My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 263

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:48 AM

Chapter 263: Deep Sisterhood?

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Chapter 263: Deep Sisterhood?

Everyone, please come with me. Your resting place is in front of you. A disciple of the Myriad Sword Sect said respectfully.

Following him were the group from the Sword Emperor City, led by a black-dressed beauty and an elderly person in plain clothes.

Sigh. Bai Wushuang would sigh from time to time as she thought of the Thunder Rabbit she had missed during the day.

That was truly a rare delicacy!


A strange sound echoed, and the disciple of the Myriad Sword Sect turned to look. He saw the black-dressed woman, who was as beautiful as Senior Sister Jianli, touching her abdomen, clearly hungry.

When will we have dinner? Bai Wushuang asked softly.

Miss! Uncle Wus face turned awkward.

The others from the Sword Emperor City also turned their heads away, unable to bear looking directly.

The male disciple forced a dry laugh, Once you reach the resting place, Ill arrange it.

Okay. Bai Wushuang nodded.

Just then, a faint fragrance wafted in, reaching her nose.

Her beautiful eyes widened. What kind of fragrance was this? Just a whiff made it irresistible!

Following the scent, she looked towards a distant mountain peak where sporadic flames flickered, and white smoke floated.

Someone was cooking something delicious!

Bai Wushuang swallowed a mouthful of saliva and pointed to the mountain, asking, Can I go there and eat with them?

The male disciple froze, unsure how to answer.

Miss! Uncle Wus tone carried a sense of impatience.

The rest of the Sword Emperor City people touched their foreheads and lowered their heads.

When they came, they flew on their swords, enjoying the envy and jealousy of others.

But at this moment, they just wanted to find a hole to hide in.

I was just kidding. Bai Wushuang reluctantly added, but her eyes were still glancing at the smoking mountain peak.

The male disciple breathed a sigh of relief at her words and led everyone from the Sword Emperor City to a resting place, then went to arrange the evening meal.

However, when the people from the Sword Emperor City came to their senses, they could no longer see the figure of their young lady.

Oh no! Uncle Wu seemed to have guessed something.

At this moment, she just wanted to embrace her sister tightly, rub against her soft chest, and reminisce about the past.

Sister! Bai Qiu stood up, opened her arms, and went forward to greet her.

Qin Feng and the others were also moved by this touching reunion.

However, the following scene left them dumbfounded.

The black-dressed beauty moved away from Bai Qiu, naturally taking the latters original position.

Thanks, Qiuer. Its really most comfortable to eat sitting down. Whats this steaming red soup? It smells so good~ Bai Wushuang picked up a piece of meat from the hot pot and put it in her mouth.

Because the meat was too hot, she made a humming sound in her mouth. The delicious taste she had never experienced before made her show a happy expression.

Sister! Bai Qiu shouted, looking aggrieved. Five years had passed, and the other person hadnt changed at all; she still snatched her things as soon as she arrived!

Bai Wushuangs chopstick movements were fast, and the ingredients in the hot pot were quickly diminishing.

Seeing this, Bai Qiu no longer cared about the joy and excitement of the reunion. She knew her sisters appetite. If she didnt act fast, she wouldnt even get a sip of the hot soup!

Sister, dont snatch it. That piece of rabbit meat is mine!

Just like that, with the addition of Bai Wushuang, the originally harmonious dining table turned into a battlefield.

Qin Feng and others looked at each other, all showing expressions of surprise.

They seemed, apparently, not to have invited this young lady to dine together?

After the storm, Bai Wushuang sat contentedly on a wooden chair, stretching lazily.

Her exquisite curves were fully displayed in this moment.

Qin Feng took a glance and gave this evaluation in his mind: The charm is as comparable to my wife, but still not as good as Ningshuang!

As a gentleman, he naturally wouldnt look at it too much and quickly withdrew his gaze.

Of course, the main reason was that Ningshuang and Liu Jianli were sitting on the side, and the observation skills of a martial artist were quite keen.

Bai Wushuang looked towards the tranquil figure of the white-clothed girl on the other side and spoke frankly, Dad didnt deceive me. Your meridian damage has been completely repaired, and your strength has also improved.

The atmosphere became serious.

Qin Feng frowned slightly, while Liu Jianli remained silent, waiting for the continuation.

A while ago, I learned the ultimate mystery of the Wheel Turning Sword Technique from Dad. Its called Three Day Divine Unity and Ive been wanting to find someone to test it with. Are you interested?

The two beautiful women looked at each other, their auras like the wind, sweeping away the dust on the ground.

Qin Fengs face was a bit ugly. How could anyone come over and immediately start taking action after finishing their meal?

Is turning hostile faster than turning a page in a book?

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