My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 242

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:51:11 AM

Chapter 242: A Heartless Man Who Incites Human and Divine Wrath

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Chapter 242: A Heartless Man Who Incites Human and Divine Wrath

With the strength of Yue Hexuan and his two companions, their figures appeared in another place in just the blink of an eye.

This was the deepest part of the Misty Peaks, where a waterfall hung from the mountain top, flowing straight down.

Yue Hexuan waved his right hand, and the massive waterfall split to the left and right, revealing a pitch-black cave entrance.

Behind the water curtain was unexpectedly a cave!

Lets go in.

With a flash, the three figures stepped into the cave.

The place was spacious, much larger than it appeared from the outside.

At a glance, the ground was covered with swords, bound by black chains that connected them all.

The sound of swords clanging echoed, even overpowering the roar of the waterfall at the entrance to the cave.

And this place was none other than the Sword Tomb of the Myriad Sword Sect.

Following Yue Hexuan deeper into the Sword Tomb, it didnt take long for the surroundings beneath their feet to change from stone walls and dirt to giant white skeletons left behind by some unknown demonic creatures!

Even though these skeletons had weathered many years, the lingering aura on them made even Yue Hexuan and his companions feel a bit uneasy.

At the deepest part, at the end of the skeletons, they saw a skull that resembled some kind of wild beast. At the center of the skulls forehead, a black hole the size of a thumb was particularly conspicuous, with wisps of lightning arcs surging above it.

According to the records of the Myriad Sword Sect, the Sword Ancestor disappeared after killing this demonic beast, leaving only the sword inserted into the forehead of the beast.

Successive Sect Masters have attempted to pull out the Purple Thunder Divine Sword, but all have returned empty-handed.

Some speculate that because this demonic beast was too powerful, the Sword Ancestor feared that the profound divine ability it would reveal after death would bring calamity. Therefore, he used his personal sword, set up restrictions, to suppress the remnants of the demonic beast.

Of course, this is just speculation, and the truth of the matter has long been lost to history, sighed Yue Hexuan.

After a pause, he began to recount the night when the Purple Thunder Divine Sword appeared in the world.

The Sword Tomb underwent a change, the myriad swords trembled, and sword qi soared.

He and twelve other peak masters gathered outside the Sword Tomb, witnessing a bolt of lightning streaking out from the waterfall cave entrance and soaring into the sky.

That bolt of lightning was the Purple Thunder Divine Sword.

The Purple Thunder Divine Sword, who had been silent for a long time in the Sword Tomb, suddenly appeared, and we were very suspicious.

However, after inspecting inside and outside the Sword Tomb, no abnormalities were found.

Who? Me?! Qin Feng was completely dumbfounded.

Miss Lan Ningshaung, Senior Sister Bai Qiu, both of you come over quickly. Dont be deceived by his appearance. This guys actions are simply infuriating! a group of male disciples shouted.

Lan Ningshuang was startled by the commotion. She whispered, Brother-In-Law, what have you done? Why are these people talking about you like this?

I dont know either. Qin Feng carefully recalled. After arriving at the Myriad Sword Sect, he hadnt been anywhere else. Why were people treating him like this?

At this point, do you still want to quibble? It seems you wont admit to your wrongdoing unless we list them all out! someone retorted.

Then, everyone in the Myriad Sword Sect put together the rumors they had heard and processed through multiple processes.

After listening, Qin Feng was completely stunned. In the mouths of these people, he had become an unforgivable scumbag, worse than Chen Shimei*.

Not only did he frequent questionable places, but he also displayed affection to other womens in front of his wife, even being with another woman on the wedding night!

Wait a minute, the last point doesnt seem wrong Qin Feng glanced at the side where Ningshaung was. The dazzling moon on the night of their wedding was still vivid in his memory.

Your misdeeds are too numerous to mention. How dare you come to my Myriad Sword Sect to find Senior Sister Jinali! Is that your evil slave? Injuring my sect disciple, truly despicable! Why is your face so dark? Are you doing this for someone to see?! a male disciple shouted.

Xing Sheng: ???

After listening to so much, Qin Feng finally understood. Someone in the sect must have spread false information and said bad things about him.

The purpose behind it was not hard to guess. Marrying Liu Jianli as his wife would naturally attract envy and jealousy.

Since their arrival at Myriad Sword Sect, Black Charcoal Head had only dealt with the two gatekeepers.

In that case, the source of the rumors didnt need much guessing In the crowd, Jiang Guang shrank his head and looked aside, Junior Brother, did you spread these rumors?

Sun Cai also looked puzzled, No, I just told some people in the sect that Sister Jianlis husband has come and brought his family.

And then I just complained a bit about that dark-faced guard who laid hands on us.

Thats strange. Apart from you, I just casually said a few words. Handsome men are often fickle and not worthy of entrustment.

The two looked at each other, both swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

The rest of the disciples were already excited and shouted, Someone like you is not worthy of meeting Senior Sister Jianli.

If I werent from the Myriad Sword Sect, Id cut down every unfaithful man like you one by one! scolded the female disciples in a tender voice.

Thats right! Before we take action, get out of the Myriad Sword Sect.

Yes, unfaithful man, get out of the Myriad Sword Sect!

The voices calling for retribution were deafening.

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