My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 254

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:57 AM

Chapter 254: The Descent of the Annihilation Thunder

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Chapter 254: The Descent of the Annihilation Thunder

Qin Feng gazed at the suspended sword formation on the Star Moon Peak for a long time.

There was a strong feeling in his heart.

It was as if there was a connection in the abyss between him and his wife.

The Heavenly Tribulation would descend today!

I cant wait any longer, I have to get in position in advance. Qin Feng clenched his fists and made up his mind.

As noon approached, the lunch in the main hall was already prepared.

Lan Ningshuang put down her chopsticks and looked around curiously, asking, Where is Young Master? Is he still in the guest room? Bai Qiu, dont start eating yet. Lets wait for the Young Master, and then we can eat together.

On the table, there was a rich spread of food, and Bai Qius mouth watered at the sight. However, she couldnt swallow a bite, making her very uncomfortable. This annoying guy, why is he running around during mealtime!

Black Charcoal Head stood up and said, Ill go to the guest room and call Young Master over.

Alright. Lan Ningshuang nodded slightly.

But after a while, he was the only one returning.

Wheres Young Master? Lan Ningshuang asked curiously.

Black Charcoal Head shook his head.

Where did he go at this time? He is obviously still injured on his feet. Lan Ningshuang looked worried.

Sister Ning, lets not worry about him. Lets eat first. There shouldnt be any danger inside the Myriad Sword Sect, unless

As she spoke, Bai Qius face suddenly stiffened. She thought about what happened in the morning; that guy had said he wanted to go to Star Moon Peak when Jianli faced the Heavenly Tribulation.

No, it cant be. Bai Qius bright eyes flashed with a hint of unease.

What cant be? Lan Ningshuang looked at her.

Just then, several people in the hall felt a palpitation.

It was as if a huge stone were pressing on their hearts.

Outside the hall, it was still daylight, but in the blink of an eye, the sky instantly darkened as if night had fallen.

Bai Qiu and others guessed what was happening and hurriedly ran out of the hall, looking up.

At this moment, the sky was as if soaked in ink, just like the white water completely dyed by ink.

The endless dark clouds surged and completely enveloped the entire Myriad Sword Sect.

Especially above the Star Moon Peak, the low dark clouds make it seem like the sky is falling!

A calamity was about to arrive!

Everyone in the Myriad Sword Sect stopped what they were doing, all looking towards the sky with solemn expressions.

They could clearly feel that the power of this calamity was going to surpass the previous one!

Some disciples with lower strength even experienced difficulty breathing, their bodies unable to stand straight, as if they were stuck in a quagmire!

A majestic voice sounded, All disciples of Myriad Sword Sect, follow orders, move away from the Star Moon Peak!

As the words fell, in the main hall, Yue Hexuan, wearing a dark blue cloak, leaped into the air, staring at the densely packed clouds with a furrowed brow.

Clearly, it was a joyful occasion, but on the side, Lan Ningshaung and Black Charcoal Head still wore solemn expressions.

Because they thought of what Senior Bai Li and Brother-In-Law had mentioned about the red thunder.

Because the dark clouds in the sky that day had not dispersed; instead, they grew thicker, like an abyss, becoming even more profound!

Bai Qiu obviously noticed something unusual too. She looked up at the Star Moon Peak, her expression full of disbelief, How could this be?

In the Myriad Sword Sect, the disciples were also puzzled.

All nine heavenly thunder tribulations have passed, why hasnt the dark cloud dispersed?

Have you guys noticed that the dark cloud seems to be pressing even lower?

My heart is beating so fast; I always feel like something terrifying is about to happen.

Look, what is that?

Threads of red lightning arcs surged within the dark cloud.

There was no deafening roar as before, but instead, an eerie silence.

Everyone seemed to have their throats clenched, wanting to say something but unable to.

They only felt an invisible hand, gripping their hearts tightly, controlling their life and death.

The wind around them stirred, but they could no longer hear it.

They could only hear the pulsating heartbeat within their bodies, as weak as if they were on the brink of death.

Here it comes. Inside the main hall of the Star Moon Peak, the old man Bai Li, and a black-robed figure with a faceless mask looked silently at the sky.

On the other side, Fu Jia was hanging in the air, his eyes glowing with black flames and his face distorted.

The Annihilation Thunder. Its tone carried both excitement and fear.

Liu Jianli frowned as she gazed at the threads of surging red lightning.

Her expression was no longer as calm as before.

She could sense the terrifying power hidden within the dark clouds.

A divine power that human strength couldnt resist!


A sound like the sky breaking.

The dark clouds were dispersed.

After enduring many years, the Annihilation Thunder finally reappeared before the eyes of the world.

An ominous red.

Like the judgment of the heavens, extending like a palm.

Silent but carrying the power of destruction.

With just one glance, most people within the sect felt a despairing sense of powerlessness.

In its presence, the only outcome to welcome was death.

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