My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 279

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:35 AM

Chapter 279: The Final Battle

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Chapter 279: The Final Battle

The young man bit his lip and clenched his fists.

I lost.

He certainly had hidden cards left, but in the face of that astonishing speed, he didnt have a chance to unleash his ultimate move!

How could this be? The members of the Military House had complex expressions.

They were amazed by the incredible swordsmanship, and they also felt regret for the young masters defeat.

As for the onlookers, they gazed at the dazzling sword aura in the sky and remained silent for a long time.

The Sword Emperors swordsmanship was once known as the worlds best, and it was not an unfounded reputation.

This Broken Star was just the first sword move of the Three Day Divine Unity, what kind of brilliance would the following swords display?!

After Bai Whushuang defeated Li Luo, she sighed in relief.

Then, she pointed in a certain direction with three raised fingers, expressing her joy.

While the crowd was puzzled by this gesture, Qin Feng couldnt help but smirk.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

This was Bai Wushuang indicating to him that, according to their agreement last night, she defeated Li Luo in just three moves!

This foodie is indeed amazing. Lets treat her to a meal tonight. Qin Feng smiled helplessly.

As long as Bai Wushuang could defeat Li Luo, the matter of the bet was already settled.

After all, when it came to his own wife, he had absolute confidence!

While the crowd was still savoring the battle between Bai Wushuang and Li Luo, after an incense sticks worth of time, the Peak Master of the Myriad Sword Sect announced the start of the second round of the competition.

This time, the participants were none other than Liu Jianli and Li Luo!

On the sword platform, a figure in white stood opposite a delicate young man.

The latter had obviously not fully recovered from the previous defeat, and his expression was somewhat disheartened.

Li Luo, are you ready? Liu Jianli opened her vermilion lips and asked softly.

The young man was momentarily stunned, then looked up in surprise. Were you talking to me just now?

Liu Jianli nodded slightly.

The disappointment in Li Luos eyes dispersed, replaced by a bright light.

Liu Jianli remembered his namewhat did that signify?

Until a strange force pulled him back to where the Military House was.

Li Xiuzhu looked at the disoriented young man and said, There are always people beyond people, and things beyond things. Todays setback may not be entirely a bad thing. After going back, practice well with Lord Nan Tianlong.

The other members of the Military House also comforted him, Young Master, dont be sad. Think about it in a positive way. At least this time, you were knocked out by a sword.

As this was said, the young mans expression became even more dejected.

The Great Elder walked to his side and advised, Young master, against the Sword God at the age of nineteen, your defeat is not unjust. You are still young; there is plenty of time in the future.

Li Luo nodded. He looked up at his father, fearing disappointment, but strangely, his usually serious father seemed quite relaxed at the moment.

Great Elder, why did my dad seem to be in a good mood when I lost? Li Luo asked uncertainty.

Really? Young Master, perhaps you are overthinking it, the Great Elder replied with a smile.

Li Luos expression was dull, he felt that his father and uncle were out of sync with his current mood.

Qin Feng, below the stage, breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, the matter of the wager had already been settled in dust.

Next, it was the ultimate showdown between his own wife and Bai Wushuang!

Although he had enough confidence in his wife, the splendor of the Broken Star Sword Move was not to be underestimated.

You see, that was the first sword move of the Sword Emperors sword art, Three Day Divine Unity. If it were displayed later, would it pose a threat to his wife?

As the sun set, dusk dyed the heavens and earth into a chrysanthemum red, adding a touch of desolation, as if setting the tone for the impending duel.

On one side was Bai Wushuang, who had mastered the supreme sword art of the Sword Emperor.

On the other side was Liu Jianli, who had already stepped into the realm of the Sword God.

The outcome of the battle between these two would, to some extent, determine who was the current top swordsman!

The setting suns afterglow spilled onto the Sword Platform, illuminating the faces of the two women in white and black skirts, creating a picture of beauty.

Li Luo asked, Father, who do you think will win between these two?

The realm of the Sword God is a realm that countless martial artists dream of. Unless Bai Wushuang can unleash the final sword of the Three Day Divine Unity, it is impossible for her to be a match for Liu Jianli. Li Xiuzhu affirmed.

On the other side, Yue Hexuan asked, Do you think your daughter has a chance?

Bai Yan rubbed his chin and replied, The chance of victory is naturally very small; she only has one chance with that sword.

One chance? Yue Hexuan raised an eyebrow, as if he had thought of something. Has she already mastered that move?

Barely. Sword Emperor Bai Yan gave a vague answer.

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