My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 252

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:59 AM

Chapter 252: Everything Is Ready

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Chapter 252: Everything Is Ready

Qin Feng nodded. Since the geographical distribution of the Myriad Sword Sect was not a problem, the next matters became simpler.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

There are still at most three days until my wife is ready to prove her supremacy of heaven and earth. We shouldnt delay. Its best for me to traverse the Myriad Sword Sect today and set up the formation.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng said, My wife is about to face the Heavenly Tribulation, and I want to do something for her. In my hometown, there is a way to worship the gods of the four directions and pray for blessings. I hope you can take me to visit the major peaks of Myriad Sword Sect to pray for her.

All the peaks? Jiang Guang and Sun Cai showed shocked expressions.

Myriad Sword Sect was not small, and climbing all the peaks would undoubtedly take a lot of time and effort. Even though they were martial artists, they didnt want to endure such hardship.

Jiang Guang hesitated, Im willing to help you and Senior Sister Jianli, but my brother and I have to take care of guarding the sect. Its really difficult to get away.

Thats right! Sun Cai immediately agreed.

Really cant get away? Qin Feng glanced at them and casually said, Regarding the matter of Drunken Butterfly Peak and peeking at the Junior Sister, I wonder if people will believe what I say if I mention it.

Jiang Guang and Sun Cais faces stiffened at his words, then Jiang Guang quickly changed the subject, Ive thought about it carefully just now. Senior Sister Jianli represents the future of the Sect! Guarding the sect is insignificant compared to Senior Sister Jianlis tribulation. Master Qin, you dont need to say more. We should act now and set off!

Led by Jiang Guang and Sun Cai, the journey was smooth. Firstly, because Jiang Guang and his brother were the sons of the peak master. Secondly, it was because of Qin Fengs reputation within the Myriad Sword Sect.

In fact, Qin Feng was also curious about why the disciples of Myriad Sword Sect showed such respect and even bowed when they saw him.

Until Jiang Guang explained about yesterdays poem that he suddenly realized.

I didnt expect that the poems of ancient people could have such an effect.

The three of them set foot on the first sword peak, and the mountain path was rugged and winding.

During this time, Qin Feng, in order to deceive others, secretly arranged formations while also pretending to worship in all directions.

Only after confirming that the formation diagram was correct did he descend the mountain with Jiang Guang and headed towards the second sword peak.

Time passed quickly, and unknowingly, night fell.

And Qin Fengs drawn formation finally reached the last sword peak.

After a days journey, even Jiang Guang and Sun Cai, these two martial warriors, were panting, their backs covered in sweat.

Not to mention Qin Feng, the Literature saint?

You should know that while he climbed the peak, he also had to draw formations.

Its not just physical fatigue, but also mental exhaustion!

Many times in between, he almost fainted, but fortunately, with the support of Righteous Qi, he managed to persevere.

In order to give his wife more confidence when facing the calamity of the Annihilation Thunder, he had to persist!

The old man Bai Li raised his eyebrow and said with a smile, Hey, they went through great lengths to summon the Annihilation Thunder, hoping to obtain the ancient divine aura.

And this thing happens to be just right for bestowing a blessing upon your Daughter-In-Law.

Consider it a foundation for her future advancement into higher realms.

Mm. Qin Jianan responded indifferently.

Suddenly, the two felt something and turned their gaze towards the northern direction.

Bai Li sneered, There are always too many hidden mice that can never be exterminated.

Tonight, the moonlight was dim, darkness acting as a veil, obscuring their vision.

Thirty miles north of the Myriad Sword Sect, in the pitch-black mountain forest, a figure in a black robe moved cautiously, like a ghost.

In a moment, he reached a cliff and looked around.

In the blink of an eye, another figure appeared in front of him, dressed in a black and white robe with a ghost mask, a number four pattern on the chest.

The man sighed, Ive done what you asked. The black flame has been detained by the Sect Master.

And its at most three days until Liu Jianli opens the seal of Heaven and Earth Dominance.

But I dont understand why you want to expose your whereabouts now?

Also, what is that black flame, and why can it trigger the Purple Thunder Divine Sword?

You just need to do your part and dont ask about the rest. The ghost-faced man replied coldly.

The man in black robe paused and gritted his teeth and said, Fine, but dont forget your promise to help me reach the third realm and help me become the Sect Master of Myriad Sword Sect!

As soon as the words fell, the ground beneath the mans feet trembled, and black flames emerged from all directions.

Not long after, these black flames converged into one place, emitting a sound resembling a babys cry.

What, what is this? exclaimed the man.

Arent you trying to reach the third realm? Today, your wish will be granted.


The monster formed by the condensed black flames, in just a moment, enveloped the man in a black robe and dragged him into mid-air.

Accompanied by a heart-wrenching scream, countless black flames poured into the mans body.

After a while, the screams abruptly stopped, and the man landed again, lowering his head to inspect his own body.

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