Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:12:01 AM

Chapter 90: Back

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Chapter 90: Back


Haru pressed the doorbell it was currently 3 in the afternoon they were delayed at the airport because of the massive mob that gathered outside. And the reporters didn't make it any less trouble so it took them more time than it was supposed to.

The door opened and Queresha's figure was revealed she was wearing an office shirt with a purple pencil skirt and her legs were covered in black stockings.

And her long black hair that had a hint of purple was secured in a bun on the back with a braid running around the bun as two bangs fell on both sides of her face framing her beautiful face.

"We're Home," Hae-in and Haru said as they entered the house.

"Welcome back, My Lord and Hae-in," Queresha said as she smiled slightly and helped Haru take off his coat.

"Thank you," Haru smiled while saying as Queresha nodded and they walked towards the living room as Haru sat down on the sofa.

"I'll take a bath then Haru," Hae-in said as she walked toward the Bathroom.

Haru just rested his back on the backrest as Queresha walked inside the living room with a tray.

"My Lord Here," she placed a glass of cold orange juice in front of Haru.

"I really needed that," Haru said as he picked up the glass and drank slowly as he looked at his phone.

Queresha walked back to the kitchen to place the tray and came back to sit down beside Haru as she looked at Haru silently.

"Where is Kanae?" Haru asked as he looked at Queresha.

"She is out clearing a gate that appeared suddenly, I arrived earlier but she was delayed because of the gate," Queresha said.

'It should be the rulers picking up the pace so that earth can be strengthened further before the Dragon Monarch attacks. And Jin-ah should be in school at the moment her finals are near as well.' Haru thought as he placed his hand on Queresha's waist pulling her near him.

"My Lord," Queresha said as she looked at Haru.

"How have you been?" Haru asked as he looked at her.

"I'm fine My Lord," Queresha said as she rested her head on Haru's shoulder slowly.

"Is that so, I got something for you," Haru said while rubbing her back slowly.

"What is it, My Lord?" Queresha looked at Haru with curiosity in her eyes.

'If My Lord got it then it can't be something normal.' Queresha thought.

Haru took the book with the green cover out of his inventory and showed it to Queresha.

"....So it can be done like this.... This is a great improvement." Queresha was lost in her own world as she read the book with a serious face.

'It is good that she isn't thinking about it now,' Haru thought with a smile as Queresha was still feeling guilty about not being able to protect her people. It has always been a knot in her heart making her think that she didn't deserve all the things she had now.

"Queresha I'll go and take a shower as well," Haru said as Queresha looked at him.

"Yes My Lord," Queresha said and Haru leaned in to kiss her cheek softly.

"Don't overwork yourself, Ok," Haru said as Queresha nodded in a daze as a light blush spread on her face and she looked at Haru who was walking towards the bathroom.

Queresha smiled slightly as she rested her back on the sofa's backrest and looked at the ceiling for a bit then after 5 minutes she sat back up to start reading again with a small smile.


After Haru took a bath he came out to see Hae-in, Jin-ah, Kanae, and Queresha sitting down in the living room.

"Haru I missed you," Jin-ah jumped straight at Haru when she saw him.

"I missed you as well," Haru said as he caught the flying Jin-ah in a hug and she clung to him like a koala.

Haru walked towards the sofa and sat down.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Haru asked as Hae-in was blushing a bit.

"Nothing," Hae-in said as she looked away.

"Oh come on, Haru tell us what is this new product that Hae-in used her skin is so soft. Not that I am jealous or anything." Kanae asked as she looked away and crossed her arms under her chest pushing them upwards.

Haru can only smile wryly.

'Not this again.' Haru thought as scratched his head.

"Cough* let's talk about it later. I am hungry, what about you guys?" Haru said and everyone nodded.

"Ok, Jin-ah let me go. I'll cook something good." Haru said as he looked at Jin-ah.

"Ok, but I want Fried Chicken," Jin-ah said as she moved back releasing Haru who nodded and walked towards the kitchen to cook something for everyone.

Seeing that Haru went inside the Kitchen Jin-ah looked at Hae-in with a grin causing her to look away.

"Come on unnie, we need to talk," Jin-ah said as she stood up and pulled Hae-in towards Haru's room as Kanae and Queresha nodded following her inside the room.

"S-stop," Hae-in said but they listen to it but the three didn't listen and took her into the room.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!