My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 257

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:54 AM

Chapter 257: The Sword God's Smile

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Chapter 257: The Sword God's Smile

Qin Feng nodded in a daze.

Looking at his wife, who still emitted a faint golden light all around her.

He had a strong feeling that his wife at this moment had become even stronger.

Strong to an unimaginable extent!

Liu Jianli still held the Cold Water Sword in her right hand, and then made a move with her left hand.

In the Ten Thousand Sword Formation, the Purple Thunder Divine Sword, serving as the foundation of the formation, flew into her hands.

Surrounding the divine sword, the arcs of lightning surged again, even more intense than before, as if it was excited.

The sound of the sword was like the roar of thunder!

No, its impossible! The soul of the Flame Gu within the demon and gods hair emitted a sharp sound, sounding extremely shocked.

It seemed to have seen the Sword Ancestor of the past, once again appearing before it.

It wanted to turn around and escape, but the water vapor around it turned into a prison in an instant, sealing it inside.

Liu Jianli turned her head and looked at the soul of the Flame Gu, her smile fading, her eyes calm like a tranquil autumn water.New novel chapters are published on

She lifted her left hand and gently waved the Purple Thunder Divine Sword.

There was no exaggerated sword aura, and the movement was as natural as a graceful dance.

But in this calmness, a terrifying power was hidden.

In the space where the soul of the Flame Gu was, it seemed as if a piece of white paper cut in half by scissors, split in two, accompanied by a sharp and miserable scream.

This monstrous beast that had participated in the Night of the Divine Feast ultimately met its end with its soul extinguished.

However, the black demonic hair did not disappear with Liu Jianlis sword move; instead, it fell with the wind.

On the other side, the ghost-faced man who was fighting against Yue Hexuan, seeing the Flame Gu being killed and the demonic hair once again ownerless, no longer lingered in the battle.

With just a flash, he appeared in front of the demonic hair, and then his right hand tightly grasped it!

You dare to distract yourself while fighting me. Yue Hexuan said coldly.

A fierce wind rose around, invisible wind blades turned into the most intense killing intent, attacking the ghost-faced man.

However, in the void, a blood-gorged mouth appeared out of nowhere, swallowing the ghost-faced man in one bite, leaving no trace of his whereabouts.

Space technique. Yue Hexuans face looked unpleasant.

Without the ghost-faced man, the remaining group of black-clothed individuals was nothing more than a mob.

In just the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, all the peak masters of the Myriad Sword Sect subdued them.

Yue Hexuans original plan was to leave some survivors to investigate the true mastermind behind the scenes.

However, unexpectedly, at the moment when the black-clothed individuals were subdued, their bodies swelled directly, then burst into a sky full of blood mist.

Not bad. he remarked.

Although this deviated somewhat from his original plan to use the power of the Annihilation Thunder and the Myriad Sword Sect to exterminate the Flame Gu, at least half of the intended results were achieved.

Its just a pity that the ancient divine aura was completely absorbed by Liu Jianli. Otherwise, if we could seize the ancient divine aura, things would be much more convenient later on.

Its my fault. Gong Du bowed.

It has nothing to do with you. With that old guy and Ghost Head around, Im already satisfied to safely bring back the divine demon hair.

After a pause, the man drinking wine spoke again, Having absorbed the ancient divine aura, she has become the youngest Third-Rank Sword God in history.

He chuckled, Liu Jianli is truly an extraordinary woman in the world. As for her husband, hes quite interesting too. He actually thought of setting up the Water Zephyr Heavenly Dragon Formation to secure the most precious moment for Liu Jianli.

At this point, he picked up a roll of white paper from the table and recited the poems written on it, Clouds yearn for elegant attire, flowers long for a beautiful countenance, Spring breezes brush the doorstep, dewdrops enhance the richness. If not witnessed atop the jade-like mountains, One might meet beneath the moon on the Jade Terrace.

What do you think of this poem? he asked.

Gong Du shook his head, I dont understand these things.

The man sighed, Ah, you really dont appreciate humor. This poem is only heard a few times in the mortal realm because it belongs to the Heavenly Realm.

Tonight, the flowers are beautiful, and the moon is full.

On a giant stone atop a mountain peak in a certain location of the Myriad Sword Sect, two figures held hands.

Seeing this scene from the window, Bai Qiu, with a puffed-up face, exclaimed, This hateful guy is occupying Senior Sister Jianli again. I had so much I wanted to talk to my Senior Sister!

Lan Ningshuang glanced at the window with a contented expression, Alright, Bai Qiu, eat quickly and dont disturb Miss and Young Master.

Oh. Hearing the mention of eating, Bai Qius expression improved slightly.

On a giant rock, Liu Jianli rested her head gently on Qin Fengs shoulder, wearing a faint smile on her face.

Qin Feng turned his head and, feeling sentimental, recalled the snowman they had built in the Qin mansion back then.

In order to capture the smile of the beauty in his heart, he had depicted her appearance with the snowman.

However, comparing it now, it was truly worlds apart from the real person.

Liu Jianlis smile could even outshine the beauty of the moonlight.

And he, wanting to protect this smile.

Wanting to witness the passage of time with his wife, experiencing the changes of the world together.

Tonight, where do you want to sleep? Liu Jianli suddenly asked, her voice soft like a mosquito, and under the moonlight, her face blushed, looking quite charming.

Where to sleep? Naturally in the guest room. When Qin Feng said halfway, he suddenly realized something and his heartbeat accelerated.

He quickly changed his words, The beds in the guest rooms at Myriad Sword Sect are too hard. Ive had insomnia for several days in a row. I wonder if the beds in your disciples rooms are softer. Id like to give it a try.

Okay. Liu Jianli lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng was encouraging himself in his heart. Tonight, he would redeem himself and break his previous half-hour record!

It should be possible, right?

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