My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 262

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:49 AM

Chapter 262: Sword Emperor City Bai Wushuang

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Chapter 262: Sword Emperor City Bai Wushuang

You the black-dressed beauty pointed at Qin Feng, her rosy lips slightly parted, but she hesitated to speak.

Sorry, I also Myriadt to have a taste of such a rare delicacy as the Thunder Rabbit. Qin Feng apologized with a fist gesture.

The stall owner was excited, This young sir has bid seven thousand taels. Does anyone want to continue bidding?

While speaking, the middle-aged stall owner deliberately looked in the direction of the beauty. He could tell that among the onlookers, only she had the financial capacity to continue bidding.

The beautiful woman clenched her silver teeth, glared at Qin Feng, and then raised her hand, I bid eight thousand.

Before she could finish speaking, an old man beside her hurriedly stopped her, Miss, you cant do this. Havent you forgotten that we only brought ten thousand taels when we came out?

Since we have ten thousand, its fine to take out eight thousand. the black-dressed beauty frowned slightly, she was determined to get this rabbit!

But, Miss, youve spent over three thousand taels on the way here. Where are the eight thousand taels left? Uncle Wu sighed helplessly. The eldest lady is good at everything, but she just cant control her mouth.

What? The beauty showed a disappointed expression upon hearing this.

The stall owner also realized that the other party couldnt continue to bid, so he immediately closed the deal.

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow and said with a smile, Thanks to the young lady for giving up.

With money exchanged for goods, Qin Feng carried the rabbit cage towards the direction of the Myriad Sword Sect.New novel chapters are published on

The beauty in black dress stared at Qin Fengs leaving figures with burning eyes.

Oh, to be more accurate, she was staring at the Thunder Rabbit in the cage.

Uncle Wu.

Whats the matter, Miss?

How about we cover our faces, find a place where no one is around, and snatch the rabbit? The bright eyes of the beauty narrowed slightly, revealing a hint of dangerous intent.

This is impossible, Miss, do you want to be imprisoned by the master?

The tall and slender lady in the black dress shivered, thinking of that quiet and desolate Sword Prison.

Being confined was a trivial matter, but the crucial part was staying inside without being able to enjoy delicious food.

After a moment of internal struggle, she pursed her lips and said, Father should still be in the Sword Emperor City. If we act quickly and efficiently, snatch the rabbit, and run away, I dont think anyone will notice.

Her unparalleled sister was too perfectbeautiful and extraordinarily talented in swordsmanship. In comparison, she felt like an ugly duckling, living in her sisters shadow.

Over time, she developed some understandable feelings of inferiority. However, the real reason she left the Sword Emperor City was not due to feelings of inferiority complex. But it was because of her detestable sister who always wanted to pinch her cheeks, and even compete with her for delicious food!

Especially for the latter, stealing someones food was simply a heinous crime! Despite her warnings, her sister persisted in her mischief.

In a fit of anger, she left the Sword Emperor City. But in this vast world, where else could she go?

Just then, her master found her in the sea of people. Subsequently, her days of cultivation in the Myriad Sword Sect began.

In the blink of an eye, five years passed. Even the simple-minded Bai Qiu couldnt help but feel a sense of nostalgia and emotion.

She was also wondering, what kind of scene would it be when she saw her sister again? Would her sister have changed?

After a long time apart, she should be accommodating and not compete with her for food anymore, right?

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, a disciple came and said, Senior Sister, Young Master Qin is asking for you at his place.

Him? Bai Qiu frowned and snorted, What does that annoying guy want from me? Im in a bad mood right now and dont have time to deal with him. Help me make an excuse, say that Im focusing on studying swordsmanship to prepare for the upcoming Battle Of Swords!

But, Senior Sister, Young Master Qin specifically instructed that you would regret it if you dont go. the disciple hesitated and added.

Regret? Bai Qiu placed her hands on her hips, I said Im not going, so I wont go. Just relay my message!

The disciple sighed helplessly, Alright, Young Master Qin brought back a Thunder Rabbit and is preparing to cook it. Hes inviting you to join. Since the Senior Sister doesnt want to go, Ill go and decline for you.

Thunder Rabbit?! Bai Qius eyes lit up at the words. She immediately stood up, pressed down on the male disciples shoulder, and said displeased, Next time, remember to get to the point first!

As soon as she spoke, she used her mysterious technique and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Night fell, the sky filled with stars.

Outside the guest room of the Myriad Sword Sects.

Bai Qiu held a pair of chopsticks in each hand, looking at the rabbit meat grilling over the fire not far away, smelling the rich aroma, and uncontrollably drooling from the corner of her mouth.

Qin Feng, how long will it take to roast rabbit meat?

Qin Feng smirked at her question. In the time it took for an incense stick to burn, she had asked the same question almost a hundred times!

He was starting to regret inviting Bai Qiu over.

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