Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:11:55 AM

Chapter 93: Sleep

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Chapter 93: Sleep

After 10 minutes they reached the building where Haru's house is and stepped inside the lift.

After coming out of the lift on the top floor of the building they made their way towards the only flat on the floor.

Haru opened the door with his key as Queresha followed him inside because no one is home at the moment, Hae-in and Kanae are busy clearing the gates, And Jin-ah went back to her house for the past week to prepare for the exams because...

'She will be coming home during her exams, she can't study here because of a certain person trying to distract her. Yes, I am talking about you if you didn't get the memo,' Sung il-hwan came and took her home so that she can focus on her studies apparently.

Haru didn't have a problem with it as Jin-ah also wanted to go as well.

Haru just shrugged as Il-hwan glared daggers at him when Jin-ah kissed him before leaving and it wasn't a short kiss either.

What can he do at the moment but he was a bit surprised by il-hwan's reaction anyway it was better than him running after Haru with his daggers trying to mutilate him.

'Looks like Joo-hee and Aunt are making him accept our relationship 'properly'.' Haru smiled as he made up his mind to thank those two. Il-hwan dotes on Joo-hee a lot to the point that he said he will kick Jin-woo out of the house if he ever made her sad or cheated on her he said that while looking at me.

"We will have some free time tomorrow right," Haru said as he sat down on the sofa and yawned he has been a bit tried with the increasing headaches not helping at all.

'Just who is that woman?' Haru has been seeing this woman over and over again in the past two weeks, but he can't remember meeting someone with that striking red hair in his life.

And it has been troublesome because he feels sad that he can't remember the woman he is seeing in his dream. He doesn't understand what is happening as he feels at a loss every time he sees her silhouette. And every time he tries to focus on her the headaches get worse and worse.

Haru has also been training Jin-ah in magic, Kanae, and Hae-in in swordsmanship and also sparring with Queresha to hone her battle skills. So he has been feeling tired not physically but mentally because of his thoughts about that woman and the stuff Hae-in told him has also been on his mind all this time.

Queresha sat down beside Haru after she changed out of the suit and wore a plain red t-shirt with black shorts. She looked at Haru who was lost in his thoughts and looked a bit tired.

"My lord, would you like to take a nap?" Queresha asked causing Haru to look at her.

"Yawn* I guess I should," Haru nodded with a smile and Queresha cupped his face and guided his head to her lap.

Haru looked at Queresha's face from below with surprise as the back of his head rested on her thighs and she softly caressed his face with a smile.

"Please rest a bit, My lord," Queresha said with a smile.

"Ok," Haru said as he held Queresha's hand which was on his cheek, and closed his eyes.


"It is tiresome to clear all those dungeons." Kanae pouted as she walked out of the lift.

"Aren't you just missing Haru? You never complain about the number of gates when he is around." Hae-in said as she giggled.

"W-Who is missing that pervert?" Kanae looked away as she blushed lightly and her words got smaller near the end of the sentence.

"Ok, then let's cook up a feast," Kanae said as she was fired up and Hae-in nodded.

Queresha shook her head at the two's antics and then she looked at Haru before smiling lightly as she slowly ran her fingers through his silky hair as she rested her back on the sofa and closed her eyes.


It was 7 P.M at the time and all the food was cooked and there was an additional member in the house.

"The schools are closed and the exams have been postponed," Jin-ah said as she sat down on the sofa with a sigh.

"Isn't it good you have more time to study for the exams?" Kanae said as she sat placed the food on the table.

"Hmm, that is good but what happened to them." Jin-ah pointed at Haru who was still asleep on Queresha's lap as she was sleeping as well.

"Haru is just tired, and Queresha fell asleep as well," Hae-in said as she walked over.

"What? How much did you do 'it' in my absence? Hae-in Unnie yo- Smack*" and her words were cut off by the well-placed slap on the back of her head.

"Is that all you think about?" Hae-in said as she blushed a little. They had done it a few times over the past two weeks but that was only when they were alone which was rare and she doubted that Haru will be tired even if he did her for a week straight. She was a mess even when they only did it a few times she shuddered at the thought of going at it for a week with this beast, she might die of pleasure that way.

"But still can you guys not hit me on the head what if I become dumb," Jin-ah said as she pouted.

"I don't think that is how it works." Queresha woke up as she yawned as she still felt sleepy.

"Ok it's time to wake him up," Kanae said as she walked over after she placed the last plate on the table and everyone nodded as Haru has been asleep for a long time.

"My Lord wake up it's time for dinner." Queresha gently shook Haru.

"Five...More....minutes." Haru said slowly in his sleep causing them to smile a bit.

"Get up or the food will get cold." Kanae shook Haru waking him up.

"YAWN* I was sleeping so comfortably, why did you have to wake me up?" Haru said with a yawn.

"You didn't feel uncomfortable?" Jin-ah asked as she knew that he has been sleeping like that for hours.

"No, I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud," Haru said as he kissed Queresha on her lips softly.

"Thank you Resha," Haru said as he stood up and walked towards the bathroom to wash his face leaving the blushing Queresha behind.

The other three looked at her causing her to cover her face with her hands as all her sleepiness flew away.

"Hehe, Queresha Unnie is so cute," Jin-ah said causing the other two to nod as seeing a mature and level-headed woman blush is something else.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!