My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 244

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:51:09 AM

Chapter 244: No Need to Hold Back, I Can Still Handle It

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Chapter 244: No Need to Hold Back, I Can Still Handle It

The young man is a martial artist of the eighth rank, with a first level sword intent that is at the realm of the Blades Edge.

Although he cant release sword energy freely, when combined with the sword techniques of the Myriad Sword Sect, he can still display considerable power.

He tightly grips the sword hilt with his right hand and thrusts forward. A cold gleam pierces through the air, giving off a taste reminiscent of a dragons spear.

Young Master, be careful! Lan Ningshaung and Black Charcoal Head simultaneously voice their warnings.

On the side, Bai Qiu watched with interest, hoping that this young disciple could give that despicable guy who took away her Senior Sister a good lesson!

The young man takes three steps and covers two feet in no time. In an instant, the tip of his sword is less than ten feet away from Qin Feng.

But the latter stands still, motionless.

Just when the young man thinks victory is in his grasp, and he can show off in front of his senior brothers and sisters, a sudden burst of white light appears in front of him!

That was Qin Fengs Literature Dao Skill the Heavenly Mirror!

The sword tip touches the Heavenly Mirror, and a white halo ripples from the mirrors surface.

Then, a sound like the collision of jade and stone is heard. The young man is directly pushed back by the counterforce, almost losing his sword in the process!

This unexpected scene stuns everyone present. They look at Qin Feng with disbelief.

This weak scholar actually has suck skills?nove(l)bi(n.)com

As expected, when Literature Qi is tempered into Righteous Qi, the power of Literature skills is enhanced. Previously, even though the Heavenly Mirror could easily defend against the opponents sword moves, it was impossible to repel them. Qin Feng says, watching the staggering young man thoughtfully.

I wonder how much I can withstand now with the Heavenly Mirror. This young man is still a bit weak; testing it with him is not enough. I need to find a martial artist of the seventh rank.

With this in mind, Qin Feng looks at the young man and says, What do you say? Do you admit defeat?

I will never admit defeat! The young man clenches his somewhat trembling hand and grits his teeth.

Seeing this, Qin Feng sighs, Well, come at me then.

As he speaks, he maintains the Heavenly Mirror in his right hand, while his left hand is placed behind him, adopting a lofty posture.

He even has the urge to shout, Grasping the bright moon and plucking the stars, there is no one in the world like me. However, he dismisses the thought; such words are too pretentious.

Qin Feng glanced at the sixth-ranking male disciple, who looked quite aggrieved, as if he had swallowed a fly.

I know youre anxious, but dont worry. Let me practice with this seventh-ranking disciple first. Depending on the situation, Ill decide whether to give you a chance to take action Qin Feng thought to himself.

The seventh-ranking disciple hesitated, wanting to speak but hesitating.

Qin Feng employed the same strategy again, If youre afraid, you can concede. Then, apologize for those unfounded remarks you made earlier about me. A sword duel with you wouldnt be considered bullying the weak, right?

Ridiculous! Im just afraid I might be too heavy-handed and hurt you! Since you dont know what is good for you, dont blame me. The thin-faced male disciple felt uneasy in his heart but maintained a tough exterior.

He drew his sword and exclaimed loudly, Brothers, make way a bit. The sword has no eyes! Watch as I defeat this weak scholar and make him roll out of the Myriad Sword Sect!

Good, as a member of the Myriad Sword Sect, I should have such courage!

Indeed, a mere weak scholar without any strength dares to show off in the Myriad Sword Sect. He simply doesnt know the severity of the situation!

Senior Brother (Junior Brother), I believe in you!

Upon hearing these words, the slender male disciple was greatly encouraged.

With not much talent, he thought he would live an obscure life in this sect full of geniuses, only to die at some point in the future while hunting demons.

Little did he expect that one day, he would attract the attention of so many fellow disciples!

Leave it to me, everyone. Kid, watch my sword! With a loud shout, the man raised the long sword in his hand, and a burst of sword energy was unleashed.

The momentum was impressive!

However, with a clang, at the moment the sword energy touched the Heavenly Mirror, it couldnt advance any further, crumbling until it disintegrated.

The seventh-rank disciples pupils suddenly enlarged. He had used seventy or eighty percent of his strength in that strike, but it had no effect at all!

On the other hand, Qin Feng was secretly delighted.

Now, the Heavenly Mirror Im using can easily withstand the attacks of a seventh-rank warrior without any effort. Should I try another sixth-rank person? No, its also possible that this guy hasnt used his full strength yet, thats why it turned out this way. Let him make a few more moves and see how it goes.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng struck a pose like Ip Man, saying, Senior, havent you had enough to eat? No need to hold back; I can handle it.

Everyone: .

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