My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 268

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:44 AM

Chapter 268: The Pitiful Young Man

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Chapter 268: The Pitiful Young Man

As the sword pattern shone with light, a seam opened at the top of the sword box.

The sword Qi surged, and several crisp sword sounds echoed.

Judging by the looks of it, Li Luo really wanted to take action!

However, at this moment, a slender jade hand pressed on top of the sword box.

Like water vapor, a blue light lit up, enveloping the Ghost Soldier Sword box, and all the movements stopped.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. Children are indeed children; they get agitated over just a few words, lacking any sense of restraint!

Li Luo widened his eyes, looking incredulously at the faint blue light, which acted like a barrier. He trembled as he said, Domain, have you entered the third realm?!

Liu Jianli nodded slightly, I entered not long ago.

The young man opened his mouth, and then sat back on the chair as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

Suddenly, he thought of his masters strange expression and the words his master had said to him.

So, the master already knew that Liu Jianli had entered the third rank and achieved the realm of Sword God!

Thinking back to his confidence on the way here, the young mans face alternated between red and white. His embarrassed toes seemed to want to poke through his shoes.

Qin Feng didnt pay attention to the young mans expression but turned his head and asked, Domain, what is that?

Liu Jianli spoke softly, Divine Martial Third Rank, also known as Divine Profound Qi Realm. One can emit their own Qi, create another space, and this space is called the Domain.

Qin Feng thought of something, Back in Jinyang City, the space unfolded by Senior Mad Blade and the Black world that appeared some time ago, are those Domains too?

Liu Jianli nodded and then explained some things about the third rank martial artists Domain.

The Domain forms its own world, and if an enemy is trapped within the Domain, their Yin Qi, Literature Qi, and Martial Qi will all be suppressed.

On the other hand, the person who unfolds the Domain can unleash unimaginable combat power.

Qin Feng took a breath, Its a give-and-take situation. In other words, among those beings above the third rank, whoever expands the Domain first gains a huge advantage?

Black Charcoal Head and Lan Ningshuang, on the side, were also listening attentively. The realms above the third rank were something they dreamed of, but they found them to be quite mysterious.

Liu Jianli shook his head, The higher the rank, the greater the power gap within the same rank.

And for Divine Martial Third Rank Divine Profound Qi Realm warriors, the strength of the expanded Domain naturally varies greatly. A powerful Domain can easily disperse a weak one.

The young man bit his lip, a look of grievance clearly flashed in his eyes, and then ran away without looking back.

Looking at the lonely and somewhat trembling figure of the young man, Qin Feng felt a great deal of sympathy for him.

Just like in the youth manga of the previous life, every young protagonist would encounter a formidable enemy, then recognize them as a rival, and spend their life in pursuit.

Until gaining the opponents recognition, and even surpassing them!

It seemed that his own wife was the goal pursued by that delicate young man.

Unfortunately, his wife was too ignorant of worldly affairs, even too lazy to remember other peoples names.

At this moment, Lan Ningshuang spoke up, Miss, how could you forget? That young mans name is Li Luo. Back then, when he came to the Sect to challenge, he single-handedly fought against all the disciples of the Myriad Sword Sect, and no one was his match.

Li Luo Liu Jianli put her jade fingers in front of her vermilion lips, as if still reminiscing, but it was clear she didnt remember.


Hmm? Liu Jianli looked at him with a puzzled expression.

The next time you meet him, remember to call him by his name.

Okay, but why?

Because he is pitiful, Qin Feng kept this thought to himself, not saying it out loud.

Glancing at the hall and not seeing the figures of Master and Dad, Qin Feng curiously asked, Where are my master and dad?

Lan Ningshuang replied, They left before Li Luo arrived. I dont know where they went.

On a towering sword peak, surrounded by mist.

On a giant rock near the cliff, Nan Tianlong held a wine jug, overlooking the sea of clouds.

At this moment, a figure silently appeared beside him, the face hidden behind a faceless maskthe Ghost Head!

Since youre here, why not sit down and have a drink? Nan Tianlong took a sip of wine and said.

The Ghost Head didnt respond, standing straight as ever.

We havent sat down together and reminisced for many years. Since you left Heavenly City back then, every time the Master remembered you, he misses you very much. Also, theres no one else here. Youve been wearing that broken mask all this time, who are you showing it to? Nan Tianlong raised an eyebrow.

The Ghost Head sighed and took off his mask, revealing the face of Qin Jianan.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

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