My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 251

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:51:00 AM

Chapter 251: Formation

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Chapter 251: Formation

The next morning, with the rising sun in the east,Qin Feng, lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

Last night, the strange dream reappeared, but it was somewhat different from what he had seen before.

Liu Jianli continued to confront the Heavenly Tribulation within the Ten Thousand Sword Formation, after nine thunderbolts struck down.

The red Annihilation Thunder arrived as expected.

However, this time, the figure in white was not submerged by the red thunder.

At the most critical moment, the Flowing Cloud Hairpin on her head emitted a brilliant white light, resisting part of the destructive power of the Annihilation Thunder!

Nevertheless, even so, the lady in white was still no match for the red thunder and suffered severe injuries.

After this scene, the dream underwent another change.

The array of books he had read in the Listen to Rain Pavilion flashed through his mind one by one.

Not only that, the mountainous terrain of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, the distribution of streams and waterfalls, all appeared in front of him like a slideshow.

This Ten Thousand Sword Sect is located in the mountains, surrounded by mountains and rivers. The direction of the east, west, north, and south is quite suitable for a grand formation. Qin Feng muttered to himself, his eyes gradually shining.

An idea in his mind became more and more intense. If he could successfully deploy this method, he was confident that he could buy a moment for his wife when dealing with the Annihilation Thunder!

With his wifes strength, that moment should be enough to turn the tide!

But to set up a large formation, three problems need to be solved.

First, is the terrain distribution of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect in my dream identical to reality?

Second, to set up this formation, I need to visit the major sword peaks of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect. However, I am just an outsider. Will the masters of those sword peaks allow me to enter?

Third, the mastermind behind everything must be secretly observing the movements of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect. When I set up the formation, it cannot be too obvious. Qin Feng thought aloud.

Qin Fengs thinking was very clear, so the first thing to confirm now was the terrain distribution of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect.

He went outside the guest room, picked up a branch, and then outlined the mountain and water distribution he had seen in his dream on the ground.

On the mountain path, two figures, one fat and one thin, were heading towards the place where the Ten Thousand Sword Sect received guests.

Sun Cai said , Senior Brother, do we really have to go?

Jiang Guang wore a bitter expression, Of course we have to go. If we dont apologize to that guy, other sect members will kill us.

The scene from yesterday, where the other party calmly dealt with fellow disciples and the image of the unyielding white light barrier, was still vivid in his mind.

Such a powerful figure, how could he not have any offensive means? He didnt want to get hurt.

Junior Brother, Im sorry! Jiang Guang thought this and then smiled, Actually, we came today to apologize for the rumor from yesterday.

Oh? Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, waiting for the continuation.

Then the fat man bowed and apologized, The reason for yesterdays rumors was all because of my poor discipline! When I learned that my junior brother had spread the rumor, it was too late to stop it. So, I brought my junior brother to your door today just to apologize to you!

Hmm? Sun Cais eyes widened, looking confused. This wasnt what was agreed upon earlier.

Senior brother, dont talk nonsense. You are also involved in spreading these rumors!

Jiang Guang immediately put on a distressed look, Junior brother, speaking such nonsense, doesnt your conscience hurt?

What nonsense, senior brother? Its clearly you.

Next, the two engaged in a heated argument.

It was truly a spectacle of plastic brotherhood. Qin Feng only regretted not having sunflower seeds at hand.

Suddenly, he thought of something, Wait a minute, if Im not mistaken, both of these guys fathers are the Peak Masters of Sword Peak. With their status, they should be able to enter most places in the Myriad Sword Sect freely. Can I make good use of this opportunity?

Moreover, with these two fools as a cover, I can divert attention when setting up my formation.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng spoke up, Stop arguing. Since the matter is already over, I dont want to bring it up again.

Hearing this, the two idiots looked at each other, their eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of their mouths raised slightly.

Naturally, they didnt actually blame each other. In the past, when they made their senior brothers unhappy, they always used these methods to avoid trouble, and it had become a well-practiced routine.

Come and take a look at this map. Qin Feng beckoned.

Jiang Guang and Sun Cai immediately approached and looked at the ground. They saw a vivid landscape painting, and without hesitation, they began to flatter shamelessly.

Qin Feng pinched his eyebrows and shouted, No more nonsense. Does this map of the landscape match exactly with your Myriad Sword Sect?

Huh? Myriad Sword Sect? Jiang Guang and Sun Cai snapped out of it, took another look, and widened their eyes.

Senior brother, after he mentioned it, I realized, no wonder this landscape is so familiar! Look, this is the Drunken Butterfly Peak. Last time, we were hiding behind this cliff, secretly watching the junior sisters bathing in the mountain spring.

Before Sun Cai could finish his sentence, Jiang Guang hurriedly covered his mouth.

Seeing Qin Fengs strange expression, Jiang Guang looked embarrassed and changed the topic, I just took a closer look and this is indeed the Myriad Sword Sect!

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