My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 288

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:25 AM

Chapter 288: Your Father Is Not Simple

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Chapter 288: Your Father Is Not Simple

The familiar recipe, the familiar taste.

Qin Feng twitched the corner of his mouth and roughly guessed what was going on.

Chief Zhou lacked confidence in dealing with Sister Mo and didnt want to unnecessarily make enemies. So, he sent Lord Si over to try to settle things peacefully.

However, this guy Yang He obviously didnt grasp this point. He kept insisting that Chief Zhou come over and deal with Sister Mo.

Knowing Chief Zhous personality, he must have been constantly monitoring this place with his spiritual sense. Unable to bear it any longer, he subtly caused trouble for Yang He.

If a leader cant complete a task, insisting that the leader do it continuously is just making things difficult for oneself, isnt it?

Si Zheng patted Yang He on the shoulder, shook his head with a sigh, and then signaled everyone to return to the Demon Slaying Department.

But before leaving, he explained to Qin Feng, Kid, Ill leave these two to you.

Dont worry, Lord Si, Qin Feng replied.

After the Demon Slaying Department left, the disturbance was settled, but the lively atmosphere in the hall during the meal was gone. The peoples movements became much quieter, and they would occasionally glance up.

This result was within Qin Fengs expectations.

Sister Mo and Xiao Bai seemed oblivious to this and continued to enjoy their meal.

After they were satisfied, Qin Feng asked, Are you still going back to the Black Mist Forest?

The beauty in the black robe stretched lazily, and her alluring curves made peoples blood boil.

Qin Feng cleared his throat discreetly, shifting his gaze away.

Xiao Bai imitated her, stretching lazily, but unfortunately, it was nothing special.

The Black Mist Forest? We are not going back. Since we already know that the Dragon Vein is in Jinyang City, cultivating here in the city will naturally be twice as effective.

Qin Feng nodded at her words.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Although, according to Sister Mo, the Dragon Protection Monument had absorbed most of the Spiritual Qi nurtured by the Dragon Vein, the remaining Spiritual Qi still had the effect of accelerating cultivation.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and asked again, But do you have a place to stay in the city?

As soon as this question was asked, Qin Feng saw the black-robed beauty looking at him, playfully blinking her eyes.

The implication was quite obvious.

Qin Feng brought Sister Mo and Xiao Bai back to the Qin Residence.

The gatekeeper saw the young master bringing back two girls, one big and one small. His eyes widened, and he quickly imagined a series of scenarios.

After a brief greeting, he hurriedly ran towards the main hall to report the matter to the master and madam.

Second Mother looked surprised; how could she have imagined that this woman in black and the delicately crafted little girl could actually be mythical creatures?

Qin Feng solemnly addressed Xiao Bai, Dad and Mom are how I refer to them. If you want to call them, you can call them Uncle and Aunt.

Xiao Bai nodded and then spoke in a delicate voice to Dad and Second Mother, Uncle, Aunt.

Upon hearing this, Second Mother looked at Xiao Bai, captivated by her endearing appearance, feeling her heart melting. Xiao Bai resembled Fenger when he was a childrosy lips, white teeth, and an extraordinary grace.

Come here, let Aunt hold you. Second Mother opened her arms.

Xiao Bai glanced at Qin Feng, who nodded in approval. She then cautiously approached and was embraced by the Second Mother.

Fenger, since they have nowhere to stay, let them stay here. Later, have Qinger prepare a guest room for them. Second Mother suggested with a smile.

At her age, what she most hopes for is to be able to hold a grandson or granddaughter and enjoy the happiness of family life.

Unfortunately, Aner has not yet married, and there is no news from Fenger either.

Now that she saw Xiao Bai, she felt like she was seeing her own granddaughter, and she was naturally very happy.

Okay, Second Mother. Qin Feng replied.

After Qinger prepared the guest room, Qin Feng settled Sister Mo and Xiao Bai.

Just as he was about to go to the kitchen to instruct the servants to prepare some dinner, he heard the charming voice of Sister Mo.

That man just now is your biological father?

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, Of course, hes my biological father. What do you mean by asking that?

Your dad is not simple at all. He made me feel palpitations. The last time I had this feeling was with my eldest sister at home. Sister Mo curiously said.

Huh? Dont joke, my dad is just an ordinary person.

The woman in the black robe stared at Qin Feng for a long time, unable to see any strangeness, before slowly withdrawing her gaze, Since you dont know, then forget I asked.

Perplexed, Qin Feng left the guest room, but his mind was always recalling what Sister Mo had just said.

Sister Mo isnt even afraid of Chief Zhou of the Thirty-Six Stars. If you want to make her palpitate, you must at least reach the level of the Twelve Divine Generals.

However, Father.

Qin Feng shook his head with a wry smile. It was difficult for him to associate the Twelve Divine Generals with that scoundrel, feeling that Sister Mos perception was mistaken.

But as he walked, his figure suddenly paused.

For some reason, the image of Lord Ghost Head appeared in his mind. Moreover, that figure gradually merged with his fathers.

Qin Feng knew that this thought was absurd, but it took root in his mind, refusing to fade away, and even growing stronger.

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