My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 271

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:42 AM

Chapter 271: Healing the Great Elder

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Chapter 271: Healing the Great Elder

The next morning, sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the room with dancing particles of dust.

Wife. Qin Fengs lips curled into a smile as he murmured to himself.

As the brightness covered his eyes, he slowly woke up.

A face came into view, and he initially thought it was his wife. However, upon closer inspection, it was a weathered face, raising an eyebrow with a teasing expression.

Startled, Qin Feng sat up and exclaimed, Master, why are you in my room?

Seeing the sly expression on the others face, he felt a jolt in his heart. He quickly lifted the blanket, relieved to find himself fully clothed and unharmed.

He relaxed and let out a sigh.

A loud shout followed, You little scoundrel, what are you thinking?!

Nothing, nothing at all. Qin Feng clutched his head, feeling a sudden pain.

The old man didnt bother to argue, turned around, and said with hands behind his back, Get up, come with me for a walk.

Where to? Qin Feng asked in confusion.

Youll know when we get there.

Where is Li Luo? He has obviously arrived at Myriad Sword Sect, but he has not been seen since he left yesterday. asked Li Xiuzhu.

He went to cultivate with the Lord Heavenly Dragon of the Southern Domain, preparing for the Battle Of Swords.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

After a pause, the Great Elder spoke again, Yue Hexuan is here again, and the Sword Emperor Bai Yan is with him.

Li Xiuzhu frowned, Just send him away.

The Great Elder shook his head and handed something over, Yue Hexuan didnt say he wanteds to see you, just asked me to give you this letter. He said that after reading its contents, you would voluntarily seek him out.

Nonsense. Li Xiuzhu opened the envelope, took out the white paper, and read it. His pupils widened, and he looked at the Great Elder beside him with a complex expression.

Why this expression? What does the letter say?

Li Xiuzhu didnt answer but exhaled, Where is he? Take me to see him.

A while later, in the main hall of the place where MIlitary House Lis family rested, a group of people gathered.

The old man looked strange and said, Why are you telling me all this? If its to heal your damaged meridians, its not me, its that smelly kid.

What?! The crowd looked at Qin Feng again in surprise. Was the physician really this young person?

Why do you all look like that? Are you looking down on me? It seems like I havent shown my skills. You have no idea how capable I am. Qin Feng felt offended, a glint of gold flashing in his pupils.

He glanced at the Great Elders right hand and then confidently said, The three fingers with damaged meridians are the thumb, index finger, and pinky. Am I right?

Li Xiuzhus eyes widened, and even the Great Elder showed astonishment. He had determined the injury without even using his hands. Such methods were beyond the capabilities of the royal physicians from years ago!

No mistake. The Great Elder exclaimed excitedly. Do you know how to treat it?

I know, but Qin Feng glanced at his master and then at Yue Hexuan and Bai Yan, hesitating.

Why is no one saying anything? Now is the time to take advantage of the situation and speak up, isnt it? Do I, a junior, have to say it?

Whats the difficulty? The Great Elder asked anxiously.

Li Xiuzhu seemed to have thought of something, his brows slightly furrowed.

At this moment, the old man spoke, First, heal his injuries. We can discuss the rest later.


Qin Feng took out the meridian-repairing liquid from the spatial ring, then took a deep breath. White light gathered at the tips of his fingers.

He had the Great Elder sit down, rest his right hand on the armrest, and then activated his unique ability, focusing on the damaged meridians in the fingers.

Afterward, just like before, he adjusted and aligned the meridians using his abilities and applied the healing liquid to the damaged areas.

After experiencing the major operation in Yaan and dealing with his own wifes critical condition, the damaged meridians posed no difficulty at all for Qin Feng.

An hour and a half later, as the last damaged meridian was treated with medicine.

This round of medical treatment could be considered a great success.

Its done. Qin Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and said so.

During the treatment, in order not to disturb him, everyone remained silent. Now, upon hearing his words, they hurriedly asked, Elder, how do you feel?

The Elder did not respond, only raising his right hand, staring intently.

After a while, two clear tears slid down from his cheek. His voice trembled as he said, Its been thirty years. I never thought there would be a day when I would be healed.

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