My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 269

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:43 AM

Chapter 269: Turning Point

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Chapter 269: Turning Point

When you disappeared in the Northern Territory, everyone thought you died together with the evil spirit of the God Eater, but no one knew that it was because of a woman.

Nan Tianlong paused in his speech, Master feels guilty about what happened back then.

Qin Jianan shook his head, It has nothing to do with him. Over these years, I have come to understand. It was my own fault for not being by her side.

The woman mentioned by both of them naturally referred to Qin Fengs mother.

Eighteen years ago, demons and ghosts rioted in the four regions of The Great Qian, and the Garuda tribe revealed its fangs.

At that time, chaos ensued, bones laid bare in the wilderness, and not a single rooster crowed for miles around!

At that time, Qin Feng had just been born, and his mother was in need of care. However, a monstrous beast appeared in the northern region and devoured all living creatures within a hundred miles in one night!

Qin Jianan, as the commander of the northern region, could not sit idly by and had to take on the mission in the face of danger.

A fierce battle turned the area upside down, turning a hundred miles into ruins, devoid of vitality.

Although he won, it was a Pyrrhic victory. How powerful were the demons who participated in the Night of Divine Feast?

And the one that invaded the northern region was among the most formidable!

He fortunately survived and gained deeper insights from the great battle, advancing his strength further.

However, upon his return to Heavenly City, he was struck by thunder on a clear day, shattering his heart and soul!

Qin Fengs mother was dead!

While demons caused havoc simultaneously in all four regions, there was also a powerful demon, comparable to ancient gods and demons, that invaded Heavenly City!

Although that demon was defeated by the Divine Guardian and had half of its body shattered, and fled Heavenly City, Qin Fengs mother forever slept in a temple.

She intended to pray for Qin Jianans safety and hoped for his return.

But fate had other plans. Qin Jianan returned alive, but she left.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

From that moment on, Qin Jianan became disillusioned with his role as the commander of the northern region and only wished to protect his family.

After the Master repelled that demon, its traces were seen in the southern region. Nan Tianlong casually remarked.

I know. Qin Jianan replied.

Sometimes he would leave Jinyang City, ostensibly for business, but behind the scenes, he was also tracing the whereabouts of the demon that was as powerful as a god or demon from years ago.

The old man swirled the wine glass in his hand, Military House have always emphasized the cultivation of the sword and the art of controlling the sword, rather than improving ones own strength. Although this makes their swordsmanship unparalleled, their insufficient strength often leads to members of the sect being severely injured when practicing sword control, suffering from the backlash of sword Qi.

Yue Hexuan couldnt understand his intention: To gain something, one must inevitably give up something. The disadvantages of Martial House are not secrets. Why are you suddenly bringing this up?

The old man smiled and said, If I remember correctly, the elder who came with Li Xiuzhi this time was injured by sword energy in his youth. Three meridians in his right hand were shattered, and he could never reach the third-tier realm in his lifetime. Imagine if someone helped him heal the meridian damage and then, using this as an opportunity, talked to Li Xiuzhi again. Wouldnt the chance be greater?

Upon hearing this, a golden light flashed in Yue Hexuans eyes.

The elder from the Li family had a high seniority in the clan and was Li Xiuzhis uncle, reaching the pinnacle of the fourth-tier realm of martial prowess.

However, due to the broken meridians in his fingers, Qi couldnt flow through his body, and he could never step into the third-tier realm in his lifetime.

If someone could heal his injuries, it would undoubtedly be a great favor to the Li family.

Just like a few years ago, members of the royal family wanted to establish a connection with the martial Li family. They brought a royal physician to the Li family, attempting to treat the elders broken meridians, but it was in vain.

You mean to let that young man Yue Hexuan seemed to have grasped something.

The old man revealed a meaningful smile without answering.

On the other side, in the resting place of the martial Li family:

Wearing a robe with white hair at the temples, the elder of the Li family said, Although weve sent Yue Hexuan away, he has declared that he will come back to find you. It seems he is genuinely interested in persuading the three major sword sects to teach martial arts openly, breaking the current situation of sects and noble families guarding their own martial techniques.

Li Xiuzhu looked out of the window and replied calmly, The thoughts ingrained since ancient times are not so easily changed.

The elder nodded slightly.

At this moment, Li Xiuzhu noticed the bandages wrapped around the elders right hand and asked with concern, Does it still hurt when you control the sword now?

The elder didnt deny it, saying, After so many years, Ive long been accustomed to it.

He seemed to have thought of something. After hesitating for a moment, he spoke, In fact, the martial practice of the Military House, although it can unleash far superior combat power at the same level, the method of emphasizing sword cultivation over personal cultivation is too harmful to young disciples. If one could learn the martial practice of the Myriad Sword Sect, then

Elder! Li Xiuzhu lightly scolded.

I spoke out of turn, The Great Elder sighed, clasped his fists and left.

Li Xiuzhu looked at the receding figure, sighed after a long while.

The situation of the Elder is not unique. In the martial practice of leaving home for military training, there are countless talents who, in their youth, suffered from the backlash of sword Qi, leaving behind hidden ailments.

Throughout history, many in the family have attempted to change the method of cultivation, but how easy is it?

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