Haoshoku Haki imbued into their weapons we have seen the sky split and turn black with thunder rumbling.

Although, it really hard to make use of it. I was only able to use the first form which was disintegration ability to damage the souls of those weaker than me.

But I feel like there is more to it,

'Well, I'll think about that later.' And I continued to practice for 3 hours before I went back to the house in the training facility and saw them all sitting on the ground talking to each other.

I walked out into the open and they noticed me.

"My lord you came back," Queresha spoke and I nodded at her.

"So did you guys train enough?" I asked them and they nodded.

"I wasn't able to use Haki today but I will be able to use it eventually. It is hard but I won't lose." Kanae said with determination.

"Sure, you will," I said as I caressed her hair as she smiled as she made a guts pose.

"Yes, I couldn't believe it I thought it isn't real, and I feel like it." She said softly.

"Oh, well what about now?" I said as I wrapped my hands around and kissed her. She didn't back down and received it with her lips.

After a soft kiss that lasted for 5 minutes, I moved back and caressed her face.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I am not too sure but if it is a dream then I don't want to wake up. My lord, I love you and always will, for as long as I live." Queresha said as she looked at me with affectionate eyes.

"I love you too," I said to her as I placed her head on my chest and caressed her hair softly. She tightened her hands around me and rubbed her face in my chest.

"My lord," Queresha said again.

"Hmm," I said.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" She spoke.

"You can, as long as you want," I affirmed it with a smile.

And she fell asleep like that. I didn't move and sat there.

"Would you look at that?" Kanae said as she came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe with wet hair and drops of water sliding down her long neck and into her cleavage the bathrobe only reached her thighs and revealed her long white legs that glistened under the light.

"Do you want to join in?" I said as I pointed at the left side.

"Hmph, you are getting more and more shameless by the day," Kanae said as she pulled my ear.

"ouch ouch, stop or she'll wake up," I said in a low voice.

"Whatever, I'll just take my spot here," Kanae said as she hugged me from my left side I can still smell the fragrance of her shampoo. She rested her head on the left side of my chest.

I can see her bathrobe shift a bit showing her bare boobs.

"Are you not wearing anything underneath?" I asked her as I caressed her head.

"Umm, I am only wearing my panties. I don't like wearing clothes after a bath. Make me feel a bit caged in." She looked up and said.

"Oh, so you like to go commando I understand," I said as I rubbed her back.

She looked at me with a flat expression and pulled my ear again.

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