My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 243

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:51:10 AM

Chapter 243: Sword Duel? Why don't you engage in a Literature duel with me?

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Chapter 243: Sword Duel? Why don't you engage in a Literature duel with me?

When Bai Qiu heard these words and looked at Qin Feng and immediately showed a disgusted expression. I didnt expect you to be this kind of person.

Im not, I didnt, dont talk nonsense! Qin Feng waved his hand immediately.

Slander! These are all blatant slanders!

Lan Ningshuang frowned and immediately rebuked everyone, Nonsense! How could my Brother-In-Law be such a person? He has never been to the Red Light area!

On this point, Lan Ningshuang was convinced, because most of the time, she was the one responsible for guarding her Brother-In-Law.

How could she give him such an opportunity?

As the sword attendant of Liu Jianli, Lan Ningshuang was known by most people in the Myriad Sword Sect. Some male disciples even admired her. At this moment, seeing her defend that unfaithful man, they felt heartbroken and indignant.

Someone couldnt bear it and stepped forward, drawing his sword and shouting, Unfaithful man, besides sweet words and hiding behind women, what else can you do?

Qin Feng helplessly said, Its all a misunderstanding. These rumors are groundless and fabricated! Is the source of this information the two disciples who guard the sect, one fat and one thin? Bring them here, and I can confront them face to face!

When Jiang Guang and Sun Cai in the crowd heard this they immediately shrank their necks and lowered their heads.

The man with the drawn sword said, No need to argue further. They spoke of your misdeeds. Calling them over, are you trying to let that evil slave act again?

It turns out it was those two troublemakers spreading rumors Qin Feng was so angry that he felt that Black Charcoal Heads attack was too gentle.

He opened his mouth and said, Everyone, youve been fellow disciples with those two for so long. Havent you noticed that their heads are not very functional? You cant trust what they say.

As soon as he said this, the originally noisy crowd suddenly quieted down, showing thoughtful expressions.

Someone whispered, Is this news really spread by Jiang Guang and Sun Cai?

I heard it from another junior, but it seems like his source of information is indeed those two.


Qin Feng raised his eyebrows when he saw this. All his explanations were useless, but as soon as he mentioned those two people, the rumors began to disintegrate from within.

It could be seen that the unreliability of those two guys had already deeply rooted in peoples minds.

The first one to defect was a group of female disciples. Someone said softly, Actually, looking at the young masters appearance, he doesnt seem like someone who would start trouble and later back down.

Perhaps we have misunderstood him?

Where are Jiang Guang and Sun Cai? Find them two and confront them face to face. Our Myriad Sword Sect is not unreasonable. Even if we really want to drive him out of Myriad Sword Sect, we must have solid evidence.

Some male disciples felt uneasy hearing this.

Your senior brother with the Sixth Stage cultivation level might be difficult for me to handle, but dealing with a little devil who hasnt even grown all his hair, Heh?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng pointed at the young person and said, What you said makes sense. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Coming to the Sword Sect, naturally, I should follow the rules of your Sword Sect. I apply for a sword duel with you. If I lose, I will leave the Sword Sect on my own. But if I win, you all must apologize to me!

What? The young person points to himself, looking confused. He just spoke a few words, how did he become the target of a sword duel?

Others also look bewildered.

Shameless! Hes just a junior who joined the sect a few years ago. How dare you propose a sword duel with him? someone, who has regained their senses, scolds.

Qin Feng chuckles lightly at the remark, You dare to challenge me, a practitioner of the Literature path, to a sword duel, but you wont allow me to choose my opponent? Who is truly shameless?!

But I am not an unreasonable person. If he is afraid, apologizing to me would be enough, and I can consider it as if nothing happened.

The young mans temperament was not mature enough.

After a provocation, he immediately took the bait and stood up, Alright, I agree to a sword duel with you!

Junior brother, dont act impulsively! advised the senior brothers on the side.

Its okay, senior brother. Hes just a weak scholar with no strength. I am confident! the young man said loudly, as if boosting his own morale.

Crude warriors have an unwritten tradition of describing scholars as having no strength like a bound chicken or as weak scholars.

This is partly because they really look down on scholars.

Secondly, their vocabulary is limited, and the insults they can think of are quite limited

The crowd made way for them, creating enough space for Qin Feng and the young man.

Lan Ningshuang said with concern, Brother-In-Law, be careful.

Qin Feng waved his hand and drew a circle on the ground, saying to the young man, I wont bully you. Ill just defend and not attack. If you can force me out of this circle, I will admit defeat and leave the Myriad Sword Sect voluntarily.

He had his reasons for doing so.

When one is at a low level in the realm of cultivation, it is wise to focus on defense rather than attack. Just like himself, the only offensive technique he could use was a formation called White Thunder.

However, White Thunder was too powerful. If he accidentally injured the young man in front of him, it wouldnt end well. In that case, it was best to focus on defense only.

But when these words reached the ears of the young man, they were perceived as blatant contempt.

His face turned red, and he gritted his teeth, saying, Youre going too far!

Then, he drew the sword at his waist and slashed directly!

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