My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 256

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:54 AM

Chapter 256: Domain

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Chapter 256: Domain

Its Master Fu. How could he become such a monster? Bai Qiu covered her mouth with a shocked expression.

Thats the savage beast, Flame Gu, mentioned by Young Master. It went towards Miss! Lan Ningshaung looked anxious.New novel chapters are published on

Yue Hexuan always kept a close eye on Fu Jias movements. After all, as the Sect Master, how could he be a fool?

There was a disturbance in the Sword Tomb, and Fu Jia, responsible for defending the Myriad Sword Sect, was naturally the prime suspect!

With a little investigation, it was not difficult to notice something unusual about him.

However, he did not expect that Fu Jia would be taken over by the Flame Gu.

Seeing that Flame Gu was about to approach Liu Jianli and compete for the ancient divine aura, Yue Hexuan was about to intervene.

But at this moment, a golden arrow streaked across the sky, forcing him to retreat.

Looking in the direction of the golden arrow, it was the group of black-clothed figures that appeared in the void.

Sect Master! Other peak masters flew over and stood beside Yue Hexuan.

Who are you, and why did you trespass into my Myriad Sword Sect? Yue Hexuan said in a deep voice.

Ill tell you after youre dead. The leader, a man with a ghostly face, responded coldly.

Yue Hexuan sighed and released a powerful aura.

This pressure The man with the ghostly face spoke with a heavy tone. The pressure alone was comparable to the Twelve Divine Generals of the Great Qian Demon Slaying Department!

Have I been too inactive for too long? Is that why you all think anyone can step on me? Yue Hexuan said casually.

As he finished speaking, the man with the ghostly face quickly dodged. His companion, caught off guard, was cut in half by invisible wind swords, with blood splattering everywhere.

Sect Master, over there, with Liu Jianli A peak master expressed concern.

Yue Hexuan glanced at the direction of Flame Gu and said nonchalantly, Its okay, someone will handle that. Next.

He looked at the black-clothed group and said inexplicably, The name of Myriad Sword Sect will be resounded with the blood of these enemies.

On the other side, Flame Gu stretched out his huge claws, trying to crush Liu Jianli who was still absorbing the ancient divine aura.

Qin Feng was extremely anxious, Why hasnt the Master made a move yet?

He didnt want anything to happen to his wife!

Just then, a black light flashed, creating a barrier that enveloped the sky. Even the giant beast Flame Gu was imprisoned within it.

The shattered cracks stabilized once again.

Looking back at the black barrier, the body of Flame Gu had already been mostly shattered, and the black blood had soaked the space below.

Who are you?! Flame Gu roared in anger.

Having slept in the depths of consciousness for a long time, it thought that upon waking up again, it would rule this world.

However, it did not expect such an outcome.

Moreover, in the process of fighting the faceless figure, it also sensed a familiar aura, the demonic energy of a monster that had shared the flesh and blood of gods and demons with it, but whose strength was far superior!

Of course, Ghost Head would not answer, and his body disappeared into thin air.

A terrifying force descended, and the remaining huge body of Flame Gu, in an instant, turned into nothingness.

But it did not die; the black demonic hair wrapped around its soul, escaping from the domain of the Ghost Head.

It sought a human body to invade and take over.

Looking down, in the Star Moon Peak, a black figure was particularly conspicuous.

It was the one who had previously set up the formation, delaying the Annihilation Thunder for a moment.

And the formation was the method of the Literature saint, indicating that this persons soul was not weak. If it could devour his soul, it would greatly benefit its recovery.


The demonic hair streaked across the sky like a black line, rushing towards Qin Feng.

In just a few moments, Flame Gus soul could invade his body.

Damn, what is this thing? Qin Feng widened his eyes, his heart pounding. The perception of danger made him want to escape quickly.

However, the speed of this black line was too fast. How could he, a Literature saint, evade it?

In the domain, the Ghost Head and the old man Bai Li in the main hall were about to make a move to save, but a white figure was faster than them!

A graceful figure entered his sight, and the black hair slowly floated down.

Flame Gus soul was only an arms length away from Qin Feng, but it was completely blocked by the faint blue barrier.

That was the domain!

My wife. Qin Feng murmured.

Wait for me for a moment, Liu Jianli looked back and smiled, making the world lose its color.

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