My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 286

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:26 AM

Chapter 286: Secrets of the Dragon Vein

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Chapter 286: Secrets of the Dragon Vein

The unexpected call of Dad caught him off guard!

The beauty in black robe looked sideways, saw Qin Feng, and called out with a smile, Brother, long time no see.

Then she stood up, swayed her waist, and moved with lotus steps.

After all, Sister Mos true form was a black snake. When she twisted her water-snake waist, the men around couldnt help but feel unable to endure.

The beauty came to his side, took off the little girl who was hugging Qin Feng tightly, and earnestly cautioned, Young Mistress, as I told you before, dont casually call your parents. You can call him

Brother? The little girl tilted her head, put her fingers to her mouth and said curiously.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng staggered, almost losing his balance.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Sister Mo laughed, her flower-like body trembling, Young Mistress, I called him brother. You can call him elder brother.

Elder brother! The little girl said crisply.

Yeah. Qin Feng smiled somewhat reluctantly, mainly because the gazes of those around were too intriguing.

Moreover, he heard someone whispering there

That person seems to be Physician Qin.

That is Physician Qin! But that black-robed beauty, I remember Physician Qins wife wasnt her.

This relationship is a bit complicated. The little girl calls him dad, and the woman calls him brother. Could it be

Qin Feng couldnt bear it any longer, sat down, and tried to divert attention with small talk, Sister Mo, why did you leave without saying goodbye before? I thought something happened to you.

Sister Mo picked up a piece of meat, rolled out her tongue, and swallowed it quickly. Due to the fast speed, no one noticed anything unusual.

While eating, she recounted what had happened earlier.

It turned out that the breakthrough of the little beast was imminent, and it needed to find a place to transform.

Due to the special nature of the little beast, the place for its transformation had to be a place with violent Spiritual Qi.

Unfortunately, Sister Mo had to leave without saying goodbye, until the little beast successfully transformed not long ago, and they returned here.

Originally, when we left, I wanted to inform you, but when we arrived outside Jinyang City, I didnt sense your aura, so we left directly. Sister Mo touched her cheek and explained.

And the little one in his arms turned out to be the daughter of such a being.

Its a thigh, I have to hold it tightly. Qin Feng squinted his eyes and then smiled as he handed a piece of meat to the girl in his arms. Xiao Bai, eat more; theres plenty.

Yes! Xiao Bai nodded.

However, Sister Mo, since Xiao Bais mother occupies the three dragon veins in the Western Region, why didnt you cultivate there? Instead, you came to this remote place in the Southern Region? Qin Feng asked, expressing his inner doubts.

The places with dragon veins naturally attract the covetous eyes of many powerful beings. Although Big Sister is powerful and has roamed through most of the Western Region, she is limited in her capabilities. She worries about the safety of the little mistress, so she led us to the Southern Region and found this place. I suppose she wants to wait until the day she truly becomes invincible in the Western Region before bringing me and the little mistress back, Sister Mo casually explained.

Qin Fengs eyelids twitched; this thigh might be even thicker than he had imagined!

But Sister Mo, you mentioned that dragon vein locations give birth to Spiritual Qi. Why have I never sensed it? Ive only noticed an increase in my cultivation speed. Qin Feng curiously asked.

He possessed the X-Ray ability, allowing him to see things ordinary people couldnt.

He often used his eye techniques to observe his surroundings, but aside from the green Yin Qi, he had never seen the so-called Spiritual Qi.

The black-robed beauty clearly knew the inside story and replied, The root of all this lies in the Dragon Protection Monument established by your human race.

The Dragon Protection Monument? Isnt that a treasure that suppresses the spirits of the dragon veins? Qin Feng exclaimed.

That thing does indeed suppress the spirits of the dragon veins, preventing their aura from leaking out, but it also absorbs all the Spiritual Qi generated in the dragon vein location.

In the process, however, there will still be some Spiritual Qi that will still escape, which is also the reason your cultivation progresses faster.

Qin Feng opened his mouth wide when he heard this. This was something he could never have guessed.

He only felt that the true purpose behind the construction of the Dragon Protection Monument might be much more complex than what was superficially revealed.

By the way, Sister Mo, after the Dragon Vein was revealed in Jinyang City, the Divine Workshop built a protective barrier here. How did you enter the city? Qin Feng suddenly thought of this point.

Oh, you mean that thing? Its indeed troublesome, but fortunately, my elder sister once taught me a method. You just need to use a concealment-type treasure to hide your breath. I happen to have a similar item.

I see. Qin Feng nodded.

But after entering the city, a few ignorant guys still gave me trouble. I casually knocked them out and left them by the roadside. Sister Mo stirred the red soup with chopsticks, as if talking about a trivial matter.

However, Qin Feng suddenly became nervous. He had a bad premonition.

Just then, a surge of Qi enveloped Moonlit Pavilion, and outside the restaurant, a familiar voice rang out, Demon Slaying Department is slaying the demons, all unrelated individuals step back!

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