My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 281

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:34 AM

Chapter 281: The Sword Alliance is Still Missing a Chef

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Chapter 281: The Sword Alliance is Still Missing a Chef

The three major sword sects are going to merge together and form a Sword Alliance to teach martial arts to the world.

This is undoubtedly great news for the Divine Warriors in The Great Qian.

You must know that since major sects and aristocratic families keep their martial arts techniques to themselves, most of the martial arts circulating in the world are often mediocre.

As a result, ordinary martial artists from common families find it extremely challenging to reach a realm above the sixth stage in their lifetime.

However, once the Sword Alliance is established, as long as they join the Sword Alliance, these ordinary martial artists can also learn high-quality martial arts!

They can even hope to reach high realms that were previously unimaginable!

Qin Feng listened to the details announced by the Sect Master Yue about the Sword Alliance recruiting people from all over, and heard the cheers and excitement of the people around him.

He couldnt help but feel emotional.

This day is destined to be extraordinary. In the future, the structure of The Great Qians warriors is likely to change due to the establishment of the Sword Alliance.

But amidst the joy, he thought of something else.

Master, the landscape of warriors has already opened up with the establishment of the Sword Alliance. But what about scholars?

The Great Qian has few Literature saints, and high-grade Literature saints are mostly in the capitals Grand Literature Academy. This is an undeniable fact.

In a sense, Literature saints are even more exclusive and treasure their knowledge more than warriors because ordinary scholars cant even find the threshold to enter!

Not to mention how to step into higher realms afterward.

Is learning martial arts the only way for people in the world?

The old man put away his usual nonchalant appearance at the words and said, Do you remember what you said outside the Listen To Rain Pavilion back then?

Qin Feng was puzzled, not understanding what his master was referring to.

As long as you have the world in your heart, you can study anywhere.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Qin Feng recalled that this sentence was said casually when the old man persuaded him to study at Grand Literature Academy because he was unwilling to leave his family.

Unexpectedly, his master had always kept it in his mind.

He sighed, At that time, I had just entered the realm of a Literature saint, knew nothing, and said that impulsively.

If I hadnt entered the Listen To Rain Pavilion, if I hadnt met you, Im afraid I would have only reached the sixth-grade realm of a Literature saint at most in my entire life.

The path of progress for scholars has been sealed within the Grand Literature Academy in Heavenly City. This is a long-standing problem passed down through the ages.

Just like the major sects and aristocratic families unwilling to impart martial arts to outsiders.

But such customs will eventually be broken.

Because they were too quick, Bai Wushuang choked on her food and casually picked up a cup from the table.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly intervened because she had picked up a wine glass!

Fortunately, it was a false alarm.

Bai Wushuang recovered and continued to eat voraciously. Qin Feng asked, Why did Lord Yue call you two today?

Liu Jianli stopped her movements and seemed to be thinking about his words.

The beauty in the black dress swallowed her food and said, Oh, its really nothing important at all, far less significant than having a meal.

Qin Feng retorted in his mind, For you, what could be more important than eating?

Didnt they announce the establishment of a Sword Alliance today? The three major sword families are all preparing for people to join. As for the Sword Emperor City, my father intends to let me go and broaden my horizons. On the side of the Myriad Sword Sect, Master Yue has approached Liu Jianli. Bai Wushuang casually mentioned, as if it were an inconsequential matter.

Qin Feng was taken aback.

Was his wife planning to leave his side and stay in the Sword Alliance? The others also looked at Liu Jianli with curious eyes.

Master told me that its enough to have my name associated with the Sword Alliance; theres no need to stay there all the time. Liu Jianli explained with a slight smile.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this. It seemed that Master Yue wanted to leverage his wifes reputation to promote the Sword Alliance and attract more martial artists from all over.

However, the establishment of the Sword Alliance is unprecedented in the history of The Great Qian. It will undoubtedly become a formidable force in The Great Qian. The earlier you join, the more benefits youll receive. If I can secure a position in it, wouldnt that be equivalent to having the three major sword families as a backing?

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more it made sense, his eyes gleaming.

He coughed and asked, I wonder if I can also have my name associated with the Sword Alliance?

You? The others showed surprise on their faces.

The old man raised an eyebrow, and Qin Fengs father looked peculiar. Bai Qiu sneered immediately, and even Lan Ningshuang and Black Charcoal Head, who usually supported him, didnt seem optimistic.

They tactfully said, Young master, the Sword Alliance is established for martial artists across the land. As a scholar of the Literature path, even if you join, it may not be of much use, right?

No, you dont understand. I dont intend to contribute to the Sword Alliance; I just want to seek support. Qin Feng silently muttered to himself.

At this moment, Bai Wushuang said, I actually think youre very suitable to join the Sword Alliance!

Oh? Qin Fengs face lit up. Although this person was a foodie, she had a discerning eye!

Well, why do you think Im suitable? he asked.

Because the Sword Alliance is still lacking a chef, and I think youre perfect for the role! Bai Wushuang said sincerely.

She had already thought it through; if Qin Feng really became a chef in the Sword Alliance, she wouldnt return to the Sword Emperor City!

Upon hearing this, the smile on Qin Fengs face gradually faded.

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