My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 277

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:38 AM

Chapter 277: Liu Jianli Appears

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Chapter 277: Liu Jianli Appears

Next, Li Luo took action twice in a row, easily achieving victory with just a flying sword.

This also led to increasing cheers from the crowd for Li Luos.

On the other side, Yue Hexuan, Bai Yan, and Li Xiuzhu had already gathered to watch the battle of the swords.

Yue Hexuan exclaimed, Indeed, he is a genius rarely seen in the Li familys hundred years of history. Truly remarkable. It seems that I am most likely to lose the bet this time.

Right. Bai Yan smiled.

Li Xiuzhu, still wearing a serious expression, spoke, Your disciple has accidentally revealed the information about Liu Jianlis recovery from injuries. How long do you two intend to keep it from me?

Yue Hexuans expression stiffened, Bai Yan coughed, and his smile slowly disappeared.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

It became a bit awkward.

Although the final result is not certain, I think we can discuss in advance how the three major sword families will teach martial arts to outsiders in the future. Li Xiuzhu said calmly.

This statement obviously caught Yue Hexuan and Bai Yan off guard. Brother Xiuzhu, you?

Li Xiuzhu exhaled lightly, The Li family has been stuck in its own ways for too long, and its time to change.

Yue Hexuan and Bai Yan glanced at each other, smiling as they said, In fact, we two have long had a plan, which is to establish a Sword Alliance!

While the three leaders of the Sword Dao families were discussing important matters, the competition on the sword platform was intensifying.

Good! The supporters of the Sword Emperor City clenched their fists, excitedly cheering, while those supporting the Li family fell silent.

Because Bai Wushuang made a move!

Three times on stage, facing opponents each time, and each time, she won with just one sword move!

The sword moves were swift and difficult to counter!

Many people speculated about what the scene would be like when Bai Wushuang faced Li Luo. Would the formidable Ghost Soldier Sword Box of the Li family surpass the extraordinary swordsmanship of the Sword Emperor City?

Some exclaimed, Truly deserving to be ranked alongside Liu Jianli as a dual sword genius. Her swordsmanship and appearance are truly unparalleled!

I wonder when she stands with Liu Jianli, whose appearance will be more outstanding?

For most people, Liu Jianli and Bai Wushuang were only rumored to be exceptionally beautiful. Many had only heard about their breathtaking beauty but had never seen them in person.

At this moment, someone with a playful tone said, Isnt this person the one who claimed his wife is Liu Jianli? Why dont we just ask him directly?

At the same time, on the stage, Liu Jianli also looked towards Qin Feng, nodding slightly, as if greeting him!

Seeing this scene, everyones eyes widened. Following the gaze of the graceful figure in white, they stiffly turned their heads to look at Qin Feng, their faces filled with disbelief.

Could it be that everything this black-clad young man said earlier was true?

The most shocked were the members of the Military Family, as they had seen Liu Jianli before!

Although they had heard from the female disciples of the Myriad Sword Sect that Liu Jianli had recovered from her injuries, witnessing it with their own eyes still stirred up immense waves in their hearts! The scene of her flicking away the young master with a single finger years ago seemed vividly present.

Coincidentally, the one currently fighting against Liu Jianli was a disciple of the Military House. Unfortunately, this disciples legs were trembling uncontrollably.

There were many spectators in the audience, and if one were to be flicked away with a single finger in front of so many people, the desire to die would likely arise.

Liu Jianli asked softly, Are you ready?

The male disciple took a deep breath and said, Please draw your sword and teach me.

The phrase draw your sword was heavily accented, hoping that the other party would give him some face and not defeat him with just a finger.

Unfortunately, Liu Jianli did not understand the implied meaning of his words.

Her black hair floated, and her aura surged.

The male disciple felt a momentary trance, and his body seemed to float in the air. He was actually knocked out of the Sword Platform!

Seeing this, Li Luo reached out, and, as if grabbing through space, brought the male disciple back to the Military House side.

The poor male disciple still had a bewildered expression, constantly pondering three questions: Who am I, where am I, and what just happened?

Whats going on? an anxious fellow disciple asked.

I dont know. When I came to my senses, I was already flown out of the Sword Platform. It should be an outburst of inner Qi. the male disciple said, on the verge of tears.

Upon hearing this, everyone gasped. This male disciple was not weak in martial arts among the disciples; he was a fifth stage martial artist with a Clear Mind sword intent at the third level.

But now, facing such a fifth stage expert, does Liu Jianli even need to lift a finger?

They once again recalled the scene of the Battle Of Swords back then, and all looked at the handsome young man.

Li Luos face looked a little ugly. He gritted his teeth and said, What are you all looking at me for?!

Nothing. Everyone quickly averted their gazes.

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