My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 284

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:31 AM

Chapter 284: I'm Probably Sick

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Chapter 284: I'm Probably Sick

At night, a crescent moon hangs on the branches, and the moonlight shines on the window paper, like a layer of water.

Qin Feng looked through the half-open window, raising his head to gaze at the moonlight over Jinyang City. Though not as enchanting as the Drunken Butterfly Peak of the Myriad Sword Sect, it felt particularly familiar since it was home.

He used his spiritual sense to observe the night sky, and as he looked up, the densely packed white stars were still present, but the joy of returning home faded by half.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Ever since he learned the method to step into the sixth-ranked Fate Divination realm, he observed the night sky every evening, searching for his own fate star.

However, all he saw was a sea of pure white light, leaving him at a loss.

He also thought that if it didnt work, he would give it up and find a white life star to enter the sixth level realm as soon as possible.

This way, he could enhance his cultivation quickly. After all, the world was too dangerous, and he couldnt keep hiding behind his wife forever.

But upon careful thought, he dismissed the idea. Whether it was Divine Martial Dao Lineage, Hundred Ghosts Dao Lineage or Literature Saint Dao Lineage, only by solidifying the foundation in the early stages could he surpass others in the later stages.

Sigh, advancing may be enjoyable for a moment, but I still need to plan for the future.

Qin Feng had made up his mind. He had been delayed in his cultivation by various trivial matters when he visited the Myriad Sword Sect. Tonight, he decided not to sleep.

He wanted to stay up all night observing the fate stars, hoping to find a blue or purple fate star to guide his Qi!

Just as he was determined and full of spirit, the door of the room suddenly pushed open, and a figure in white walked in lightly.

Seeing the blushing cheeks of the figure, Qin Feng vaguely guessed what was going on.

The door and windows were closed, and the candles in the room were extinguished just like the last time.

As the figure in white approached, Qin Fengs newly born fighting spirit disappeared in an instant.

Compared to cultivation, he felt that avenging his previous humiliation was more important!

Would you like to rest early? A fragrant breath brushed by his ears, and his wifes clear voice sounded like a mosquito.

Okay! Qin Feng took a deep breath, clenching his fists with force.

Tonight was the moment for him to prove himself!

The next day, Liu Jianli got up and dressed. She turned to look at Qin Feng, who was still lying on the bed with a dazed expression, and said softly, Im leaving first. Today, I have to guide Ningshuang in her cultivation.

Alright. Qin Feng replied, then heard the sound of the door closing gently.

Chief Si once told me that in places with dragon veins, there are various mysterious effects due to the outstanding individuals and the spiritual Qi of the land. However, I am not clear about the reasons for producing such effects.

Qin Feng thought of something and turned to Xing Sheng, The capital is the place with the most concentrated dragon veins. When you were in Heavenly City, didnt you experience this kind of feeling?

Hearing this, Black Charcoal Head shook his head.

Seeing this, Qin Feng frowned slightly. Could it be that he guessed wrong? Does the rapid improvement in cultivation have little to do with dragon veins?

However, apart from the manifestation of dragon veins, there is no other change in Jinyang City. Wait, could it be because of the establishment of the Huarong Road?

Qin Feng was puzzled, with too little information. He could only speculate based on the existing clues.

I will ask the master later in the evening. He has a broad knowledge and should know the reasons.

After chatting for a while, the second brother seemed to remember something and suddenly said, I almost forgot. Three days ago, the Manager Peng returned to Jinyang City and came to our house to look for the eldest brother. When he didnt see you, he went back.

Manager Peng? Qin Feng was surprised.

He had left Jinyang City for nearly twenty days. He must have made arrangements for the Moonlit Pavilion branch in Qiyuan City.

Okay, I know. Ill go to Moonlit Pavilion to find him later.

Leaving the Qin residence and arriving at Moonlit Pavilion, this time Qin Feng did not bring any guards.

After all, Ningshuang and his wife were out practicing, and Black Charcoal Head had to accompany the second brother to spar.

Now, Jinyang City could be considered half of Heavenly City. The public order was much better than before.

In addition, he had already reached the seventh rank of the righteous aura realm. As long as he displayed the Heavenly Mirror, ordinary sixth-rank warriors could not harm him. This had been confirmed in the Myriad Sword Sect.

With this in mind, Qin Feng felt confident in taking care of himself even without guards.

Moonlit Pavilion was still as crowded as before, and the enthusiastic waiter greeted Qin Feng as soon as he saw him.

The Manager Peng inside the restaurant heard the commotion and hurried over.

Young Master, youve finally returned. he exclaimed.

Qin Feng saw his appearance and asked curiously, What happened? Did the branch opened at Qiyan City encounter any problems?

The establishment of the branch did face some setbacks, but fortunately, everything turned out fine in the end.

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